Four female gatekeepers 四守門女/四方守護明母

於 2016年8月23日 (二) 14:22 由 SSTC yehkina對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (SSTC yehkina 已移動頁面 Four female gatekeepersFour female gatekeepers 四守門女/四方守護明母
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The four female gatekeepers (Wyl. sgo ma bzhi), who are counted among the forty-two peaceful deities, are:

  1. Ankusha (Skt. Aṅkuśā; Wyl. lcags kyu ma or rta gdong ma) also called 'Horse Face' or 'Iron Hook', guarding the east gate and in union with Vijaya (or Achala?)
  2. Pasha (Skt. Pāśā; Wyl. zhags pa ma or phag gdong ma) also called 'Sow Face' or 'the Noose', guarding the south gate and in union with Yamantaka
  3. Shrinkhala (Skt. Śriṅkhalā; Wyl. lcags sgrog ma or seng gdong ma) also called 'Lion Face' or 'Iron Chain', guarding the west gate and in union with Hayagriva
  4. Ghanta (Skt. Ghaṇtā; Wyl. dril bu ma or spyang gdong ma) also called 'Wolf Face' or 'the Bell', guarding the north gate and in union with Amritakundali.

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