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超過 100 個頁面有用到此檔案。 下列清單只列出前 100 筆有用到此檔案的頁面。 您也可以檢視完整清單。
- A Brief Guide to the Stages of Visualization 前行觀想次第簡明指導
- A Great Treasure of Blessings 廣大加持藏
- A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faith: The 17 Nalanda Panditas 至高那爛陀寺十七大班智達之顯明三信祈請文
- A Torch for the Path to Omniscience 遍智道炬
- Abhisamayalankara 現觀莊嚴論
- Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 阿拉森噶.土登尼瑪仁波切
- Amitayus 無量壽佛
- Analytical meditation
- Anuyoga
- Arhat
- Arya Shura 聖勇大師
- Atisha
- Atiyoga
- Barché Lamsel 道障遍除
- Bardo 中陰 / 中有 / 中蘊
- Bodhicharyavatara 入菩薩行論
- Bodhichitta 菩提心
- Bodhisattva vow 菩薩戒
- Bodhisattva yana
- Boudhanath
- Buddha Shakyamuni 釋迦牟尼佛
- Chanting the Names of Manjushri 文殊真實名經
- Charya Tantra
- Chatral Sangye Dorje 夏扎/賈札.桑傑.多傑
- Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
- Chotrul Düchen
- Chökhor Düchen
- Chökyi Drakpa
- Collected works of Dodrupchen Tenpe Nyima 多智欽仁波切全集
- Collected works of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo 蔣揚欽哲旺波全集
- Collected works of Patrul Rinpoche 巴楚仁波切全集
- Collection of Middle Way Reasoning 龍樹菩薩著作之中觀論集
- Dependent origination 緣起
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche 頂果欽哲仁波切
- Discipline
- Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje
- Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima
- Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer
- Dudjom Lingpa 敦炯林巴 / 敦珠林巴 / 查同伏藏師
- Dudjom Rinpoche 怙主敦珠仁波切
- Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro 敦珠新巖傳前行法
- Dzogchen Monastery
- Dzogchen Pema Rigdzin
- Dzogchen Rinpoche Incarnation Line
- Eight Sugatas 八大善逝
- Eight Verses of Training the Mind
- Eight treasures of confidence 八大法藏
- Eight worldly preoccupations 世間八法
- Empowerments Given to the Rigpa Sangha
- Exchanging ourselves and others 自他交換 / 取受法
- Finding Comfort and Ease in Meditation
- Five Treatises of Maitreya 彌勒五論
- Five paths 五道
- Five skandhas 五蘊
- Four Metaphors 聞法四喻(觀己為病患、觀法為良藥、觀佛如醫生、遵囑能痊癒,出自《華嚴經》)
- Four Noble Truths 四聖諦
- Four great logical arguments of the Middle Way 中觀四因論
- Four immeasurables 四無量
- Four major Buddhist holidays 佛教四大節日
- Four powers 四力(懺悔四力)
- Four reliances 四依法
- Four types of guest 四賓客(上供下施等修持的對象)
- Four unwholesome dharmas 四種衰損[出自《普賢上師言教》]
- Gatön Ngawang Lekpa
- Gungtang Tenpé Drönmé
- H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 第十四世達賴喇嘛.丹增嘉措
- Hundred syllable mantra
- Illuminating the Excellent Path to Omniscience
- Jetsün Drakpa Gyaltsen
- Khandro Tsering Chödrön 康卓慈琳確諄/二世欽哲佛母
- Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok 堪布晉美彭措
- Khenpo Tsöndrü /堪布增珠/
- Mayum Tsering Wangmo 瑪嫞慈琳汪嫫
- Metrul Tendzin Gyatso /玫祖丹增嘉措/
- Minling Chung Rinpoche 敏林炯仁波切
- Nine yanas 九乘次第
- Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche 紐舒堪仁波切
- Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche 烏金督佳仁波切
- Seven Points of Mind Training 修心七要
- Seventeen Nalanda Masters 那爛陀十七大師 / 十七大班智達
- Seventy points 七十義(出自《現觀莊嚴論》Abhisamayalankara)
- Sogyal Rinpoche 索甲仁波切
- Thirteen great texts 十三部大論
- Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhisattvas 《佛子行三十七頌》
- Thirty-seven factors of enlightenment 三十七道品 / 三十七菩提分
- Three Roots 三根本
- Three Turnings 三轉法輪
- Three appearances 三相(顯、增、得)
- Three gateways to liberation 三解脫門
- Three noble principles 三善法(初、中、後)
- Three sets of vows 三律儀
- Three types of suffering 三苦
- Three yanas leading from the origin 三因乘
- Three yanas of powerful transformative methods 三內密(能作強力轉化的法門)
- Trulshik Rinpoche 楚璽仁波切(初璽仁波切)
- Twelve deeds 十二行誼
- Twelve nidanas 十二緣起
- Twenty-five branch samayas 二十五支分三昧耶
- Twenty-seven root samayas 二十七根本三昧耶
- Two truths 二諦(真諦;第一義諦;絕對真理/世俗諦;相對真理)