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此頁列出重新導向至另一個重新導向頁面的頁面。每一列都包含第一次和第二次重新導向頁面的連結,以及第二次重新導向之後的目標,第二次重新導向之後的目標通常是「實際」的目標頁面,也是第一個重新導向頁面應該指向的頁面。 刪節線 代表該項目的問題已經解決。

以下顯示從第 111 筆至第 160 筆中的 50 筆結果:

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Abhidharma-samuccaya →‎ Compendium of Abhidharma →‎ Compendium of Abhidharma 大乘阿毘達磨集論
  2. Pramāṇa-samuccaya →‎ Compendium of Valid Cognition →‎ Compendium of Valid Cognition 集量論
  3. Compendium of Logic →‎ Compendium of Valid Cognition →‎ Compendium of Valid Cognition 集量論
  4. Tattvasamgraha →‎ Compendium on Reality →‎ Compendium on Reality 《攝真如論》
  5. Compendium on Reality →‎ Compendium on Reality 《攝真如論》 →‎ Compendium on Reality 攝真如論
  6. Carefulness →‎ Conscientiousness →‎ Conscientiousness 不放逸
  7. Daily Practice of Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik →‎ Daily Practice of Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik →‎ Daily Practice of Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 「無死聖度母心要」日修儀軌
  8. Khandro →‎ Dakini →‎ Dakini 空行
  9. Ḍākini →‎ Dakini →‎ Dakini 空行
  10. Ḍākinī →‎ Dakini →‎ Dakini 空行
  11. Ḍamaru →‎ Damaru →‎ Damaru 小手鼓
  12. Defiled mental consciousness →‎ Defiled mental consciousness 末那識 / 染污識 →‎ Defiled mental consciousness 末那識 / 染污意
  13. Deities →‎ Deity →‎ Deity 本尊
  14. Asura →‎ Demi-gods →‎ Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
  15. Demi-god →‎ Demi-gods →‎ Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
  16. Demigods →‎ Demi-gods →‎ Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
  17. Demigod →‎ Demi-gods →‎ Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
  18. Denkarma →‎ Denkarma 登噶爾瑪 →‎ Denkarma 《登噶爾瑪錄》
  19. Tendrel →‎ Dependent origination →‎ Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼)
  20. Interdependence →‎ Dependent origination →‎ Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼)
  21. Interdependent origination →‎ Dependent origination →‎ Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼)
  22. Dependent origination →‎ Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼) →‎ Dependent origination 緣起
  23. Attachment →‎ Desire →‎ Desire 貪(毒)
  24. Desire Realm →‎ Desire realm →‎ Desire realm 欲界
  25. Klesha →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  26. Disturbing emotions →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  27. Negative emotions →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  28. Nyönmong →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  29. Kleshas →‎ Destructive emotions →‎ Destructive emotions 煩惱
  30. Deshung Rinpoche →‎ Dezhung Rinpoche →‎ Dezhung Rinpoche 德松仁波切
  31. Buddhadharma →‎ Dharma →‎ Dharma 法
  32. Dharma protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
  33. Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
  34. Dharmapala →‎ Dharma Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
  35. Dharma protector →‎ Dharma Protectors →‎ Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
  36. Dharma of scripture →‎ Dharma of transmission →‎ Dharma of transmission 教法
  37. Dharmakīrti →‎ Dharmakirti →‎ Dharmakirti 法稱論師
  38. Dhatvishvari 金剛界自在母(大日如來佛母) →‎ Dhatvishvari 界自在母(大日如來佛母) →‎ Dhatvishvari 界自在母
  39. Dhatvishvari →‎ Dhatvishvari 金剛界自在母(大日如來佛母) →‎ Dhatvishvari 界自在母(大日如來佛母)
  40. Dhongtog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche 董陀仁波切
  41. Dongtog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche 董陀仁波切
  42. Dongthog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche →‎ Dhongthog Rinpoche 董陀仁波切
  43. Dignāga →‎ Dignaga →‎ Dignaga 陳那論師
  44. Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche 頂果欽哲仁波切
  45. Dilgo Khyentse →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche 頂果欽哲仁波切
  46. Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche 頂果欽哲仁波切
  47. Dharmadharmata-vibhanga →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata 辨法法性論
  48. Dharmadharmatavibhanga →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata 辨法法性論
  49. Dharmadharmatavibhaga →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata →‎ Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata 辨法法性論
  50. Distinguishing the Middle from the Extremes →‎ Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes →‎ Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes 辯中邊論頌

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500