刪節線 代表該項目的問題已經解決。
以下顯示從第 101 筆至第 150 筆中的 50 筆結果:
檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
- Chöd → Chö → Chö 斷法 / 斷境 / 斷魔 (俗稱:施身法)
- Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche 邱陽創巴仁波切 → Chögyam Trungpa → Chögyam Trungpa 邱陽創巴仁波切
- Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche → Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche 邱陽創巴仁波切 → Chögyam Trungpa
- Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche → Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche → Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche 確吉.尼瑪仁波切
- Chöpon → Chöpön → Chöpön 事業金剛
- Chopon → Chöpön → Chöpön 事業金剛
- Mchod dpon → Chöpön → Chöpön 事業金剛
- Düdra → Collected Topics → Collected Topics 攝類學
- Collection of Reasoning → Collection of Middle Way Reasoning → Collection of Middle Way Reasoning 龍樹菩薩著作之中觀論集
- Pramanavarttika → Commentary on Valid Cognition → Commentary on Valid Cognition 釋量論
- Abhidharma-samuccaya → Compendium of Abhidharma → Compendium of Abhidharma 大乘阿毘達磨集論
- Compendium of Logic → Compendium of Valid Cognition → Compendium of Valid Cognition 集量論
- Pramāṇa-samuccaya → Compendium of Valid Cognition → Compendium of Valid Cognition 集量論
- Tattvasamgraha → Compendium on Reality → Compendium on Reality 《攝真如論》
- Compendium on Reality → Compendium on Reality 《攝真如論》 → Compendium on Reality 攝真如論
- Carefulness → Conscientiousness → Conscientiousness 不放逸
- Daily Practice of Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik → Daily Practice of Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik → Daily Practice of Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik 「無死聖度母心要」日修儀軌
- Ḍākini → Dakini → Dakini 空行
- Ḍākinī → Dakini → Dakini 空行
- Khandro → Dakini → Dakini 空行
- Ḍamaru → Damaru → Damaru 小手鼓
- Defiled mental consciousness → Defiled mental consciousness 末那識 / 染污識 → Defiled mental consciousness 末那識 / 染污意
- Deities → Deity → Deity 本尊
- Demigod → Demi-gods → Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
- Demigods → Demi-gods → Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
- Asura → Demi-gods → Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
- Demi-god → Demi-gods → Demi-gods 非天 / 阿修羅
- Denkarma → Denkarma 登噶爾瑪 → Denkarma 《登噶爾瑪錄》
- Interdependence → Dependent origination → Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼)
- Interdependent origination → Dependent origination → Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼)
- Tendrel → Dependent origination → Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼)
- Dependent origination → Dependent origination 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅 尼) → Dependent origination 緣起
- Attachment → Desire → Desire 貪(毒)
- Desire Realm → Desire realm → Desire realm 欲界
- Disturbing emotions → Destructive emotions → Destructive emotions 煩惱
- Klesha → Destructive emotions → Destructive emotions 煩惱
- Negative emotions → Destructive emotions → Destructive emotions 煩惱
- Kleshas → Destructive emotions → Destructive emotions 煩惱
- Nyönmong → Destructive emotions → Destructive emotions 煩惱
- Deshung Rinpoche → Dezhung Rinpoche → Dezhung Rinpoche 德松仁波切
- Buddhadharma → Dharma → Dharma 法
- Dharma protector → Dharma Protectors → Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
- Dharma protectors → Dharma Protectors → Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
- Dharmapala → Dharma Protectors → Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
- Protectors → Dharma Protectors → Dharma Protectors (佛教)護法
- Dharma of scripture → Dharma of transmission → Dharma of transmission 教法
- Dharmakīrti → Dharmakirti → Dharmakirti 法稱論師
- Dhatvishvari 金剛界自在母(大日如來佛母) → Dhatvishvari 界自在母(大日如來佛母) → Dhatvishvari 界自在母
- Dhatvishvari → Dhatvishvari 金剛界自在母(大日如來佛母) → Dhatvishvari 界自在母(大日如來佛母)
- Dongtog Rinpoche → Dhongthog Rinpoche → Dhongthog Rinpoche 董陀仁波切