Khenpo Lodrö Zangpo 羅卓桑波堪布

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Khenpo Lodrö Zangpo

Khenpo Lodrö Zangpo (Wyl. mkhan po blo gros bzang po) (1924-1986) was one of Sogyal Rinpoche's tutors. He was from Tritso (khri tsho) Monastery in Derge, the same monastery as Khenpo Rinchen and Khenpo Lhoga. He studied with Khenpo Dragyab Lodrö together with Khenpo Appey. After coming into exile, he lived at Ngor Monastery in Gangtok, Sikkim.

羅卓.桑波堪布(1924-1986)是索甲仁波切的親教師之一。他來自德格的赤措寺(Tritso Monastery),與仁欽堪布及洛噶堪布(Khenpo Lhoga)來自同一寺院。他與阿貝堪布一起依止察雅羅卓堪布學習。在流亡之後,他駐錫於錫金甘托克的哦寺。

He was also a teacher of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche.


He passed away in Bodhgaya in the Fire Tiger year (1986) at the end of the sixteenth calendrical cycle.


His Writings

  • A Commentary on Sakya Pandita's Treasury of Valid Reasoning (tshad ma rigs pa'i gter gyi legs bshad bzang po gsum ldan), Gangtok, c.1967
  • 對薩迦班智達的著作《量理寶藏論》之釋論(tshad ma rigs pa'i gter gyi legs bshad bzang po gsum ldan),甘托克,約1967年。
  • A Short Account of Monastic Life in rDo grub, Khritsho Derge and Kyibhuk tshang Monasteries, Gangtok, 1976 (with Dodrupchen Rinpoche and Kyibuk Rinpoche)
  • 《在多智寺、德格赤措寺、奇布倉寺的寺院生活簡述》,甘托克,約1976年(與多智欽仁波切及奇布仁波切共撰)。
  • A Commentary on the Pratimoksha Sutra, (so sor thar pa'i mdo'i rnam bshad thar lam bzang po'i them skas), Gangtok, 1979
  • 《別解脫經釋》(so sor that pa'i mdo'i rnam bshad thar lam bzang po'i them skas) ,甘托克,1979年。
  • A Commentary on the Dharmadharmatavibhanga, Bulletin of Tibetology, Gangtok, 1982
  • 《辯法法性論釋》,藏學研究期刊,甘托克:1982年。

Further Reading

In Tibetan

  • Acharya Tsultrim Gyatso, sbas yul 'bras mo ljongs su deng rabs bod kyi bla ma skyes chen dam pa rnams kyis mdzad pa phyag ris ji bskyangs kyi rnam thar shin tu bsdus pa, Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, 2008

External Links

Rigpa Wiki

Khenpo Lodrö Zangpo

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