Five major structural themes 造論五綱

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As regards the five major structural themes used when teaching or explaining a text, Vasubandhu said:

Those who wish to teach the meaning of the sutras,
Should be given a few words of practical advice.
The practical instruction I refer to is as follows:
Relate the teaching’s purpose and its basic theme,
The meaning of the words and how its parts fit together,
And offer a response to any possible objections.

As this states, every section of the teaching should be understood 1) in terms of its purpose, showing the reason why it is presented in a certain way, and also 2) by means of a synopsis, which is a summary of the most important points. It should also be understood 3) through an accurate explanation of the words of the text, including their grammatical features, as well as 4) its sequence, showing how the various earlier and later sections of the text fit together, and 5) by addressing any points of controversy or sources of doubt with a response to possible objections. [1]
1. 彌勒菩薩所傳、世親菩薩發揚的五種傳法方式(必要、略說、解義、連貫、辯答)
2. 謀篇布局、劃分章節、貫通辭意、歸納主旨、實踐要義(出自法護老師《如是我聞》講義)


  1. Patrul Rinpoche, Preliminary Points to be Explained when Teaching the Buddha's Word or the Treatises

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