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此頁列出重新導向至另一個重新導向頁面的頁面。每一列都包含第一次和第二次重新導向頁面的連結,以及第二次重新導向之後的目標,第二次重新導向之後的目標通常是「實際」的目標頁面,也是第一個重新導向頁面應該指向的頁面。 刪節線 代表該項目的問題已經解決。

以下顯示從第 1 筆至第 250 筆中的 250 筆結果:

檢視(前 250 筆 | 後 250 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Mikrim Düpa →‎ A Brief Guide to the Stages of Visualization →‎ A Brief Guide to the Stages of Visualization 前行觀想次第簡明指導
  2. Zindri →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教引導文
  3. A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教備忘錄 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 前行備忘錄 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 大圓滿前行備忘錄
  4. A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教引導文 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教備忘錄 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 前行備忘錄
  5. A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教引導文 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教備忘錄
  6. The Mirror for Seeing Clearly →‎ A Mirror Reflecting Clearly the Chöpön Activities for Rigdzin Düpa →‎ A Mirror Reflecting Clearly the Cöpön Activities for Rigdzin Düpa 持明總集事業金剛明鏡
  7. A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faiths →‎ A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faith: The 17 Nalanda Panditas →‎ A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faith: The 17 Nalanda Panditas 至高那爛陀寺十七大班智達之顯明三信祈請文
  8. Abhisamayālaṃkāra →‎ Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》
  9. Mngon rtogs rgyan →‎ Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》
  10. The Ornament of Clear Realization →‎ Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》
  11. Ornament of Clear Realization →‎ Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》
  12. Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》 →‎ Abhisamayalankara 現觀莊嚴論
  13. Absolute Bodhichitta →‎ Absolute bodhichitta →‎ Absolute bodhichitta 勝義菩提心
  14. Absolute bodhicitta →‎ Absolute bodhichitta →‎ Absolute bodhichitta 勝義菩提心
  15. 中英名相對照 1~84000(法數)中譯 →‎ Acceptance 中譯 →‎ Acceptance 忍
  16. Acceptance 中譯 →‎ Acceptance 忍 →‎ 中英名相對照 1~84000(法數)
  17. Acarya →‎ Acharya →‎ Acharya 阿闍黎
  18. Trulshik Adeu Rinpoche →‎ Adeu Rinpoche →‎ Adeu Rinpoche 阿度/阿帝仁波切
  19. Adhi Rinpoche →‎ Adeu Rinpoche →‎ Adeu Rinpoche 阿度/阿帝仁波切
  20. Akanishta →‎ Akanishtha →‎ Akanishtha 色究竟天 / 奧明剎土
  21. Akashagarbha Sutra →‎ Akashagarbha Sutra 虛空藏經 →‎ Akashagarbha Sutra 虛空藏菩薩經
  22. Khenpo Akhyuk →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche 阿秋仁波切
  23. Acho Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche 阿秋仁波切
  24. Achuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche 阿秋仁波切
  25. Khenpo Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche 阿秋仁波切
  26. Zenkar Rinpoche →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑嘎仁波切
  27. Alak Zenkar Rinpoche →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑嘎仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑噶仁波切
  28. Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑嘎仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑噶仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.森噶仁波切
  29. Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑噶仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.森噶仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉森噶.土登尼瑪仁波切
  30. All-ground consciousness →‎ All-ground consciousness 阿賴耶識 / 含藏識 / 總基識 →‎ All-ground consciousness 阿賴耶識 / 含藏識 / 普基識
  31. Aggression →‎ Anger →‎ Anger 嗔(毒)
  32. Animals →‎ Animal realm →‎ Animal realm 旁生道 / 畜生道
  33. An Annotated Commentary on the 'Bodhicharyavatara' →‎ Annotated Commentary on the Bodhicharyavatara →‎ Annotated Commentary on the Bodhicharyavatara 入行論釋
  34. Held object →‎ Apprehended object →‎ Apprehended object 所執之境
  35. Apprehended object →‎ Apprehended object 所執之境 →‎ Apprehended object 所執境 / 所取境
  36. Orgyen Nyengyü →‎ Approach and Accomplishment of the Three Vajras →‎ Approach and Accomplishment of the Three Vajras 三金剛念修 / 烏金念竹
  37. Aryashura →‎ Arya Shura →‎ Arya Shura 聖勇大師
  38. Ascertainment of the Three Vows →‎ Ascertainment of the Three Types of Vows →‎ Ascertainment of the Three Types of Vows 阿里班禪之《三律儀論》
  39. Dechen mönlam →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  40. Dechen monlam →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  41. Démön →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  42. Prayer of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  43. Dé mön →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  44. Buddha of Compassion →‎ Avalokiteshvara →‎ Avalokiteshvara 觀世音菩薩
  45. Chenrezik →‎ Avalokiteshvara →‎ Avalokiteshvara 觀世音菩薩
  46. Avatamsaka →‎ Avatamsaka Sutra →‎ Avatamsaka Sutra 華嚴經
  47. Avichi hell →‎ Avichi Hell →‎ Avichi Hell 阿鼻地獄 / 無間地獄
  48. Bairo Tulku Rinpoche →‎ Bairo Rinpoche →‎ Bairo Rinpoche 毘盧仁波切
  49. Balahaka →‎ Balaha →‎ Balaha 巴拉哈(觀音所化現的石馬)
  50. Barche Lamsel →‎ Barché Lamsel →‎ Barché Lamsel 道障遍除
  51. Beacon of Precious Certainty →‎ Beacon of Certainty →‎ Beacon of Certainty 定解寶燈論
  52. Introduction to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life →‎ Bodhicharyavatara →‎ Bodhicharyavatara 《入菩薩行論》
  53. Bodhicaryavatara →‎ Bodhicharyavatara →‎ Bodhicharyavatara 《入菩薩行論》
  54. The Way of the Bodhisattva →‎ Bodhicharyavatara →‎ Bodhicharyavatara 《入菩薩行論》
  55. Bodhicharyavatara →‎ Bodhicharyavatara 《入菩薩行論》 →‎ Bodhicharyavatara 入菩薩行論
  56. Bodhicitta →‎ Bodhichitta →‎ Bodhichitta 菩提心
  57. Brief Amitabha Monlam →‎ Brief Amitabha Mönlam →‎ Brief Amitabha Mönlam 阿彌陀佛祈願文 / 求生極樂淨土簡軌
  58. Shakyamuni →‎ Buddha Shakyamuni →‎ Buddha Shakyamuni 釋迦牟尼佛
  59. Shakyamuni Buddha →‎ Buddha Shakyamuni →‎ Buddha Shakyamuni 釋迦牟尼佛
  60. Gautama →‎ Buddha Shakyamuni →‎ Buddha Shakyamuni 釋迦牟尼佛
  61. Buddhafields of the five families →‎ Buddha fields of the five families →‎ Buddha fields of the five families 五方佛土
  62. Buddha fields of the five families →‎ Buddha fields of the five families 五方佛土 →‎ Buddha fields of the five families 五方佛淨土
  63. Sangye Menla →‎ Buddha of Medicine →‎ Buddha of Medicine 藥師佛
  64. Medicine Buddha →‎ Buddha of Medicine →‎ Buddha of Medicine 藥師佛
  65. Sangyé Menla →‎ Buddha of Medicine →‎ Buddha of Medicine 藥師佛
  66. Buddhacarita →‎ Buddhacharita →‎ Buddhacharita 佛所行贊
  67. Buddhacharita →‎ Buddhacharita 佛所行贊 →‎ Buddhacharita 佛所行讚
  68. Five male buddhas →‎ Buddhas of the five families →‎ Buddhas of the five families 五方佛
  69. Buddhas of the three times →‎ Buddhas of the three times 三世諸佛(三時諸佛) →‎ Buddhas of the three times 三世諸佛/三時諸佛
  70. Bon →‎ Bön →‎ Bön 苯教
  71. Calling the Lama →‎ Calling the Guru from Afar →‎ Calling the Guru from Afar 遙呼上師祈請文
  72. Chagdud Khandro →‎ Chagdud Khadro →‎ Chagdud Khadro 恰度康卓
  73. Chamtrul Rinpoche →‎ Chamtrul Rinpoche 強楚仁波切 →‎ Chamtrul Rinpoche 江珠仁波切
  74. Candrakirti →‎ Chandrakirti →‎ Chandrakirti 月稱論師
  75. Three types of clothing →‎ Changing the three types of clothing →‎ Changing the three types of clothing 三種更衣(事續、行續的外、內、密修持)
  76. Chanting the Names of Mañjuśrī →‎ Chanting the Names of Manjushri →‎ Chanting the Names of Manjushri 文殊真實名經
  77. Chadral Rinpoche →‎ Chatral Sangye Dorje →‎ Chatral Sangye Dorje 夏札.桑吉.多傑
  78. Chatral Rinpoche →‎ Chatral Sangye Dorje →‎ Chatral Sangye Dorje 夏札.桑吉.多傑
  79. Chatral Sangye Dorje →‎ Chatral Sangye Dorje 夏札.桑吉.多傑 →‎ Chatral Sangye Dorje 賈札.桑傑.多傑
  80. Chatral Sangye Dorje 夏札.桑吉.多傑 →‎ Chatral Sangye Dorje 賈札.桑傑.多傑 →‎ Chatral Sangye Dorje 夏扎/賈札.桑傑.多傑
  81. Chemchok →‎ Chemchok Heruka →‎ Chemchok Heruka 千秋赫魯迦(大殊勝飲血尊)
  82. Chetsun Nyingtik →‎ Chetsün Nyingtik →‎ Chetsün Nyingtik 傑尊寧體
  83. Lce btsun snying thig →‎ Chetsün Nyingtik →‎ Chetsün Nyingtik 傑尊寧體
  84. Chhoje Rinpoche 邱賈仁波切 →‎ Chhoje Rinpoche /邱賈仁波切/ →‎ Chhoje Rinpoche /邱傑仁波切/
  85. Chhoje Rinpoche →‎ Chhoje Rinpoche 邱賈仁波切 →‎ Chhoje Rinpoche /邱賈仁波切/
  86. Chime Phakme Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 無死聖度母心要(無死聖母寧體)
  87. Chime Pakme Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 無死聖度母心要(無死聖母寧體)
  88. Chime pakma nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 無死聖度母心要(無死聖母寧體)
  89. Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 無死聖度母心要(無死聖母寧體)
  90. Chimé phakma nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 無死聖度母心要(無死聖母寧體)
  91. Chime phakma nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 無死聖度母心要(無死聖母寧體)
  92. Chimé pakmé nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 無死聖度母心要(無死聖母寧體)
  93. Chime pakme nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 無死聖度母心要(無死聖母寧體)
  94. C.R. Lama →‎ Chimé Rigdzin Rinpoche →‎ Chimé Rigdzin Rinpoche 企美日津仁波切(彩虹喇嘛)
  95. Mind Only →‎ Chittamatra →‎ Chittamatra 唯識宗
  96. Choegon Rinpoche Chökyi Wangchuk →‎ Choegon Rinpoche Choekyi Wangchuk →‎ Choegon Rinpoche Choekyi Wangchuk 穹恭仁波切確幾.旺秋
  97. Choegon Rinpoche Chöekyi Wangchuk →‎ Choegon Rinpoche Choekyi Wangchuk →‎ Choegon Rinpoche Choekyi Wangchuk 穹恭仁波切確幾.旺秋
  98. Chogye Trichen Rinpoche →‎ Chogye Trichen Rinpoche 究給.企千仁波切 →‎ Chogye Trichen Rinpoche 究給.崔津仁波切
  99. Chokling Rinpoche Incarnation Line →‎ Chokling Incarnation Line →‎ Chokling Incarnation Line 秋林轉世源流
  100. Chod →‎ Chö →‎ Chö 斷法 / 斷境 / 斷魔 (俗稱:施身法)
  101. Chöd →‎ Chö →‎ Chö 斷法 / 斷境 / 斷魔 (俗稱:施身法)
  102. Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche 邱陽創巴仁波切 →‎ Chögyam Trungpa →‎ Chögyam Trungpa 邱陽創巴仁波切
  103. Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche →‎ Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche 邱陽創巴仁波切 →‎ Chögyam Trungpa
  104. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche →‎ Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche →‎ Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche 確吉.尼瑪仁波切
  105. Chöpon →‎ Chöpön →‎ Chöpön 事業金剛
  106. Chopon →‎ Chöpön →‎ Chöpön 事業金剛
  107. Mchod dpon →‎ Chöpön →‎ Chöpön 事業金剛
  108. Düdra →‎ Collected Topics →‎ Collected Topics 攝類學
  109. Collection of Reasoning →‎ Collection of Middle Way Reasoning →‎ Collection of Middle Way Reasoning 龍樹菩薩著作之中觀論集
  110. Pramanavarttika →‎ Commentary on Valid Cognition →‎ Commentary on Valid Cognition 釋量論
  111. Abhidharma-samuccaya →‎ Compendium of Abhidharma →‎ Compendium of Abhidharma 大乘阿毘達磨集論
  112. Compendium of Logic →‎ Compendium of Valid Cognition →‎ Compendium of Valid Cognition 集量論
  113. Pramāṇa-samuccaya →‎ Compendium of Valid Cognition →‎ Compendium of Valid Cognition 集量論
  114. Tattvasamgraha →‎ Compendium on Reality →‎ Compendium on Reality 《攝真如論》
  115. Compendium on Reality →‎ Compendium on Reality 《攝真如論》 →‎ Compendium on Reality 攝真如論
  116. Carefulness →‎ Conscientiousness →‎ Conscientiousness 不放逸
  117. Daily Practice of Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik →‎ Daily Practice of Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Daily Practice of Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 「無死聖度母心要」日修儀軌
  118. Ḍākinī →‎ Dakini →‎ Dakini 空行
  119. Ḍākini →‎ Dakini →‎ Dakini 空行
  120. Khandro →‎ Dakini →‎ Dakini 空行
  121. Ḍamaru →‎ Damaru →‎ Damaru 小手鼓
  122. Defiled mental consciousness →‎ Defiled mental consciousness 末那識 / 染污識 →‎ Defiled mental consciousness 末那識 / 染污意
  123. Deities →‎ Deity →‎ Deity 本尊
  124. Demi-god →‎ Demi-gods →‎ Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
  125. Demigods →‎ Demi-gods →‎ Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
  126. Demigod →‎ Demi-gods →‎ Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
  127. Asura →‎ Demi-gods →‎ Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
  128. Denkarma →‎ Denkarma 登噶爾瑪 →‎ Denkarma 《登噶爾瑪錄》
  129. Tendrel →‎ Dependent origination →‎ Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼)
  130. Interdependent origination →‎ Dependent origination →‎ Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼)
  131. Interdependence →‎ Dependent origination →‎ Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼)
  132. Dependent origination →‎ Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼) →‎ Dependent origination 緣起
  133. Attachment →‎ Desire →‎ Desire 貪(毒)
  134. Desire Realm →‎ Desire realm →‎ Desire realm 欲界
  135. Klesha →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  136. Nyönmong →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  137. Kleshas →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  138. Disturbing emotions →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  139. Negative emotions →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  140. Deshung Rinpoche →‎ Dezhung Rinpoche →‎ Dezhung Rinpoche 德松仁波切
  141. Buddhadharma →‎ Dharma →‎ Dharma 法
  142. Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
  143. Dharma protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
  144. Dharmapala →‎ Dharma Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
  145. Dharma protector →‎ Dharma Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
  146. Dharma of scripture →‎ Dharma of transmission →‎ Dharma of transmission 教法
  147. Dharmakīrti →‎ Dharmakirti →‎ Dharmakirti 法稱論師
  148. Dhatvishvari 金剛界自在母(大日如來佛母) →‎ Dhatvishvari 界自在母(大日如來佛母) →‎ Dhatvishvari 界自在母
  149. Dhatvishvari →‎ Dhatvishvari 金剛界自在母(大日如來佛母) →‎ Dhatvishvari 界自在母(大日如來佛母)
  150. Dongthog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche 董陀仁波切
  151. Dongtog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche 董陀仁波切
  152. Dhongtog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche 董陀仁波切
  153. Dignāga →‎ Dignaga →‎ Dignaga 陳那論師
  154. Dilgo Khyentse →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche 頂果欽哲仁波切
  155. Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche 頂果欽哲仁波切
  156. Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche 頂果欽哲仁波切
  157. Dharmadharmatavibhaga →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata 辨法法性論
  158. Dharmadharmata-vibhanga →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata 辨法法性論
  159. Dharmadharmatavibhanga →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata 辨法法性論
  160. Distinguishing the Middle from the Extremes →‎ Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes →‎ Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes 辯中邊論頌
  161. Madhyantavibhanga →‎ Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes →‎ Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes 辯中邊論頌
  162. Lodro Puntsok →‎ Doctor Lodrö Puntsok →‎ Doctor Lodrö Puntsok 洛熱彭措醫生
  163. Lodrö Puntsok →‎ Doctor Lodrö Puntsok →‎ Doctor Lodrö Puntsok 洛熱彭措醫生
  164. Dokhampa Shedrub Nyima →‎ Dokhampa Shedrub Nyima 多康巴‧熙竺年瑪(康祖法王) →‎ Dokhampa Shedrub Nyima 多康巴‧熙竺年瑪(第九世康祖法王)
  165. Dralha →‎ Drala →‎ Drala 爪拉(札喇)/戰神
  166. Drolma Phodrang →‎ Drolma Podrang →‎ Drolma Podrang 度母宮
  167. Drolma Podrang →‎ Drolma Podrang 度母宮 →‎ Drolma Podrang 度母宮 / 彭措頗帳
  168. Drolma Podrang 度母宮 →‎ Drolma Podrang 度母宮 / 彭措頗帳 →‎ Drolma Podrang 度母宮 / 卓瑪頗帳
  169. Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche →‎ Drugu Choegyal Rinpoche →‎ Drugu Choegyal Rinpoche 竹古.確嘉仁波切
  170. Drukpa Kagyu →‎ Drukpa Kagyü →‎ Drukpa Kagyü 竹巴噶舉
  171. Drungyik Tsering →‎ Drungyik Tsering Tashi →‎ Drungyik Tsering Tashi 仲吉.策林.札西
  172. Drubchen →‎ Drupchen →‎ Drupchen 大成就(法會) / 永日大成就法會
  173. Drupchen →‎ Drupchen 大成就(法會) / 永日大成就法會 →‎ Drupchen (永日)大成就法會
  174. Drupcho →‎ Drupchö →‎ Drupchö (非永日)密集法會
  175. Drupchö →‎ Drupchö (非永日)密集法會 →‎ Drupchö (非永日)成就法會
  176. Dudjom Rolpa Tsal →‎ Dudjom Lingpa →‎ Dudjom Lingpa 敦炯林巴 / 敦珠林巴 / 查同伏藏師
  177. Dungkar Lobsang Trinley →‎ Dungkar Lobzang Trinlé →‎ Dungkar Lobzang Trinlé 東噶.洛桑聽列
  178. Jambhala →‎ Dzambhala →‎ Dzambhala 財神/臧巴拉
  179. Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche →‎ Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche →‎ Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche 吉噶.康楚仁波切
  180. Dzigar Kongtrul →‎ Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche →‎ Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche 吉噶.康楚仁波切
  181. Great Perfection →‎ Dzogchen →‎ Dzogchen 大圓滿法
  182. Dzogpachenpo →‎ Dzogchen →‎ Dzogchen 大圓滿法
  183. Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche →‎ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche →‎ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche 竹慶本樂仁波切
  184. Dzogchen Ponlop →‎ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche →‎ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche 竹慶本樂仁波切
  185. ▷DPR →‎ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche →‎ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche 竹慶本樂仁波切
  186. DPR →‎ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche →‎ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche 竹慶本樂仁波切
  187. Perfection phase →‎ Dzogrim →‎ Dzogrim 圓滿次第
  188. Stage of completion, →‎ Dzogrim →‎ Dzogrim 圓滿次第
  189. Completion stage →‎ Dzogrim →‎ Dzogrim 圓滿次第
  190. Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche 宗薩欽哲仁波切
  191. Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse →‎ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche 宗薩欽哲仁波切
  192. Dudtsi Yonten →‎ Düdtsi Yönten →‎ Düdtsi Yönten 甘露軍荼利明王
  193. Amritakundali →‎ Düdtsi Yönten →‎ Düdtsi Yönten 甘露軍荼利明王
  194. Eight cold hells →‎ Eight Cold Hells →‎ Eight Cold Hells 八寒地獄
  195. Eight hot hells →‎ Eight Hot Hells →‎ Eight Hot Hells 八熱地獄
  196. Eight auspicious substances →‎ Eight auspicious substances 八吉祥物 →‎ Eight auspicious substances 八瑞物
  197. Eight Bhumis →‎ Eight bhumis →‎ Eight bhumis 聲聞八地
  198. Eight grounds →‎ Eight bhumis →‎ Eight bhumis 聲聞八地
  199. Eight collections of consciousness →‎ Eight consciousnesses →‎ Eight consciousnesses 八識
  200. Lhun grub kyi sgo brgyad →‎ Eight doors of spontaneous presence →‎ Eight doors of spontaneous presence 任成八門
  201. Eight extremes of conceptual elaboration →‎ Eight extremes →‎ Eight extremes 八種邊見
  202. Eight close sons →‎ Eight great bodhisattvas →‎ Eight great bodhisattvas 八大菩薩
  203. Eight Great Close Sons →‎ Eight great bodhisattvas →‎ Eight great bodhisattvas 八大菩薩
  204. Eight bodhisattvas →‎ Eight great bodhisattvas →‎ Eight great bodhisattvas 八大菩薩
  205. Eight fears →‎ Eight great fears →‎ Eight great fears 八大怖畏
  206. Eight great pillars of the practice lineage →‎ Eight great pillars of the practice lineage 實修傳承八大柱 →‎ Eight great pillars of the practice lineage 實修傳承八棟梁
  207. Eight Impossible States Where Mind Cuts Us Off From The Dharma →‎ Eight impossible states where mind cuts us off from the Dharma →‎ Eight impossible states where mind cuts us off from the Dharma 心絕法緣墮八無暇
  208. Eight unfree states due to an unfortunate frame of mind →‎ Eight impossible states where mind cuts us off from the Dharma →‎ Eight impossible states where mind cuts us off from the Dharma 心絕法緣墮八無暇
  209. Eight unfree states due to temporary conditions →‎ Eight incidental circumstances which make Dharma impossible →‎ Eight incidental circumstances which make Dharma impossible 暫時因緣的八無暇
  210. Eight Incidental Circumstances Which Make Dharma Impossible →‎ Eight incidental circumstances which make Dharma impossible →‎ Eight incidental circumstances which make Dharma impossible 暫時因緣的八無暇
  211. Eight incidental circumstances which make Dharma impossible →‎ Eight incidental circumstances which make Dharma impossible 暫時因緣的八無暇 →‎ Eight incidental circumstances which make Dharma impossible 暫時因緣墮八無暇
  212. Eight kinds of implied and indirect teachings →‎ Eight kinds of implied and indirect teachings 八種隱義與密意的教導 →‎ Eight kinds of implied and indirect teachings 八種隱義的教導
  213. Eight kinds of precious substances →‎ Eight kinds of precious substances 八殊勝物 →‎ Eight kinds of precious substances 八珍寶物
  214. Eight ordinary siddhis →‎ Eight ordinary accomplishments →‎ Eight ordinary accomplishments 八共成就
  215. Eight complete freedoms →‎ Eight perfect freedoms →‎ Eight perfect freedoms 八解脫 / 八背捨
  216. Eight chariots of the practice lineage →‎ Eight practice lineages →‎ Eight practice lineages 八大傳承
  217. Eight examples of illusoriness →‎ Eight similes of illusion →‎ Eight similes of illusion 幻象八喻
  218. Eight similes of illusoriness →‎ Eight similes of illusion →‎ Eight similes of illusion 幻象八喻
  219. Eight similes of illusion →‎ Eight similes of illusion 幻象八喻 →‎ Eight similes of illusion 如幻八喻
  220. Eight topics →‎ Eight topics 八句義 →‎ Eight topics 八句義 / 八事
  221. Eight tramen →‎ Eight tramen 八獸首母 →‎ Eight tramen 八獸首母 / 剎門
  222. Eight treasures of confidence →‎ Eight treasures of confidence 八信解藏 →‎ Eight treasures of confidence 八大法藏
  223. Eight mundane concerns →‎ Eight worldly preoccupations →‎ Eight worldly preoccupations 世間八法
  224. Eight samsaric dharmas →‎ Eight worldly preoccupations →‎ Eight worldly preoccupations 世間八法
  225. Eight worldly concerns →‎ Eight worldly preoccupations →‎ Eight worldly preoccupations 世間八法
  226. Eighteen elements →‎ Eighteen dhatus →‎ Eighteen dhatus 十八界
  227. Eighteen great sciences →‎ Eighteen great sciences 十八大明 →‎ Eighteen great sciences 十八(大)明
  228. Hells →‎ Eighteen hells →‎ Eighteen hells 十八地獄
  229. Hell realms →‎ Eighteen hells →‎ Eighteen hells 十八地獄
  230. Eighteen Mahayoga tantras →‎ Eighteen tantras of Mahayoga →‎ Eighteen tantras of Mahayoga 瑪哈瑜伽十八續
  231. Eighteen unshared attributes →‎ Eighteen unshared attributes 十八不共相 →‎ Eighteen unshared attributes 十八不共法
  232. Eighteen unshared qualities of a buddha →‎ Eighteen unshared qualities of a buddha 佛十八不共相 →‎ Eighteen unshared qualities of a buddha 佛十八不共法
  233. 84 mahasiddhas →‎ Eighty-four mahasiddhas →‎ Eighty-four mahasiddhas 印度八十四大成就者
  234. 84 Mahasiddhas →‎ Eighty-four mahasiddhas →‎ Eighty-four mahasiddhas 印度八十四大成就者
  235. Rang bzhin brgyad cu‘i kun rtog →‎ Eighty indicative conceptions →‎ Eighty indicative conceptions 八十性妄(八十種遮蔽心性的妄想執著)
  236. Eighty inexhaustibles →‎ Eighty inexhaustibles 八十無盡[出自《海意菩薩所問淨印法門經》與米滂仁波切《智者入門》對菩提心的闡釋] →‎ Eighty inexhaustibles 八十無盡
  237. Ekazati →‎ Ekadzati →‎ Ekadzati 一髮母
  238. Ekajati →‎ Ekadzati →‎ Ekadzati 一髮母
  239. Eleven Deeds →‎ Eleven deeds →‎ Eleven deeds 蓮師十一行誼
  240. Elven systems of Indian philosophy →‎ Eleven systems of Indian philosophy →‎ Eleven systems of Indian philosophy 印度哲學十一派
  241. Elizabeth Namgyel →‎ Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel →‎ Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel 伊麗莎白.馬蒂斯.南嘉
  242. Shunyata →‎ Emptiness →‎ Emptiness 空性
  243. Awakening →‎ Enlightenment →‎ Enlightenment 菩提 / 證悟 / 覺醒
  244. Enlightenment →‎ Enlightenment 菩提 / 證悟 / 覺醒 →‎ Enlightenment 菩提 / 證悟 / 正覺
  245. Ye Dharma →‎ Essence of Dependent Origination dharani →‎ Essence of Dependent Origination dharani 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅尼)
  246. False Aspectarians →‎ False Aspectarians 無相唯識派 →‎ False Aspectarians 無相 / 假相唯識派
  247. Fifty-eight wrathful deities →‎ Fifty-eight wrathful deities 中譯 →‎ Fifty-eight wrathful deities 五十八忿怒尊
  248. Mental states →‎ Fifty-one mental states →‎ Fifty-one mental states 五十一心所
  249. 51 mental states →‎ Fifty-one mental states →‎ Fifty-one mental states 五十一心所
  250. Fifty Verses on the Lama →‎ Fifty Stanzas on Following a Teacher →‎ Fifty Stanzas on Following a Teacher 事師法五十頌

檢視(前 250 筆 | 後 250 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500