此分類包含以下 5 個子分類,共 5 個。
此分類包含以下 104 個頁面,共 104 個。
- Four abodes of Brahma 四梵住
- Four actions which generate the merit of Brahma in this lifetime 四梵行
- Four activities 四事業(息、增、懷、誅)
- Four ambitions 四依/噶當巴四誓願
- Four applications of mindfulness 四念處
- Four aspects of wellbeing 四福德
- Four attributes of the four continents 四大部洲的四特性
- Four bardos 四中有 / 四中陰
- Four bases of miraculous powers 四神足/四如意足(欲、勤、心、觀,屬三十七道品之第三種)
- Four causes that prevent arhats from knowing certain things 四無知因(阿羅漢不具遍知的四種原因)
- Four chakras 四輪
- Four chokshyaks 四全放/四直定
- Four circumstances which destroy one's source of virtue 損善四行(發瞋恨心、自詡功德、於善生悔、顛倒迴向)
- Four classes of tantra 四部密續
- Four clusters 四病源(內風、痰、膽、三者聚合,源自四部醫典)
- Four continents 四大部洲
- Four criteria of validity 四具量(具量原典、具量闡釋、具量上師、具量覺受)
- Four criteria used when applying a title to a text 開題四法(解釋佛典標題的四種方法:辨體、明宗、論用、六成就)
- Four Dharmas of Gampopa 岡波巴四法
- Four dhyanas 四禪
- Four dignities 四威嚴/四威相(屬於香巴拉法教)
- Four doors 四門
- Four empowerments 四灌頂
- Four empties 四空
- Four endings 四際
- Four essential characteristics of karma 業的四種基本特徵
- Four extremes 四邊
- Four fearlessnesses 四無畏
- Four Female Demons 四魔女護法
- Four female gatekeepers 四守門女/四方守護明母
- Four Final Testaments of the Vidyadharas 四持明遺教(極喜金剛《椎擊三要》、妙吉祥友《六修覺受》、吉祥獅子《七釘》、智經《四安住法》)(大圓滿傳規)
- Four forces 四力
- Four formless absorptions 四無色界定
- Four gateways to liberation 四解脫門(空、無相、無願、無作)
- Four gatherings 薈供四聚
- Four genuine masteries of specifics 四辯才(辭無礙辯、義無礙辯、法無礙辯、應無礙辯)(最後一種漢譯為「樂說無礙辯」)
- Four genuine restraints 四正勤(已生惡令永斷、未生惡令不生、已生善令增長、未生善令得生,屬三十七道品之第二種,又名四意斷等)
- Four great canonical languages 古印度四大語族
- Four great disciples of Marpa Lotsawa 譯師馬爾巴之四大弟子
- Four great disciples of Zurchung Sherab Drakpa 素爾穹‧喜饒扎巴之四大弟子
- Four Great Kings 四大天王/四天王天(指的是:南增長、東持國、西廣目、北多聞四大天王)
- Four great logical arguments of the Middle Way 中觀四因論
- Four immeasurables 四無量
- Four Jikmes 四晉美(四位冠名「吉美」的成就者)
- Four joys 四喜
- Four kayas 四身
- Four kinds of blessing 四加持
- Four kinds of mindfulness 四正念
- Four kinds of teacher 四上師
- Four kinds of treatise 四論/四種造論方式
- Four lamps 四燈
- Four links 四相屬
- Four major Buddhist holidays 佛教四大節日
- Four male gatekeepers 護門四王
- Four maras 四魔
- Four Medical Tantras 四部醫典
- Four Menmo 四免姆 / 曼嫫護法
- Four mental engagements 四作意
- Four Metaphors 聞法四喻(觀己為病患、觀法為良藥、觀佛如醫生、遵囑能痊癒,出自《華嚴經》)
- Four misapprehensions 四顛倒
- Four modes of birth 四生
- Four modes 四法(通達佛典義藴的四個層次)
- Four mudras 四印
- Four nails 繫命四釘(舊譯「肯綮四釘」或「命結四釘」,三摩地本尊釘、真言心咒釘、意不變異釘、集散事業釘,屬於大圓滿生起次第緣觀竅訣)
- Four Noble Truths 四聖諦
- Four obscurations 四障
- Four perfect knowledges 四無礙解(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善)
- Four points illustrating the dharmakaya 能詮「果法身」的四義
- Four points illustrating the instantaneous application 能詮「剎那加行」的四義
- Four powers 四力(懺悔四力)
- Four prerequisites 四發心 / 學法四先決條件
- Four primary elements 四大種
- Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理
- Four reliances 四依法
- Four results of the Hinayana path 小乘四果/聲聞乘四果
- Four schools 四學派(印度佛教四部:說一切有部、經量部、瑜伽部、中觀部)(西藏佛教四教派:寧瑪、薩迦、噶舉、格魯)
- Four seals 四法印
- Four Sections of Magical Illusion 幻網四部(出自龍欽巴對《幻網密續》的解釋)
- Four serious faults 四種嚴重過失
- Four sessions of retreat 正修四時
- Four stages of approach and accomplishment 誦修四支
- Four tenet systems 四部宗義
- Four thoughts 四厭離心/出離四想
- Four times of breaking samadhi 座間四時
- Four types of condition 四緣
- Four types of guest 四賓客(上供下施等修持的對象)
- Four types of isolate 四孤起(因明用語)
- Four types of object 四境 / 四種對境
- Four unwholesome dharmas 四種衰損[出自《普賢上師言教》]
- Four vajras 四金剛(金剛身、語、意、智慧)
- Four valid factors 四量(具量原典、具量闡釋、具量上師、具量覺受)
- Four variables 四不定心所(悔、眠、尋、伺)
- Four vidyadhara levels 四持明果位
- Four virtuous disciplines 四賢德(不過份要求、不挾怨報復、不以牙還牙、不揭人隱私)
- Four visions 四相
- Four visualizations for mantra recitation 觀想咒鬘四要點(寧瑪傳承生起次第觀想竅訣)
- Four ways of attracting disciples 四攝事/四攝法(布施、愛語、利行、同事)
- Four wholesome dharmas 四增益(絕不說謊、引眾向道、現菩薩行、忠於有情)
- Four Yakshinis 四藥叉女 / 夜叉女護法
- Four yogas 四瑜伽(大印四瑜伽:專一、離戲、一味、無修)
- Fourfold interrelated purpose 貫旨四要(主題、旨趣、結論、通達)