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  • …ed figures in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition in Bhutan. Rinpoche's seat in Bhutan is the [[Tamshing Gonpa]] in the Bumthang Valley. He studied at [[Mindrolin …hich he received from both Dudjom Rinpoche and [[Tamshing Lama Phuntsok]], Bhutan’s main holder of the Pema Lingpa lineage. He also holds the [[Dzogchen]]
    4 KB (388 個字) - 2022年11月15日 (二) 19:14
  • '''Lobpön Thekchok Yeshe Dorje''' (b. 1957) of Bhutan — a disciple of the Fourth [[Dodrupchen Rinpoche]], Tubten Trinlé Pal Za
    932位元組 (95 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 11:40
  • *David P. Jackson, 'The 'Bhutan Abbot' of Ngor: Stubborn Idealist with a Grudge against Shugs-ldan' in ''Lu
    1 KB (161 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:16
  • …schools of the [[Kagyü]] tradition and the dominant religious tradition in Bhutan. The founder of the Drukpa Kagyü lineage is either said to be [[Lingje Rep
    2 KB (255 個字) - 2021年1月19日 (二) 15:59
  • …ht extensively in institutions, universities and other Buddhist centers in Bhutan, Nepal, India, Canada, the Netherlands and USA.
    2 KB (246 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:15
  • …1th Situpa.jpg|frame|thumb|'''The Eleventh Tai Situpa, during his visit to Bhutan, in 1936.''']]'''Palpung Situ Pema Wangchok Gyalpo''' (Tib. པདྨ་ད
    1 KB (213 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:17
  • …his mother, and Sangyé Dorje, his father who worked at the royal court of Bhutan. …cusing on Tibetan grammar and Dharma studies at the [[Semtokha school]] in Bhutan which was founded by [[Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]]. Finishing school
    4 KB (412 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 11:32
  • …ndent Kingdom of Sikkim in the Eastern Himalayas—sandwiched between Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, and Indian Bengal—in order to ‘open the way’ to a hidden vall …great practitioner of [[Chöd]], he now leaves in deep retreat in a cave in Bhutan
    4 KB (652 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:36
  • …[[Dudjom Rinpoche]] in 1937, while he was in retreat in [[Paro Taktsang]], Bhutan. While there, [[Yeshe Tsogyal]] appeared to him in the form of a female tur …while he was in his early thirties, Dudjom Rinpoche went for pilgrimage to Bhutan, and at Paro Taktsang, he decided to do a retreat. While there, he revealed
    6 KB (969 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:22
  • …dharma treasures of [[Dudjom Lingpa]], from Kyabje [[Dudjom Rinpoche]]. In Bhutan, from [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] I received transmissions for the collecte …ries in Bhutan, India and Nepal, including [[Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche]] in Bhutan, Kyabje [[Penor Rinpoche]] in Mysore, and [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] at [[
    6 KB (925 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 21:38
  • ''In Bumthang in Bhutan, in the [[vajra]] cave of Kurje, where there is [[Guru Rinpoche]]’s body
    2 KB (184 個字) - 2021年1月16日 (六) 16:36
  • …Gyalwa Lhanangpa (1164-1224). This school built the earliest [[dzong]]s in Bhutan, but were later eclipsed by the [[Drukpa Kagyü]], and this lineage did not
    2 KB (343 個字) - 2021年1月19日 (二) 15:59
  • *David P. Jackson, 'The 'Bhutan Abbot' of Ngor: Stubborn Idealist with a Grudge against Shugs-ldan' in ''Lu
    1 KB (128 個字) - 2020年3月18日 (三) 20:25
  • …Je Khenpo, who is the Head of the Southern Drukpa School and Head Lama of Bhutan. Lama Kunzang Dorjee Rinpoche holds the spiritual lineages of the Dudjom Te
    8 KB (1,219 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:26
  • …. He assumed this manifestation in [[Taktsang Monastery|Paro Taktsang]] in Bhutan in order to bring the local deities and guardians under his control.
    2 KB (297 個字) - 2016年8月21日 (日) 19:52
  • …former classmate [[Khenpo Dazer]] and went together with him to Sikkim via Bhutan.
    2 KB (169 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 21:36
  • …ation of [[Mipham Rinpoche]]. He revealed a number of [[terma]]s in Tibet, Bhutan, China, Nepal and India. He played an extremely important role in the reviv …weeks. In the summer of 1993, he visited various Dharma centres in Inida, Bhutan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, USA, Canada, and France, including
    7 KB (935 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 11:34
  • #Yeshe Sengé (Jé Khenpo of Bhutan 1965-1968)
    3 KB (383 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:26
  • …[[Wyl.]] ''pad+ma gling pa'') (1450-1521) was an important [[tertön]] from Bhutan, listed as the fourth of the [[five sovereign terma revealers]]. He is cons
    2 KB (238 個字) - 2021年4月30日 (五) 15:17
  • In 1951 at the age of thirty-two, Drodul Tendzin Dorje returned to Bhutan. Soon after, he took as his consort Ani Pema Lhazom, the youngest daughter
    3 KB (458 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:35

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