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於 2016年8月6日 (六) 19:58 的修訂

Khenpo Dawa Paljor

Khenpo Dawa Paljor (Wyl. zla ba dpal 'byor) was born in 1975 in Thimphu in Bhutan as the son of Tsering Lhamo, his mother, and Sangyé Dorje, his father who worked at the royal court of Bhutan. Until the age of eleven Khenpo studied at a regular English school before he started focusing on Tibetan grammar and Dharma studies at the Semtokha school in Bhutan which was founded by Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Finishing school at 18 he traveled to Bodhgaya, and after partaking in the Nyingma Mönlam, he was inspired to monkhood. At the age of 19 Khenpo enrolled at the Namdroling Monastery Shedra. In his penultimate year he went to Bir where he taught at Ringu Tulku Rinpoche's Palyul Chökhorling Monastery.

堪布達威巴久(Khenpo Dawa Paljor),1975年出生在不丹(Bhutan)的廷布(Thimphu),母親為慈仁拉嫫(Tsering Lhamo),父親為桑吉多傑(Sangyé Dorje)。桑吉多傑曾在不丹王室工作。直到11歲之前,他都在一所正規的英語學校就讀。後來在怙主頂果欽哲仁波切(Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche)於不丹建立的森多卡(Semtokha)學校,開始專心研讀藏文文法以及佛法。十八歲畢業後,他來到菩提伽耶(Bodhgaya),於參加寧瑪茉蘭祈願法會(Nyingma Mönlam)後發願出家。十九歲就讀於南卓林佛學院(Namdroling Monastery Shedra),於畢業前二年,前往比爾,任教於林谷祖古仁波切(Ringu Tulku Rinpoche)的白玉確括寺(Palyul Chökhorling Monastery)。

After their nine year education Khenpos are required to serve on behalf of their monasteries for at least three years. In Khenpo Dawé Paljor's case he taught for four years on Vajrayana, Tibetan grammar and other subjects. After teaching at the nunnery in Namdroling for a year he went back to teach at the Shedra where he was a former student, before leaving for Dzogchen Monastery in south India where he taught for another year.

經過九年的學院教育,堪布們必須代表其各自寺院而至少任教三年。以堪布達瓦巴久為例,於執教四年中,他教導金剛乘(Vajrayana)、藏文文法及其他科目;在南卓林尼院(the nunnery in Namdroling)教學一年後,他回到曾經學習的佛學院中任教,其後則前往南印度佐欽寺(Dzogchen Monastery)教學了一年。

In the last three years he has been teaching at Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche's Shechen Monastery where his main subject has been Longchenpa's Finding Comfort and Ease in the Nature of Mind (Tib. Semnyi Ngalso, Wyl. sems nyid ngal gso). Upon leaving Shedra East Khenpo will return to Shechen to continue to teach.

在過去三年裡,他任教於怙主頂果欽哲仁波切(Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche)的雪謙寺(Shechen Monastery),主要教授龍欽巴的《三休息論》。在離開東佛學院(Shedra East)後,堪布將返回雪謙繼續任教。

Besides his root teacher, Kyabjé Penor Rinpoche, he has been studying with Dzetrul Rinpoche, Khenpo Namdrol and Khenpo Pema Sherab. On one occasion he also received a long life empowerment from Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

除了向根本上師怙主貝諾仁波切(Kyabjé Penor Rinpoche)學習之外,他也曾經向澤珠仁波切(Dzetrul Rinpoche)、堪布南卓(Khenpo Namdrol),以及堪布貝瑪謝饒(Khenpo Pema Sherab)學習。有一次,他則領受怙主頂果欽哲仁波切(Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche)所授予的長壽灌頂(long life empowerment)。

Currently Khenpo is teaching on Mipham Rinpoche's commentary on the Uttaratantra Shastra. The recordings of those teachings are part of the online Shedra MP3 Library.

堪布目前所教導為米滂仁波切(Mipham Rinpoche)對《究竟一乘寶性論》(Uttaratantra Shastra)的釋論;這些教學錄音檔存放在佛學院MP3線上圖書館。

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Khenpo Dawa Paljor

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