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以下顯示從第 1 筆至第 500 筆中的 500 筆結果:

檢視(前 500 筆 | 後 500 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. 'The Guru Question'
  2. 1002 buddhas of this Fortunate Aeon 賢劫千佛
  3. 9th Khamtrul Rinpoche 第九世康祖仁波切
  4. A Brief Guide to the Stages of Visualization 前行觀想次第簡明指導
  5. A Constant Stream of Blessings
  6. A Great Treasure of Blessings 廣大加持藏
  7. A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 大圓滿前行備忘錄
  8. A Hundred Wisdoms 智慧教誡百頌
  9. A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems 《大圓滿傳承源流:藍寶石》
  10. A Mirror Reflecting Clearly the Cöpön Activities for Rigdzin Düpa 持明總集事業金剛明鏡
  11. A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faith: The 17 Nalanda Panditas Research
  12. A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faith: The 17 Nalanda Panditas 至高那爛陀寺十七大班智達之顯明三信祈請文
  13. A Torch for the Path to Omniscience 遍智道炬
  14. Abhaya mudra
  15. Abhayadatta
  16. Abhayakaragupta
  17. Abhedya
  18. Abhidharma 論藏 / 阿毘達摩
  19. Abhisamayalankara 現觀莊嚴論
  20. About Rigpa
  21. Absolute
  22. Absolute bodhichitta 勝義菩提心
  23. Absolute truth
  24. Absorption of cessation
  25. Achala 不動明王
  26. Acharya Salé
  27. Acharya 阿闍黎
  28. Achinta
  29. Adeu Rinpoche 阿度/阿帝仁波切
  30. Adventitious stains
  31. Adzom Drukpa Drodul Pawo Dorje
  32. Adzom Gyalse Gyurme Dorje
  33. Affirmation
  34. Agitation 掉舉
  35. Ajita
  36. Ajogi
  37. Akanishtha 色究竟天 / 奧明剎土
  38. Akashagarbha
  39. Akashagarbha, Bodhisattva 虛空藏菩薩
  40. Akashagarbha Sutra 虛空藏菩薩經
  41. Akhyuk Rinpoche 阿秋仁波切
  42. Akshobhya 阿閦佛/不動佛
  43. Alak Zenkar Pema Ngödrup Rolwé Dorje
  44. Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉森噶.土登尼瑪仁波切
  45. Alan Wallace
  46. Alaya
  47. All-accomplishing wisdom
  48. All-ground consciousness 阿賴耶識 / 含藏識 / 普基識
  49. Amdo
  50. Amdo Geshe Jampal Rolwé Lodrö
  51. Amitabha 阿彌陀佛/無量光佛
  52. Amitabhavyuha Sutra
  53. Amitayus 無量壽佛
  54. Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche 安尼竹穹仁波切
  55. Amoghasiddhi 不空成就佛
  56. Amrita 甘露 / 無死妙藥
  57. An Ornament to Nagarjuna's Intent
  58. Anagarika Dharmapala
  59. Analysis of the Five Skandhas 大乘五蘊論
  60. Analytical meditation
  61. Ananda
  62. Anathapindika
  63. Angaja
  64. Anger 嗔(毒)
  65. Ani Nangsal
  66. Ani Pelu
  67. Ani Rilu
  68. Animal realm 旁生道 / 畜生道
  69. Aniruddha
  70. Annotated Commentary on the Bodhicharyavatara 入行論釋
  71. Antidotes
  72. Anuyoga
  73. Anyen Dampa Kunga Drakpa
  74. Apang Tertön
  75. Appearing object 顯現境
  76. Apprehended object 所執境 / 所取境
  77. Approach and Accomplishment of the Three Vajras 三金剛念修 / 烏金念竹
  78. Arapatsana mantra
  79. Arhat
  80. Arik Rinpoche 阿瑞仁波切
  81. Arya Shura 聖勇大師
  82. Arya Vimuktisena
  83. Arya 聖者
  84. Aryadeva 聖天 / 提婆論師
  85. Asanga 無著論師
  86. Ascertainment of Valid Cognition 定量論
  87. Ascertainment of the Three Types of Vows 阿里班禪之《三律儀論》
  88. Ashoka
  89. Ashvaghosha 馬鳴尊者
  90. Ashvajit
  91. Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  92. Asura cave
  93. Atisha
  94. Atiyoga
  95. Ato Rinpoche 阿圖仁波切
  96. Attributes of Guru Rinpoche
  97. Avagraha (nya log)
  98. Avalokiteshvara 觀世音菩薩
  99. Avatamsaka Sutra 華嚴經
  100. Avichi Hell 阿鼻地獄 / 無間地獄
  101. Awareness
  102. Ba Salnang
  103. Baha
  104. Bairo Rinpoche 毘盧仁波切
  105. Bajung
  106. Bakula
  107. Balaha 巴拉哈(觀音所化現的石馬)
  108. Barché Lamsel 道障遍除
  109. Bardo
  110. Bardo of becoming
  111. Bardo of dharmata
  112. Bardo of dying
  113. Bardo of this life
  114. Bari Lotsawa
  115. Barom Darma Wangchuk
  116. Barom Kagyü 巴榮噶舉
  117. Base-knowledge 一切相智
  118. Basic space
  119. Basic vehicle
  120. Beacon of Certainty 定解寶燈論
  121. Bell 金剛鈴
  122. Benchen Monastery
  123. Beru Khyentse Rinpoche 貝魯欽哲仁波切
  124. Bhadanta Vimuktisena
  125. Bhagavan 薄伽梵 / 出有壞
  126. Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche 巴卡祖古仁波切
  127. Bhasing
  128. Bhavaviveka
  129. Bhrikuti
  130. Bhumi
  131. Bhurkumkuta 穢跡金剛
  132. Black Yamari 黑閻摩使者
  133. Blaze of Reason
  134. Blazing Turquoise Shrine
  135. Blessing
  136. Blessings of Body, Speech, and Mind Mantra
  137. Blue Annals
  138. Bodhgaya
  139. Bodhi tree
  140. Bodhicharyavatara Chapter 5 Outline
  141. Bodhicharyavatara Chapter 6 Outline
  142. Bodhicharyavatara Chapter 7 Outline
  143. Bodhicharyavatara Chapter 8 Outline
  144. Bodhicharyavatara 入菩薩行論
  145. Bodhichitta in action 行菩提心
  146. Bodhichitta in aspiration 願菩提心
  147. Bodhichitta 菩提心
  148. Bodhisattva
  149. Bodhisattva Bhumis
  150. Bodhisattva Samantabhadra
  151. Bodhisattva vow 菩薩戒
  152. Bodhisattva yana
  153. Bokar Rinpoche 波卡仁波切
  154. Bone ornaments
  155. Boudhanath
  156. Brahma
  157. Brahmin
  158. Brief Amitabha Mönlam 阿彌陀佛祈願文 / 求生極樂淨土簡軌
  159. Brief Rabné Practice 開光 / 勝住簡軌
  160. Brunissard 1989
  161. Bubble 的Wiki 簡易說明範例
  162. Buddha Samantabhadra 普賢王如來
  163. Buddha Shakyamuni 釋迦牟尼佛
  164. Buddha field
  165. Buddha fields of the five families 五方佛淨土
  166. Buddha nature
  167. Buddha of Medicine mantra and dharani
  168. Buddha of Medicine 藥師佛
  169. Buddha 佛/佛陀
  170. Buddhacharita 佛所行讚
  171. Buddhaguhya
  172. Buddhahood
  173. Buddhajñanapada
  174. Buddhalochana 慧眼佛母(不動佛的佛母)
  175. Buddhapalita
  176. Buddhas of the five families 五方佛
  177. Buddhas of the three times 三世諸佛/三時諸佛
  178. Buddhism
  179. Buddhist Canon
  180. Butön Rinchen Drup
  181. Bön 苯教
  182. Bönpo
  183. CMBT
  184. Calendrical cycle
  185. Calling the Guru from Afar 遙呼上師祈請文
  186. Categorized absolute
  187. Category of Pith Instructions
  188. Central Tibet
  189. Central University of Tibetan Studies
  190. Central channel
  191. Cessation
  192. Chagdud Khadro 恰度康卓
  193. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche 恰度祖古仁波切
  194. Chak Lotsawa Chöjé Pal
  195. Chakpori 藥王山利眾醫學院
  196. Chakrasamvara Tantra
  197. Chakrasamvara 勝樂金剛/上樂金剛
  198. Chamtrul Rinpoche 江珠仁波切
  199. Chandragomin
  200. Chandrakirti 月稱論師
  201. Changchub
  202. Changchub Dorje 蔣卻多傑
  203. Changchub Gyalpo
  204. Changchub Gyaltsen
  205. Changchub Shunglam
  206. Changing the three types of clothing 三種更衣(事續、行續的外、內、密修持)
  207. Changkya Rolpé Dorje
  208. Chanting the Names of Manjushri 文殊真實名經
  209. Chapa Chökyi Sengé
  210. Charnel ground
  211. Charvaka
  212. Charya Tantra
  213. Chateau de Cassan 1991
  214. Chatral Sangye Dorje 夏扎/賈札.桑傑.多傑
  215. Chekawa Yeshe Dorje
  216. Chemchok Heruka 千秋赫魯迦(大殊勝飲血尊)
  217. Chengawa Tsultrim Bar
  218. Chetsün Nyingtik 傑尊寧體
  219. Chetsün Sengé Wangchuk
  220. Chhoje Rinpoche /邱傑仁波切/
  221. Chilu 贖命延壽儀軌
  222. Chim Jampé Yang
  223. Chim Namkha Drak
  224. Chime Soktik
  225. Chimé Drupé Nyelam 無死迅捷道
  226. Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 無死聖度母心要(無死聖母寧體)
  227. Chimé Rigdzin Rinpoche 企美日津仁波切(彩虹喇嘛)
  228. Chittamatra 唯識宗
  229. Choegon Rinpoche Choekyi Wangchuk 穹恭仁波切確幾.旺秋
  230. Choegon Rinpoche Tenzin Chokyi Gyatso 穹恭仁波切殿津.秋基.嘉措
  231. Choegon Rinpoche 穹恭仁波切
  232. Chogye Trichen Rinpoche 究給.崔津仁波切
  233. Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
  234. Chokling Incarnation Line 秋林轉世源流
  235. Chokling Tersar
  236. Chokro Lüi Gyaltsen
  237. Chomden Rigpé Raldri
  238. Chonyi Rinpoche
  239. Choné Kangyur
  240. Choné Tengyur
  241. Chotrul Düchen
  242. Chulapanthaka
  243. Chunda
  244. Chö 斷法 / 斷境 / 斷魔 (俗稱:施身法)
  245. Chödak
  246. Chödrak Gyatso
  247. Chödrak Zangpo
  248. Chögyal Ngakgi Wangpo
  249. Chögyal Pakpa
  250. Chögyam Trungpa 邱陽創巴仁波切
  251. Chögö
  252. Chöjung
  253. Chöjé Marpa Sherab Yeshé
  254. Chökhor Düchen
  255. Chökyi Drakpa
  256. Chökyi Gyaltsen
  257. Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche 確吉.尼瑪仁波切
  258. Chönyi Namkhai Longdzö 法性廣空藏
  259. Chöpön 事業金剛
  260. Chöying Dorje
  261. Clear Differentiation of the Three Sets of Vows 善辨三律儀論
  262. Clear Words
  263. Clear light
  264. Cognitive obscurations
  265. Collated Tengyur
  266. Collected Topics 攝類學
  267. Collected works of Dodrupchen Tenpe Nyima 多智欽仁波切全集
  268. Collected works of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo 蔣揚欽哲旺波全集
  269. Collected works of Patrul Rinpoche 巴楚仁波切全集
  270. Collected works of Tulku Tsullo
  271. Collection of Advice 龍樹菩薩著作之勸誡集
  272. Collection of Middle Way Reasoning 龍樹菩薩著作之中觀論集
  273. Collection of Praises 龍樹菩薩著作之讚頌集
  274. Commentary on Bodhichitta 釋菩提心論
  275. Commentary on Valid Cognition 釋量論
  276. Commentary on the Four Hundred Verses on the Yogic Deeds of Bodhisattvas
  277. Commentary on the Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness
  278. Commentary on the Sixty Stanzas on Reasoning
  279. Compassion 悲心 / 無量悲
  280. Compassionate energy
  281. Compendium of Abhidharma 大乘阿毘達磨集論
  282. Compendium of Sadhanas 成就法總集
  283. Compendium of Tantras 續部總集
  284. Compendium of Valid Cognition 集量論
  285. Compendium on Reality 攝真如論
  286. Complete application of all aspects
  287. Complete purification
  288. Completion, maturation, and training 圓滿資糧、成熟眾生、修習知見(菩薩三事業)
  289. Completion particle, full stop, སླར་བསྡུ་, རྫོགས་ཚིག་
  290. Conceived object 耽著境
  291. Conceptual elaboration 戲論
  292. Concessive particle, "ornament gather particle", རྒྱན་སྡུད་ཀྱི་སྒྲ་, ཚིག་རྒྱན་
  293. Conditioned
  294. Confession 發露 / 懺悔 / 毀除
  295. Confident faith
  296. Conscientiousness 不放逸
  297. Consciousness
  298. Contentment
  299. Continuative particle, ལྷག་བཅས་ཀྱི་སྒྲ་
  300. Conventional valid cognition
  301. Conventional valid cognition of ordinary limited vision
  302. Conventional valid cognition of pure vision
  303. Coordinating particle, དང་སྒྲ་
  304. Coordinating particle, ཞིང་
  305. Culminating application
  306. Curved knife
  307. Daily Practice of Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 「無死聖度母心要」日修儀軌
  308. Daka 勇父
  309. Daki Gyepe Gegyang
  310. Daki Mengak Gabtik
  311. Dakini 空行
  312. Daknang Yeshe Drawa 淨相智慧網
  313. Dakpo Kagyü 達波噶舉
  314. Dakpo Tashi Namgyal
  315. Dalai Lama Incarnation Line
  316. Damaru 小手鼓
  317. Damshtrasena
  318. Danyi Khala Rongo
  319. Dark kalpa
  320. Dartsang Kalzang Gompa
  321. Dawa Chödak Rinpoche
  322. Debate 辯論
  323. Dechen Namrol
  324. Deden Tashi Chöling
  325. Dedication 迴向
  326. Deer Park
  327. Defiled mental consciousness 末那識 / 染污意
  328. Definition
  329. Definitive meaning
  330. Degyal Rinpoche
  331. Deities of the three seats 寂靜尊三座
  332. Deity 本尊
  333. Dekyong Yeshe Wangmo 德雍.耶喜.旺嫫
  334. Deliberate conduct
  335. Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
  336. Denkarma 《登噶爾瑪錄》
  337. Denma Tsémang
  338. Dependent origination 緣起
  339. Dergé
  340. Dergé Kangyur
  341. Dergé Printing House
  342. Dergé Tengyur
  343. Deshyin Shekpa
  344. Desi Sangye Gyatso
  345. Desire realm 欲界
  346. Desire 貪(毒)
  347. Destructive emotions 煩惱
  348. Detailed Commentary on the Lama Gongdü
  349. Detection
  350. Deva 天 / 天尊
  351. Devadatta
  352. Devendrabuddhi
  353. Devotion
  354. Dezhung Chöphel
  355. Dezhung Rinpoche 德松仁波切
  356. Dhammapada 法句經
  357. Dhanakosha
  358. Dhanasamskrita
  359. Dharani
  360. Dharma Mati
  361. Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
  362. Dharma Senge
  363. Dharma of realization 證法
  364. Dharma of transmission 教法
  365. Dharma 法
  366. Dharmadhatu 法界
  367. Dharmakaya 法身(佛)
  368. Dharmakirti of Suvarnadvipa
  369. Dharmakirti 法稱論師
  370. Dharmarakshita
  371. Dharmasamgiti Sutra
  372. Dharmata
  373. Dharmodaya
  374. Dharmottara
  375. Dhatvishvari 界自在母
  376. Dhitika
  377. Dhongthog Rinpoche 董陀仁波切
  378. Dhritarashtra 南方持國天王
  379. Dignaga 陳那論師
  380. Dignity
  381. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Timeline
  382. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche 頂果欽哲仁波切
  383. Diligence
  384. Dipamkara 燃燈佛
  385. Diptachakra 印輪佛母/普巴金剛佛母
  386. Direct perception 現觀
  387. Discipline
  388. Dispelling Darkness in the Ten Directions 遣除十方諸暗
  389. Dispelling Mind's Darkness 遣除心暗
  390. Dissolution 消融 / 收攝 / 隱沒
  391. Distinguisher
  392. Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata 辨法法性論
  393. Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes 辯中邊論頌
  394. Distinguishing the Two Truths
  395. Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje
  396. Doctor Lodrö Puntsok 洛熱彭措醫生
  397. Dodrup Damchö Zangpo
  398. Dodrupchen Incarnation Line
  399. Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima
  400. Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer
  401. Dodrupchen Jikmé Puntsok Jungné
  402. Dodrupchen Monastery
  403. Dodrupchen Rigdzin Tenpé Gyaltsen
  404. Dodrupchen Rinpoche 多智欽仁波切(音譯:多竹千仁波切)
  405. Dokhampa Shedrub Nyima 多康巴‧熙竺年瑪(第九世康祖法王)
  406. Dokpa 迴遮法
  407. Dola Jikmé Kalzang
  408. Dola Tulku Jigme Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche
  409. Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen
  410. Domang Monastery
  411. Domang Soktrul Rinpoche
  412. Dombi Heruka
  413. Dominant condition 增上緣
  414. Dorje Dechen Lingpa
  415. Dorje Dermo 金剛利爪母
  416. Dorje Drak Monastery
  417. Dorje Gotrab Mantra
  418. Dorje Lekpa
  419. Dorje Lingpa
  420. Dorsem Nyingtik
  421. Double-vajra mudra
  422. Double vajra
  423. Doubt 疑(毒)
  424. Dragon 龍
  425. Dragyab Khyenrab Senge
  426. Drak Yerpa
  427. Drakkar Lobzang Palden
  428. Drakkar Tashiding
  429. Drakra Jamyang Chökyi Nyima
  430. Drakyab Rinpoche 札雅仁波切
  431. Drala 爪拉(札喇)/戰神
  432. Drapa Ngönshé
  433. Drayab Thupten Zangpo
  434. Drel Chung Dön Sal Nyingpo
  435. Drenpa Namkha
  436. Drepung Monastery
  437. Drikung Chetsang Incarnation Line
  438. Drikung Chungtsang Incarnation Line
  439. Drikung Kagyü 直貢噶舉
  440. Drikung Kyobpa Jikten Sumgön
  441. Drikung Tertön Ösal Dorje
  442. Drodul Dorje Tendzin /卓杜.多傑.丹增/
  443. Drodul Gargyi Dorje
  444. Drokmi Lotsawa
  445. Drolma Podrang 度母宮 / 卓瑪頗帳
  446. Dromtönpa Gyalwé Jungné
  447. Drops for Healing Beings
  448. Drops of Nectar
  449. Drops of Reasoning 正理滴論
  450. Drubpa
  451. Drubwang Tsoknyi
  452. Drubwang Tsoknyi Incarnation Line
  453. Drugu Choegyal Rinpoche 竹古.確嘉仁波切
  454. Drukpa Kagyü 竹巴噶舉
  455. Drukpa Kunley
  456. Drukpa Yongdzin Incarnation Line
  457. Drung Tsultrim Gyaltsen
  458. Drungyik Tsering Tashi 仲吉.策林.札西
  459. Drupchen (永日)大成就法會
  460. Drupchö (非永日)成就法會
  461. Drupgyü Nyima
  462. Druptop Tuktik
  463. Dré Gyalwé Lodrö
  464. Duddul Raptenling
  465. Dudjom Gompa
  466. Dudjom Incarnation Line
  467. Dudjom Lingpa Family Lineage
  468. Dudjom Lingpa 敦炯林巴 / 敦珠林巴 / 查同伏藏師
  469. Dudjom Rinpoche's Family Lineage
  470. Dudjom Rinpoche 怙主敦珠仁波切
  471. Dudjom Sangye Pema Zhepa Rinpoche /敦珠.桑傑.貝瑪.協巴仁波切/
  472. Dudjom Tenzin Yeshe Dorje 敦珠.丹增.耶謝.多傑
  473. Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro 敦珠新巖傳前行法
  474. Dudjom Tersar Places of Activity
  475. Dudjom Tersar 敦珠新巖傳 / 敦炯新伏藏
  476. Dudjom Traktung Pema Sokdrub
  477. Dukngal Rangdrol 苦自解脫
  478. Dullness 昏沉
  479. Dungkar Lobzang Trinlé 東噶.洛桑聽列
  480. Dungse Garab Rinpoche
  481. Dungtso Repa 'the later'
  482. Dunhuang
  483. Durtrö Lhamo
  484. Dza Sershul Monastery
  485. Dzachukha
  486. Dzagyal Monastery
  487. Dzambhala 財神/臧巴拉
  488. Dzamling Chi Sang
  489. Dzatrul Kunzang Namgyal
  490. Dzigar Choktrul Incarnation Line
  491. Dzigar Kongtrul Lodrö Rabpel
  492. Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 2-17 June 2001
  493. Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche 吉噶.康楚仁波切
  494. Dzogchen Beara
  495. Dzogchen Dedication Prayer
  496. Dzogchen Dé Sum
  497. Dzogchen Gemang Incarnation Line
  498. Dzogchen Kongtrul Gyurme Könchok Gyaltsen
  499. Dzogchen Monastery
  500. Dzogchen Orgyen Chö Ling

檢視(前 500 筆 | 後 500 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500