Heart Treasure of the Saints
Patrul Rinpoche, image courtesy of Shechen Monastery
Heart Treasure of the Saints, The Practice of View, Meditation, and Action: Speech that is Virtuous in the Beginning, Middle, and End (Wyl. thog mtha' bar gsum du dge ba'i gtam lta sgom spyod gsum nyams len dam pa'i snying nor) - by Patrul Rinpoche
- Patrul Rinpoche, The Practice of the Essence of the Sublime Heart Jewel, View, Meditation and Action: The Propitious Speech from the Beginnining, Middle and End, translated by Thinley Norbu
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones: The Practice of View, Meditation, and Action: A Discourse Virtuous in the Beginning, Middle, and End, Shambhala, 1993
In Tibetan
- Khenpo Shenga, thog mtha' bar gsum dge ba'i gtam gyi 'bru 'grel rgyal sras lam bzang
Teachings Given to the Rigpa Sangha
- Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 16-19 August 2008