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此頁列出重新導向至另一個重新導向頁面的頁面。每一列都包含第一次和第二次重新導向頁面的連結,以及第二次重新導向之後的目標,第二次重新導向之後的目標通常是「實際」的目標頁面,也是第一個重新導向頁面應該指向的頁面。 刪節線 代表該項目的問題已經解決。

以下顯示從第 1 筆至第 50 筆中的 50 筆結果:

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Mikrim Düpa →‎ A Brief Guide to the Stages of Visualization →‎ A Brief Guide to the Stages of Visualization 前行觀想次第簡明指導
  2. Zindri →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教引導文
  3. A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教備忘錄 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 前行備忘錄 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 大圓滿前行備忘錄
  4. A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教引導文 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教備忘錄 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 前行備忘錄
  5. A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教引導文 →‎ A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教備忘錄
  6. The Mirror for Seeing Clearly →‎ A Mirror Reflecting Clearly the Chöpön Activities for Rigdzin Düpa →‎ A Mirror Reflecting Clearly the Cöpön Activities for Rigdzin Düpa 持明總集事業金剛明鏡
  7. A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faiths →‎ A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faith: The 17 Nalanda Panditas →‎ A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faith: The 17 Nalanda Panditas 至高那爛陀寺十七大班智達之顯明三信祈請文
  8. Abhisamayālaṃkāra →‎ Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》
  9. Ornament of Clear Realization →‎ Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》
  10. The Ornament of Clear Realization →‎ Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》
  11. Mngon rtogs rgyan →‎ Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》
  12. Abhisamayalankara →‎ Abhisamayalankara 《現觀莊嚴論》 →‎ Abhisamayalankara 現觀莊嚴論
  13. Absolute Bodhichitta →‎ Absolute bodhichitta →‎ Absolute bodhichitta 勝義菩提心
  14. Absolute bodhicitta →‎ Absolute bodhichitta →‎ Absolute bodhichitta 勝義菩提心
  15. 中英名相對照 1~84000(法數)中譯 →‎ Acceptance 中譯 →‎ Acceptance 忍
  16. Acceptance 中譯 →‎ Acceptance 忍 →‎ 中英名相對照 1~84000(法數)
  17. Acarya →‎ Acharya →‎ Acharya 阿闍黎
  18. Trulshik Adeu Rinpoche →‎ Adeu Rinpoche →‎ Adeu Rinpoche 阿度/阿帝仁波切
  19. Adhi Rinpoche →‎ Adeu Rinpoche →‎ Adeu Rinpoche 阿度/阿帝仁波切
  20. Akanishta →‎ Akanishtha →‎ Akanishtha 色究竟天 / 奧明剎土
  21. Akashagarbha Sutra →‎ Akashagarbha Sutra 虛空藏經 →‎ Akashagarbha Sutra 虛空藏菩薩經
  22. Khenpo Akhyuk →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche 阿秋仁波切
  23. Acho Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche 阿秋仁波切
  24. Khenpo Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche 阿秋仁波切
  25. Achuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche →‎ Akhyuk Rinpoche 阿秋仁波切
  26. Zenkar Rinpoche →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑嘎仁波切
  27. Alak Zenkar Rinpoche →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑嘎仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑噶仁波切
  28. Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑嘎仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑噶仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.森噶仁波切
  29. Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.桑噶仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉.森噶仁波切 →‎ Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉森噶.土登尼瑪仁波切
  30. All-ground consciousness →‎ All-ground consciousness 阿賴耶識 / 含藏識 / 總基識 →‎ All-ground consciousness 阿賴耶識 / 含藏識 / 普基識
  31. Aggression →‎ Anger →‎ Anger 嗔(毒)
  32. Animals →‎ Animal realm →‎ Animal realm 旁生道 / 畜生道
  33. An Annotated Commentary on the 'Bodhicharyavatara' →‎ Annotated Commentary on the Bodhicharyavatara →‎ Annotated Commentary on the Bodhicharyavatara 入行論釋
  34. Held object →‎ Apprehended object →‎ Apprehended object 所執之境
  35. Apprehended object →‎ Apprehended object 所執之境 →‎ Apprehended object 所執境 / 所取境
  36. Orgyen Nyengyü →‎ Approach and Accomplishment of the Three Vajras →‎ Approach and Accomplishment of the Three Vajras 三金剛念修 / 烏金念竹
  37. Aryashura →‎ Arya Shura →‎ Arya Shura 聖勇大師
  38. Ascertainment of the Three Vows →‎ Ascertainment of the Three Types of Vows →‎ Ascertainment of the Three Types of Vows 阿里班禪之《三律儀論》
  39. Prayer of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  40. Démön →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  41. Dechen monlam →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  42. Dechen mönlam →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  43. Dé mön →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  44. Chenrezik →‎ Avalokiteshvara →‎ Avalokiteshvara 觀世音菩薩
  45. Buddha of Compassion →‎ Avalokiteshvara →‎ Avalokiteshvara 觀世音菩薩
  46. Avatamsaka →‎ Avatamsaka Sutra →‎ Avatamsaka Sutra 華嚴經
  47. Avichi hell →‎ Avichi Hell →‎ Avichi Hell 阿鼻地獄 / 無間地獄
  48. Bairo Tulku Rinpoche →‎ Bairo Rinpoche →‎ Bairo Rinpoche 毘盧仁波切
  49. Balahaka →‎ Balaha →‎ Balaha 巴拉哈(觀音所化現的石馬)
  50. Barche Lamsel →‎ Barché Lamsel →‎ Barché Lamsel 道障遍除

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500