Four vidyadhara levels 四持明果位

於 2024年7月31日 (三) 20:08 由 SSTC Serena對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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Four vidyadhara levels (Tib. rigdzin nampa shyi; Wyl. rig 'dzin rnam pa bzhi) — the four levels of a vidyadhara which are specific to the Dzogchen or Nyingma tradition.

  1. 異熟持明matured vidyadhara (Tib. namin rigdzin; Wyl. rnam smin rig 'dzin)
  2. 壽自在持明vidyadhara with power over life (Tib. tsewang rigdzin; Wyl. tshe dbang rig 'dzin)
  3. 大手印持明mahamudra vidyadhara (Tib. chakchen rigdzin; Wyl. phyag chen rig 'dzin)
  4. 任運持明spontaneously accomplished vidyadhara (Tib. lhundrup rigdzin; Wyl. lhun grub rig 'dzin)

Related to the Five Paths

According to Longchenpa:

Khenpo Ngakchung states:

  • Those who have the ability to purify the ordinary body with the fire of concentration and transform it into a subtle body acquire the power of immortal life and are called vidyadharas with power over life.
  • Those who have not been able to purify their bodies but whose minds have ripened into the deity’s body are known as matured vidyadharas.
  • Those who are on the second to the ninth bhumis are mahamudra vidyadharas.
  • Then, at the end of the path, at the moment buddhahood is reached, they are spontaneously accomplished vidyadharas.

Further Reading