Seven branches 七支(頂禮、供養、懺悔、隨喜、請轉法輪、請佛住世、迴向)

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Seven branches (Skt. saptāṅga; Tib. yenlak dün; Wyl. yan lag bdun) — As Chökyi Drakpa says: "The seven branch practice (or the seven aspects of devotional practice) incorporates all the key points for gathering the accumulations." They are:

  1. prostration, the antidote to pride
  2. offering, the antidote to avarice
  3. confession, the antidote to aggression[1]
  4. rejoicing, the antidote to jealousy
  5. requesting to turn the wheel of Dharma, the antidote to ignorance
  6. requesting not to pass into parinirvana, the antidote to wrong views[2]
  7. dedication of merit, the antidote to doubts

七支 (梵文saptāṅga; 藏文yenlak dün; 威利拼音yan lag bdun)

如同確吉.札巴(Chökyi Drakpa)所說:「七支修持(或稱七支虔修)融入了所有累積資糧的重點。」分別為:

1. 頂禮─對治傲慢

2. 供養─對治貪愛

3. 懺悔─對治瞋恨

4. 隨喜─對治疑嫉

5. 請轉法輪─對治愚痴(無明)

6. 請佛住世(不入涅槃)─對治邪見

7. 迴向福德─對治疑惑


Alternative Translations

  • Seven aspects of devotional practice
  • Sevenfold service (Dorje & Kapstein)
  • Seven limbs (Geshe Thupten Jinpa)

Teachings Given to the Rigpa Sangha

Further Reading


  1. In Lala Sonam Chödrup's famous commentary on the Prayer of Sukhavati (bde smon), confession is said to be an antidote to ignorance, whereas requesting to turn the wheel of Dharma is said to be the antidote to abandoning the Dharma.
  2. In Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö's famous commentary on guru yoga, Yeshe Saldrön, requesting to turn the wheel of Dharma is said to be an antidote to holding wrong views, whereas requesting not to pass into parinirvana is given as the antidote to ignorance.

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