「Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche 烏金督佳仁波切」修訂間的差異

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[[Image:Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche.jpg|thumb|Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche in [[Lerab Ling]]]]
[[Image:Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche.jpg|thumb|Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche in [[Lerab Ling]]]]
'''Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche''' (Tib. ཨོ་རྒྱན་སྟོབས་རྒྱལ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་, [[Wyl.]] ''o rgyan stobs rgyal rin po che'') was born in 1951 in [[Nangchen]] region of [[Kham]] in Eastern Tibet. He is the son of the [[Third Neten Chokling Rinpoche]]. Although he is known as Gyalchen Tulku, the activity emanation of [[Taksham Nüden Dorje]], he was not formally recognised as a [[tulku]]—incarnate lama—in his younger years, because it was said that this would create obstacles to his life. He is the elder brother of [[Khyentse Yeshe Rinpoche]], Jamyang Gyaltsen and [[Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche]] and is affectionately called Abu Rinpoche (Abu meaning 'older brother' in the Kham dialect of Tibetan). At the end of the 1950s he left Tibet and went to [[Sikkim]] with his parents where he lived for a few years. People say that he used to follow his father wherever he went. In 1967 Chokling Rinpoche started the Tibetan settlement of Bir in Himachal Pradesh, North East India. It was on the way from Delhi to Bir that His Eminence died tragically in a car accident in 1973.  
'''Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche''' (Tib. ཨོ་རྒྱན་སྟོབས་རྒྱལ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་, [[Wyl.]] ''o rgyan stobs rgyal rin po che'') was born in 1951 in [[Nangchen]] region of [[Kham]] in Eastern Tibet. He is the son of the [[Third Neten Chokling Rinpoche]].  
烏金督佳仁波切(Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche,譯音取台灣常用者),1951年出生於藏東康巴地區的囊謙縣(Nangchen)。他是第三世涅頓秋林仁波切(Neten Chokling Rinpoche)的兒子。
Although he is known as Gyalchen Tulku, the activity emanation of [[Taksham Nüden Dorje]], he was not formally recognised as a [[tulku]]—incarnate lama—in his younger years, because it was said that this would create obstacles to his life.  
雖然他被認為是賈千祖古(Gyalchen Tulku)──達香紐丹多傑(Taksham Nüden Dorje)的事業化身,但是為了減少壽命方面的障礙,所以在年輕時並沒有被正式認證為祖古。
He is the elder brother of [[Khyentse Yeshe Rinpoche]], Jamyang Gyaltsen and [[Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche]] and is affectionately called Abu Rinpoche (Abu meaning 'older brother' in the Kham dialect of Tibetan).  
他是欽智依喜仁波切(Khyentse Yeshe Rinpoche,譯音取台灣常用者)、蔣揚嘉辰(Jamyang Gyaltsen)和吉噶康楚仁波切(Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche)的哥哥,被暱稱為阿布仁波切(Abu Rinpoche;Abu在康巴方言中意指「哥哥」)。
At the end of the 1950s he left Tibet and went to [[Sikkim]] with his parents where he lived for a few years. People say that he used to follow his father wherever he went.  
In 1967 Chokling Rinpoche started the Tibetan settlement of Bir in Himachal Pradesh, North East India. It was on the way from Delhi to Bir that His Eminence died tragically in a car accident in 1973.  
1967年,他的父親秋林仁波切(Chokling Rinpoche)在印度東北喜馬偕爾邦(Himachal Pradesh)比爾(Bir)開發了藏人屯墾區。1973年,從德里返回比爾的路途上,秋林仁波切於車禍意外中不幸身亡。
After the passing away of his father, Rinpoche took care of his monastery—[[Pema Ewam Chögar Gyurme Ling Monastery]]—in Bir. He raised the young reincarnation of his father, the 4th [[Neten Chokling Rinpoche]], before passing over to him in 2004 full responsibility for a monastery that had become famous throughout the Tibetan world, particularly among the [[Nyingma]] school, for its expertise in elaborate [[Vajrayana]] rituals, Rinpoche's specialty.  
After the passing away of his father, Rinpoche took care of his monastery—[[Pema Ewam Chögar Gyurme Ling Monastery]]—in Bir. He raised the young reincarnation of his father, the 4th [[Neten Chokling Rinpoche]], before passing over to him in 2004 full responsibility for a monastery that had become famous throughout the Tibetan world, particularly among the [[Nyingma]] school, for its expertise in elaborate [[Vajrayana]] rituals, Rinpoche's specialty.  
Rinpoche also attended [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] for many years, and it was with him that he first went to the West. After he first taught in Dordogne, France, at [[Pema Wangyal Rinpoche]]'s centre, his mother heard that his teachings had been recorded, and asked for the tapes. When she listened to them, she was amazed at her son's knowledge, because she had never really seen him study. Rinpoche is well known for his incredible memory and the depth of his knowledge, particularly in the field of Vajrayana practices and rituals, and history.  
父親過世之後,烏金督佳仁波切負責照看在比爾的寺院──貝瑪欸旺秋噶久美林(Pema Ewam Chögar Gyurme Ling Monastery)──並且撫養父親的轉世,也就是第四世涅頓秋林仁波切(the 4th Neten Chokling Rinpoche)。在2004年仁波切將整座寺院交給第四世涅頓秋林仁波切之前,貝瑪欸旺秋噶吉久美林的名聲早已傳遍整個藏族文化圈,尤其是在寧瑪傳承中,乃因仁波切以擅長主持繁複精細的金剛乘儀式而聞名。
Rinpoche also attended [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] for many years, and it was with him that he first went to the West. After he first taught in Dordogne, France, at [[Pema Wangyal Rinpoche]]'s centre, his mother heard that his teachings had been recorded, and asked for the tapes.
仁波切曾多年侍奉頂果欽哲仁波切(Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche),第一次到西方就是隨著頂果欽哲仁波切出行。後來,他在法國多爾冬省(Dordogne)貝瑪旺嘉仁波切(Pema Wangyal Rinpoche)的中心第一次教學,母親聽說他的教導有作錄音,於是便索取了錄音帶。
When she listened to them, she was amazed at her son's knowledge, because she had never really seen him study. Rinpoche is well known for his incredible memory and the depth of his knowledge, particularly in the field of Vajrayana practices and rituals, and history.
[[image:OT and father.jpg|thumb|A young Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche with his father, the [[Third Neten Chokling Rinpoche]]]]
[[image:OT and father.jpg|thumb|A young Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche with his father, the [[Third Neten Chokling Rinpoche]]]]
Between 2004 and 2006 Rinpoche went twice to Tibet in order to rebuilt the monastery of his father, [[Neten Gön]]. Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche is also a Member of the Tibetan Parliament for the region of [[Kham]], first elected in 2000 and reelected in 2005, and has a reputation as a formidable orator. Nowadays Rinpoche still lives in Bir, and travels occasionally to Europe, America, and Taiwan.
Between 2004 and 2006 Rinpoche went twice to Tibet in order to rebuilt the monastery of his father, [[Neten Gön]]. Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche is also a Member of the Tibetan Parliament for the region of [[Kham]], first elected in 2000 and reelected in 2005, and has a reputation as a formidable orator. Nowadays Rinpoche still lives in Bir, and travels occasionally to Europe, America, and Taiwan.
2004至2006年之間,仁波切為了重建父親在涅頓貢(Neten Gön)的寺院,而曾到西藏兩次。他也是西藏流亡議會(Tibetan Parliament)的康區議員,2000年首次當選,並於2005年蟬聯,是相當出名的傑出演說家。仁波切目前仍住在比爾,偶爾會到歐洲、美國、台灣旅行。
Along with the monks of his monastery, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche has been a regular visitor to [[Lerab Ling]] and Rigpa centres since 1996, where he has taught on many aspects of the [[Vajrayana]], and led many elaborate practices. He has also been closely involved in every phase of the building of the temple at Lerab Ling and has himself presided over many of the spiritual practices that are an integral part of the building process.
Along with the monks of his monastery, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche has been a regular visitor to [[Lerab Ling]] and Rigpa centres since 1996, where he has taught on many aspects of the [[Vajrayana]], and led many elaborate practices. He has also been closely involved in every phase of the building of the temple at Lerab Ling and has himself presided over many of the spiritual practices that are an integral part of the building process.
仁波切及其寺院的僧侶一直是雷瑞林(Lerab Ling)與本覺中心(Rigpa centres)的常客。自1996年以來,仁波切教導了金剛乘的各個層面,並多次帶領精密詳盡的修持。在雷瑞林,他也密切參與寺院建設的各個階段,並親自主持多場法會,以祈興建順利,對寺院發展貢獻良多。
*仁波切被暱稱為OT仁波切,於父親之轉世涅頓秋林仁波切「密勒日巴」影片中飾演咒師,也是欽哲諾布(宗薩欽哲仁波切)「高山上的世界盃」中的寺院戒師,來台的法會常於五峰山舉辦。[https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/posts/pfbid0Xr8a228rEbJQC88F4KPxtSr4yRPKGKqSRbYjjWsap6QCNAAjHU1vR3rdGT734hkil 小組臉書介紹]
==Teachings Given to the Rigpa Sangha==
==Teachings Given to the Rigpa Sangha==
行 51: 行 84:
*[[Long life practice]] (includes a brief teaching by Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche)
*[[Long life practice]] (includes a brief teaching by Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche)
*[[Prayer for the Long Life of Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche]]
*[[Prayer for the Long Life of Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche]]
*[[Prayer for the Long Life of Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche|烏金督佳仁波切長壽祈請文]]
==External links==
==External links==
行 58: 行 92:
==Rigpa Wiki==
[http://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Orgyen_Tobgyal_Rinpoche Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche]
[[Category: Contemporary Teachers]]
[[Category: Contemporary Teachers]]
[[Category:Nyingma Teachers]]
[[Category:Contemporary Teachers 當代108位藏密上師]]
[[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]

於 2024年6月23日 (日) 15:58 的最新修訂

Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche in Lerab Ling

Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche (Tib. ཨོ་རྒྱན་སྟོབས་རྒྱལ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་, Wyl. o rgyan stobs rgyal rin po che) was born in 1951 in Nangchen region of Kham in Eastern Tibet. He is the son of the Third Neten Chokling Rinpoche.

烏金督佳仁波切(Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche,譯音取台灣常用者),1951年出生於藏東康巴地區的囊謙縣(Nangchen)。他是第三世涅頓秋林仁波切(Neten Chokling Rinpoche)的兒子。

Although he is known as Gyalchen Tulku, the activity emanation of Taksham Nüden Dorje, he was not formally recognised as a tulku—incarnate lama—in his younger years, because it was said that this would create obstacles to his life.

雖然他被認為是賈千祖古(Gyalchen Tulku)──達香紐丹多傑(Taksham Nüden Dorje)的事業化身,但是為了減少壽命方面的障礙,所以在年輕時並沒有被正式認證為祖古。

He is the elder brother of Khyentse Yeshe Rinpoche, Jamyang Gyaltsen and Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche and is affectionately called Abu Rinpoche (Abu meaning 'older brother' in the Kham dialect of Tibetan).

他是欽智依喜仁波切(Khyentse Yeshe Rinpoche,譯音取台灣常用者)、蔣揚嘉辰(Jamyang Gyaltsen)和吉噶康楚仁波切(Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche)的哥哥,被暱稱為阿布仁波切(Abu Rinpoche;Abu在康巴方言中意指「哥哥」)。

At the end of the 1950s he left Tibet and went to Sikkim with his parents where he lived for a few years. People say that he used to follow his father wherever he went.


In 1967 Chokling Rinpoche started the Tibetan settlement of Bir in Himachal Pradesh, North East India. It was on the way from Delhi to Bir that His Eminence died tragically in a car accident in 1973.

1967年,他的父親秋林仁波切(Chokling Rinpoche)在印度東北喜馬偕爾邦(Himachal Pradesh)比爾(Bir)開發了藏人屯墾區。1973年,從德里返回比爾的路途上,秋林仁波切於車禍意外中不幸身亡。

After the passing away of his father, Rinpoche took care of his monastery—Pema Ewam Chögar Gyurme Ling Monastery—in Bir. He raised the young reincarnation of his father, the 4th Neten Chokling Rinpoche, before passing over to him in 2004 full responsibility for a monastery that had become famous throughout the Tibetan world, particularly among the Nyingma school, for its expertise in elaborate Vajrayana rituals, Rinpoche's specialty.

父親過世之後,烏金督佳仁波切負責照看在比爾的寺院──貝瑪欸旺秋噶久美林(Pema Ewam Chögar Gyurme Ling Monastery)──並且撫養父親的轉世,也就是第四世涅頓秋林仁波切(the 4th Neten Chokling Rinpoche)。在2004年仁波切將整座寺院交給第四世涅頓秋林仁波切之前,貝瑪欸旺秋噶吉久美林的名聲早已傳遍整個藏族文化圈,尤其是在寧瑪傳承中,乃因仁波切以擅長主持繁複精細的金剛乘儀式而聞名。

Rinpoche also attended Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche for many years, and it was with him that he first went to the West. After he first taught in Dordogne, France, at Pema Wangyal Rinpoche's centre, his mother heard that his teachings had been recorded, and asked for the tapes.

仁波切曾多年侍奉頂果欽哲仁波切(Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche),第一次到西方就是隨著頂果欽哲仁波切出行。後來,他在法國多爾冬省(Dordogne)貝瑪旺嘉仁波切(Pema Wangyal Rinpoche)的中心第一次教學,母親聽說他的教導有作錄音,於是便索取了錄音帶。

When she listened to them, she was amazed at her son's knowledge, because she had never really seen him study. Rinpoche is well known for his incredible memory and the depth of his knowledge, particularly in the field of Vajrayana practices and rituals, and history.


A young Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche with his father, the Third Neten Chokling Rinpoche

Between 2004 and 2006 Rinpoche went twice to Tibet in order to rebuilt the monastery of his father, Neten Gön. Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche is also a Member of the Tibetan Parliament for the region of Kham, first elected in 2000 and reelected in 2005, and has a reputation as a formidable orator. Nowadays Rinpoche still lives in Bir, and travels occasionally to Europe, America, and Taiwan.

2004至2006年之間,仁波切為了重建父親在涅頓貢(Neten Gön)的寺院,而曾到西藏兩次。他也是西藏流亡議會(Tibetan Parliament)的康區議員,2000年首次當選,並於2005年蟬聯,是相當出名的傑出演說家。仁波切目前仍住在比爾,偶爾會到歐洲、美國、台灣旅行。

Along with the monks of his monastery, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche has been a regular visitor to Lerab Ling and Rigpa centres since 1996, where he has taught on many aspects of the Vajrayana, and led many elaborate practices. He has also been closely involved in every phase of the building of the temple at Lerab Ling and has himself presided over many of the spiritual practices that are an integral part of the building process.

仁波切及其寺院的僧侶一直是雷瑞林(Lerab Ling)與本覺中心(Rigpa centres)的常客。自1996年以來,仁波切教導了金剛乘的各個層面,並多次帶領精密詳盡的修持。在雷瑞林,他也密切參與寺院建設的各個階段,並親自主持多場法會,以祈興建順利,對寺院發展貢獻良多。

  • 仁波切被暱稱為OT仁波切,於父親之轉世涅頓秋林仁波切「密勒日巴」影片中飾演咒師,也是欽哲諾布(宗薩欽哲仁波切)「高山上的世界盃」中的寺院戒師,來台的法會常於五峰山舉辦。小組臉書介紹

Teachings Given to the Rigpa Sangha

Practices Led at Rigpa Centres


  • Pure Buddhism–authentic transmission, in View magazine, Issue 11

Internal links

External links

Rigpa Wiki

Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche

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