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བསགས་པ། (Wyl. bsags pa ) Pron.: sakpa

  • Skt. आचयः, ācaya, Pron.: achaya. From Sanskrit: collection, plenty [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. संचितः, saṁcita, Pron.: sanchita. From Sanskrit: piled together, heaped up, gathered, collected, accumulated | dense, thick (as a wood) | fitted or provided with, full of | impeded, obstructed | frequently practised or exhibited [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. आचितः, ācita, Pron.: achita. From Sanskrit: collected | accumulated, heaped | filled, loaded with | or in | covered, overspread, larded with | inlaid, set | a cart-load (= twenty Tulās) [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW