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  • …down in an aural lineage transmitted by countless learned and accomplished masters, all thanks to the kindness of Khenpo [[Shantarakshita]], Guru [[Padmasambh
    5 KB (620 個字) - 2021年1月19日 (二) 16:05
  • …of her time. The present Khandro Rinpoche holds the lineages of both the [[Nyingma]] and [[Kagyü]] traditions. …as received teachings and transmissions from some of the most accomplished masters of the 20th century, including His Holiness the [[Dalai Lama]], [[Minling…
    4 KB (383 個字) - 2021年3月29日 (一) 12:11
  • '''A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems: Biographies of Masters of Awareness in the Dzogchen Lineage''' is the only comprehensive history… …Anyone who matters is represented here, every link in the chain, including masters of our time. . . . It is a milestone, and I do not feel that it will ever…
    14 KB (1,843 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:37
  • *{{LH|tibetan-masters/nyingma-masters/khenpo-pema-vajra/brief-overview-three-turnings|''A Brief Overview of the…
    4 KB (534 個字) - 2022年7月14日 (四) 19:35
  • …o'') (1884-c.1957<ref>The birth year of 1884 is given in Tulku Thondup's ''Masters of Meditation and Miracles''. According to the Khordong monastery website… [[Category:Historical Masters]]
    5 KB (778 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:36
  • …a [[Rime]] teacher, Wangdor Rimpoche received teachings from the following masters<Ref>Text based on information extracted from http://www.customjuju.com</Ref Beginning in the 1970’s, he constructed [[Tso Pema Orgyen Heruka Nyingmapa Gompa]], a monastery near the lake, as well as a retreat center on the mo
    3 KB (326 個字) - 2021年3月29日 (一) 12:39
  • [[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]] [[Category:Dudjom Tersar Masters]]
    2 KB (207 個字) - 2020年5月12日 (二) 15:57
  • …bla ma dkar po'') (1917-1972) was one of the most exceptional [[Dzogchen]] masters of the 20th century. …xtensive teachings of [[Longchen Nyingtik]] to more than hundreds dzogchen masters at Paro, Bhutan.
    9 KB (1,217 個字) - 2021年4月30日 (五) 15:29
  • …po, ''A Garland of Immortal Wish-Fulfilling Trees: The Palyul Tradition of Nyingmapa'', translated by Sangye Khandro, Snow Lion, 1988 [[Category:Nyingma Masters]]
    3 KB (488 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:34
  • …rocky cliff, Tokden Paksam Gyatso predicted that he would incarnate as a [[Nyingma]] practitioner for his next three lifetimes. Two incarnations have been rec [[Category:Drukpa Kagyü Masters]]
    3 KB (477 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:35
  • …g Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö]] brought him in contact with the greatest Tibetan masters of the age.'' …transmissions and teachings when Dzongsar played host to many hundreds of masters from all traditions, he ensured that all of them were taken care of properl
    13 KB (2,069 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:35
  • …ster [[Nyala Pema Dündul]]. From an early age he studied with many revered masters in [[East Tibet]]. …, and studied and practised with masters of the [[Sakya]], [[Gelug]] and [[Nyingma]] schools.
    4 KB (448 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 21:37
  • …Rinpoche''' (b. 1925) is a senior lama of the [[Palyul]] lineage of the [[Nyingma]] school of [[Tibetan Buddhism]]. …instruction on many Buddhist treatises by numerous renowned masters of the Nyingma tradition, including Tulku Natsok Rangdrol, [[Thubten Chökyi Dawa|Payul Ch
    5 KB (484 個字) - 2020年3月18日 (三) 12:50
  • …ern Buddhist teachers. He became one of [[Sogyal Rinpoche]]'s most beloved masters. …chings on to a few close disciples, as well as to a number of the greatest masters and lineage holders of his time.
    8 KB (972 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 17:19
  • …' (Tib. [[ཀློང་ཆེན་སྙིང་ཐིག་]], [[Wyl.]] ''klong chen snying thig'') — a [[Nyingma]] cycle of teachings and practice, which was discovered by [[Jikmé Lingpa] …dingly awakened in the enlightened mind of Jikmé Lingpa as mind ter.<ref>''Masters of Meditation and Miracles'', by Tulku Thondup, pages 43-44.</ref>
    13 KB (1,848 個字) - 2021年1月19日 (二) 15:15
  • …at [[Dzongsar]] that he offered teachings on [[Yeshe Lama]] to a group of masters that included [[Loter Wangpo]] and [[Mipham Rinpoche]]. *[[Nyoshul Khenpo]], ''A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems: Biographies of Masters of Awareness in the Dzogchen Lineage'', Padma Publications, 2005, pages 239
    8 KB (1,179 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:17
  • …r with [[Padmasambhava]] and [[Vimalamitra]], he was one of the three main masters to bring the [[Dzogchen]] teachings to Tibet. <br> *[[Nyoshul Khenpo]], ''[[A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems]]: Biographies of Masters of Awareness in the Dzogchen Lineage'' (Junction City: Padma Publications,
    4 KB (378 個字) - 2022年1月3日 (一) 10:23
  • …ngpa]], and to Sempa Dorje, the reincarnation of one of Nyala Pema’s first masters. The latter transmitted the teachings to Anyé Tulku Pema Tashi. Sempa Dorj *{{LH|tibetan-masters/nyala-pema-dundul|Nyala Pema Dündul Series on Lotsawa House}}
    6 KB (929 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:17
  • …s [[Jamgön Mipham Gyatso]] or [[Ju Mipham Rinpoche]] (1846-1912)—a great [[Nyingma]] master and writer of the last century—based on a [[sutra]] with a simil *{{LH|tibetan-masters/mipham/verses-eight-noble-auspicious-ones|''Verses of the Eight Noble Auspi
    3 KB (423 個字) - 2020年12月13日 (日) 20:54
  • …[Wyl.]] ''pad+ma shes rab'') is one of the seniormost [[khenpo]]s in the [[Nyingma]] tradition and one of the three [[Khenchen]] or 'great khenpos' of [[Namdr …y of the [[Karmapa]]s, which at that time was home to many great [[Kagyü]] masters who had escaped from the troubles in East Tibet. While on pilgrimage in Cen
    5 KB (551 個字) - 2021年3月29日 (一) 12:27

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