Pewar Rinpoche 白雅仁波切

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Pewar Rinpoche

Pewar Rinpoche Chimé Dorje (Wyl. dpe war rin po che 'chi med rdo rje) (b.1933) is one of the most revered lamas in Tibet today. He was a student of Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, from whom he received many teachings and transmissions. He lives in Derge.

白雅仁波切[BC1] (台灣舊譯作貝雅仁波切)企美.多吉(1933年生)是現今在藏區最受尊崇的上師之一。他是蔣揚.欽哲.確吉.羅卓(Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö)的弟子,從他那裡接受了很多的教法和口傳。仁波切目前住在德格。

Regarded as an emanation of Virupa, one of the 84 Mahasiddhas of India, Pewar Rinpoche was a favoured companion of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, the late head of Nyingma school. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche has also received teachings from him. Pewar Rinpoche has made remarkable contributions to the revival of Buddhism in the Kham region of Tibet. Aside from being the abbot of Pewar Monastery in Tibet, he has also guided the work of the “Commission for the New Tibetan Tripitika”.

白雅仁波切被視為是印度84大成就者之一毗魯巴( Virupa)的化身,也是前任寧瑪派領袖頂果.欽哲仁波切(Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche)所青睞的道伴。宗薩.欽哲仁波切(Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche)也領受過他的教法。白雅仁波切對佛教在西藏康巴地區的復興做出了卓越的貢獻。除了擔任藏區白雅寺的住持,仁波切也指導了藏文大藏經委員會的工作(中譯註:白雅仁波切是藏文《大藏經》對勘局的終審專家)。

Pewar Rinpoche is active in the preservation of Tibetan Buddhist Art and texts. He helped to preserve the Derge Printing House during the chaotic times of the Chinese invasion. In 1959 the Chinese Government launched many campaigns and forced lay people and monks to participate in the destruction of many monasteries, but the great Derge Gönchen Monastery with its famous printing press was protected by order of the central government.


Pewar Monastery houses one of the finest sets of Buddhist murals in western Sichuan. Its paintings, which are more than 270 years old and cover more than 370 square meters, survived the destruction of the Cultural Revolution.


  • [BC1]仁波切本人現在統一使用白雅兩字
  • 仁波切的名字依他在對勘局工作時用的名字

臉書連結:白雅仁波切(Pewar Rinpoche)

Further Reading

  • Pamela Logan, Tibetan Rescue, Tuttle Publishing, 2002

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Pewar Rinpoche

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