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  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    806位元組 (78 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 11:33
  • …in 1967, he was appointed by Kyabje [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] as the head of the Nyingmapa department at the recently formed [[Central Institute of Higher Tibetan… [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    2 KB (154 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 11:36
  • Beginning in the 1970’s, he constructed [[Tso Pema Orgyen Heruka Nyingmapa Gompa]], a monastery near the lake, as well as a retreat center on the mo *[[Tso Pema Orgyen Heruka Nyingmapa Gompa]]
    3 KB (326 個字) - 2021年3月29日 (一) 12:39
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    1 KB (133 個字) - 2020年3月18日 (三) 12:37
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    2 KB (208 個字) - 2021年4月30日 (五) 14:59
  • …་</big>, Wyl. ''mkhan po bsod nams stobs ldan'') (b. ca. 1977) — a young [[Nyingma]] [[khenpo]] from [[Namdroling Monastery]]. …Namdrol]] and [[Khenpo Pema Sherab]], two of the seniormost khenpos of the Nyingma lineage.
    3 KB (319 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 21:37
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    2 KB (195 個字) - 2020年7月21日 (二) 14:57
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    1 KB (125 個字) - 2020年3月18日 (三) 11:31
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    939位元組 (92 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 11:34
  • …e has received the transmissions of the [[Kangyur]], [[Nyingma Gyübum]], [[Nyingma Kama]], [[Rinchen Terdzö]], and [[Chokling Tersar]] as well as many other [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    3 KB (295 個字) - 2024年2月9日 (五) 16:53
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    2 KB (162 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 11:30
  • …[[Madhyamika]] philosophy, Khenchen Pema Tsewang studied with the famous [[Nyingma]] master [[Tulku Drukbu]] who was regarded as the reincarnation of [[Mipham …ition. Over 200 monks at the Pugong Monastery receive full training in the Nyingma tradition. Khenchen Pema Tsewang regularly visited [[Shechen Monastery]],…
    4 KB (434 個字) - 2021年2月7日 (日) 17:59
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    1 KB (151 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 11:35
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    2 KB (153 個字) - 2021年4月30日 (五) 15:24
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    1 KB (72 個字) - 2020年3月18日 (三) 10:34
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    1 KB (112 個字) - 2021年7月7日 (三) 17:00
  • …Rinpoch to organize his 'Collected Works' and his revision of the whole [[Nyingma Kama]]. [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    2 KB (184 個字) - 2021年4月30日 (五) 15:31
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    1 KB (106 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:04
  • …yl.]] ''rme ba mkhan po thub bstan 'od zer'') (1928-2000) — an important [[Nyingma]] [[khenpo]] who spent much of his later life in Manali, India. He was a st [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
    3 KB (292 個字) - 2021年2月7日 (日) 20:15
  • …ar thang sprul sku kun dga' dge legs ye shes rdo rje'') (b. 1934/5) is a [[Nyingma]] teacher based in America. He was born in Archung in the Golok region of… …rsity in Varanasi. He went to America in 1968, and established the Tibetan Nyingma Meditation Center in California. He currently oversees various projects inc
    4 KB (354 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 21:39

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