「頂果欽哲法王開示選譯 Selected Teachings from H. H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche」修訂間的差異

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行 242: 行 242:
~ 引用頂果欽哲仁波切《覺醒的勇氣:阿底峽之修心七要 》英譯本
~ 引用頂果欽哲仁波切《覺醒的勇氣:阿底峽之修心七要 》英譯本
[PS: 本書已有賴聲川老師的中譯本,於此重譯是為了讓 (1) 小組志工練習筆譯 (2) 大眾再次閱讀這個重點,同時有中英對照的機會)   
* PS: 本書已有賴聲川老師的中譯本,於此重譯是為了讓
# 小組志工練習筆譯
# 大眾再次閱讀這個重點,同時有中英對照的機會
~ 普賢法譯小組Emilia, Sarita, Jil中譯,Serena完稿於2016/5/1。祈願一切有情開啟各自的修心次第!
~ 普賢法譯小組Emilia, Sarita, Jil中譯,Serena完稿於2016/5/1。祈願一切有情開啟各自的修心次第!
行 249: 行 251:
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:越是關注色身,越會感到焦慮;越是投入佛法,越能得到滿足! ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:越是關注色身,越會感到焦慮;越是投入佛法,越能得到滿足! ==
The more you are preoccupied by your own physical aging, the more anxious you will become. Do not worry so much about your physical appearance. Concentrate, rather, on not wasting your life. Practice the Dharma. The more you engage in it, the more your satisfaction will grow.
~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
# [https://www.facebook.com/nyingma.masters/posts/766638526774335:0 原文出處]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/997510350319334/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:自他交換的法教與勝義菩提心的生起 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:自他交換的法教與勝義菩提心的生起 ==
Some people may have the idea that these teachings on compassion and exchanging self and others are part of the "gradual path" teachings of the sutras, and are not nearly as effective as the more advanced "direct path" teachings of the Great Perfection or the Great Seal. That is a complete misunderstanding.
Only if you have developed the love and compassion of relative bodhicitta can absolute bodhicitta - the very essence of the Great Perfection and the Great Seal - ever take birth in your being.
If the teachings of Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa have become so widespread and have been of benefit to so many people, it is because the minds of these two great teachers were constantly pervaded with compassion and bodhicitta.
Jigme Lingpa's great disciple, Dodrup Jigme Trinle Ozer went to Kham, the eastern provinces of Tibet, and helped thousands of people there by transmitting the teachings of the Longchen Nyingthig, the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse to them. He later wrote to Jigme Lingpa, "This could only happen because I had meditated for so long in mountain solitudes on compassion."
The exchange of yourself and others can be approached step by step.
The first stage is to see yourself and others as equally important - others want to be happy and not to suffer just as you do. So you should wish happiness for others in the same way that you wish it for yourself, and wish that they may avoid suffering, just as you do.
The second stage is the exchange of yourself and others; you wish that others may have your happiness and that you may take their suffering.
There is a third stage, which is to cherish others more than yourself, like the great bodhisattvas who, meeting a blind person, would have no hesitation in giving him their own eyes. At that point, all selfish preoccupation has completely disappeared and you are solely concerned with the welfare of others. Keep right on with this practice until it becomes a reality.
Shantideva says in The Way of the Bodhisattva:
世間一切喜樂<br />
來自希望他人快樂。<br />
世間一切苦難<br />
來自希求自身享樂。<br />
All the joy the world contains<br />
Has come through wishing happiness for others.<br />
All the misery the world contains<br />
Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself.<br />
何需冗長闡述?<br />
幼稚之眾為己著想,<br />
諸佛則為利他而為:<br />
當知兩者有何差異!<br />
Is there need for lengthy explanation?<br />
Childish beings look out for themselves,<br />
While buddhas labor for the good of others:<br />
See the difference that divides them!<br />
~出處Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - The Heart of Compassion頂果欽哲仁波切《你可以更慈悲》
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/878890105514693/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切: 關於悲心和自他交換的法教 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切: 關於悲心和自他交換的法教 ==
Some people may have the idea that these teachings on compassion and exchanging self and others are part of the "gradual path" teachings of the sutras, and are not nearly as effective as the more advanced "direct path" teachings of the Great Perfection or the Great Seal. That is a complete misunderstanding.
Only if you have developed the love and compassion of relative bodhicitta can absolute bodhicitta - the very essence of the Great Perfection and the Great Seal - ever take birth in your being.
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - The Heart of Compassion頂果欽哲仁波切《你可以更慈悲》
# [https://m.facebook.com/groups/125124690149?view=permalink&id=10155916377800150 原文出處]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/872668769470160/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切: 上師相應法 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切: 上師相應法 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:憤怒猶如雲朵一般 ==
「若弟子具有信心和虔心之環,則上師的智慧和悲心之鈎便能迅速將弟子引入解脫之地。」<br />
If the disciple has the ring of faith and devotion, then the hook of the guru's wisdom and compassion will pull him swiftly to the land of liberation.
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - Religion
# [https://books.google.com.tw/books?isbn=0834827581 原文出處 The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel: The Practice of Guru Yoga]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/866187626784941/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:憤怒猶如雲朵一般 ==
Just As Clouds
Anger might seem extremely strong, but where does it get the power to overwhelm you so easily? Is it some external force, something with arms and legs, weapons and armor? If not, then is it somewhere inside you? If so, where is it? Can you find it in your brain, in your heart, in your bones, or in any other part of You? Impossible though it is to locate, anger does seem to be present in a very concrete way, a strong clinging that freezes your mind into a state of solidity and brings a great deal of suffering both to yourself and to others. Just as clouds, too insubstantial to support your weight or be worn as clothing, can nevertheless darken the whole sky and cover the sun, so in the same way thoughts can obscure the pristine radiance of awareness. By recognizing the void, transparent nature of mind, let it return to its natural state of freedom.
~Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Quoted in the book On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/857562487647455/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:敵人對你的仁慈 ==
Kindness of Your Enemy
Never get angry, even with someone who has deliberately and maliciously harmed you. You should be grateful to such a person for helping you to purify past negative actions, to increase your determination to be free from samsara and to develop love and compassion.
~Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
From the book "The Heart of Compassion: The Thirty-seven Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva"
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/857556004314770/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:為自己隨心所欲行為的藉口,與佛法背道而馳 ==
"Your view can, and should be, as high as possible—there is no danger in this since enlightenment is the total realization of the absolute view. But at the same time your behavior should be as grounded as possible in an awareness of cause and effect. If you lose this basic attitude regarding actions, if you forget all common sense and use the loftiness of the view as an excuse for putting into action whatever comes into your mind, you are engaging in mundane activities contrary to the Dharma, just like ordinary worldly people."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/840183276052043/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:恆時思惟要獲證解脫 ==
Never Stop Thinking About How to Gain Liberation
It is not enough to wish from time to time that you could be free of samsara. That idea must pervade your stream of thinking, day and night. A prisoner locked in jail thinks all the time about different ways of getting free—how he might climb over the walls, ask powerful people to intervene, or raise money to bribe someone. So, too, seeing the suffering and imperfection of samsara, never stop thinking about how to gain liberation, with a deep feeling of renunciation.
~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/838051906265180/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:斷除細微見惑 ==
Cutting Through Subtler Misconceptions
Study and reflection will cut through your more gross misconceptions. But the subtler ones can only be dispelled by meditation, and by integration of the absolute wisdom that arises from it into your very being. To engender it, go to a secluded place and stay as much as possible in meditation, practicing shamatha and vipashyana — sustained calm and profound insight — to realize emptiness, the ultimate nature of all phenomena.
~by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
* 中譯備註:misconceptions所指可能是無明,或見惑;由於沒有上下文可對照確認,暫時以白話翻譯為錯誤概念
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/835283949875309/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:觀修自己的根本上師 ==
"We should rely wholeheartedly on our lama with absolute confidence. Guru Rinpoche is the embodiment of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas. If we meditate on our root lama as inseparable from Guru Rinpoche, it is like pouring pure water into a golden vase, whereupon the water takes on the golden hue."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/832568153480222/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:萬法嚴飾著空性 ==
"Phenomena adorn emptiness, but never corrupt it. If you have a thorough understanding of the way phenomena appear through dependent arising, it will not be difficult for you to understand the view of emptiness while remaining in meditation. On arising from such a meditation and entering the path of action, you will recognize clearly the direct relationship between actions and their results. This will enable you to discriminate easily between positive and negative actions."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/829527497117621/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:習慣於利他慈悲的心思 ==
Reflections of Your Attitude
Until you are ready to give your life and body for the sake of others in reality, which is not the case at present, you can at least do it mentally. As your mind grows used to altruistic love and compassion, your words and actions will naturally reflect that attitude.
~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
From the book The Heart of Compassion: The Thirty-seven Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/823301487740222/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:如果死亡意味著一切的結束 ==
"It would be fine if death meant the end of everything, like a fire that is extinguished or water that is absorbed into dry soil. But it is not so. Even though we leave this body behind at death, consciousness wanders in the bardo, the intermediate state between this life and the next. The consciousness in the bardo is like a feather blown in the wind; it is like a naked man struggling on a dark, stormy night, unable to see even his outstretched hand in front of him, all alone and afraid."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/815677948502576/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:以兩堆石子來訓練自己 ==
"We must train ourselves, as in the story of an Indian brahmin who began making two piles of pebbles: he placed a white pebble in one pile for every positive thought he had, such as faith and devotion, and a black pebble in the other pile for every negative thought. At first most of his pebbles were black and the white pebbles were few. Great regret overcame him when he realized that he had such a huge amount of negative thoughts and so few positive ones. But as he persevered—by developing antidotes, adopting positive acts, and rejecting negative ones—the amount of white pebbles gradually increased, until the piles of white and black pebbles were equal. Seeing that there were still many black ones and fearing that negative thoughts would cast him back into samsara, he trained his mind again and again, until at last there were only white pebbles"
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/803659986371039/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:上師與佛陀的法教為『世間之炬』 ==
"We call the teacher and the Buddha 'The Torch of the Universe,' for their teaching dispels the darkness of ignorance of all beings. Without their profound instructions, beings will remain trapped in the darkness of not knowing what to do and what to avoid. If that brilliant torch of dharma is extinguished, knowledge will inevitably die."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/800400116697026/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:生起真誠修持佛法之心 ==
"Even though we may be practitioners, if we are not at all afraid of death, we will waste our time trying to achieve success in worldly matters, cherishing relatives and friends and ridding ourselves of enemies. When we really understand the great suffering of death, when we fully recognize the extent of that suffering, we will develop a genuine mind to practice the dharma."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/799890633414641/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:空性與諸法緣起的雙運不二 ==
"Once you have understood the union of emptiness and the dependent arising of phenomena, you will see clearly how deluded and deceiving the ways of the world really are, and, like an old man forced to play children’s games, you will find them very tiresome."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/797560843647620/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:要像被箭穿心而自知僅有幾分鐘可活的戰士一樣,不可浪費一分一秒 ==
"Do not waste a single moment, like a warrior who, pierced to the heart by an arrow, knows he has only few minutes to live. It is now, while we are in good health and in possession of all our physical and mental faculties, that we should practice Dharma."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/788772201193151/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:修行人應該時刻憶念死亡和無常 ==
“When we whip a horse, it gallops. Likewise, dharma practitioners should remember death and impermanence at all times so as to generate diligence for their dharma practice and develop experiences and realization speedily."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/788544294549275/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:總是受到習氣的左右和擺佈而過著毫無意義的生活時,你將覺得膩煩 ==
"Once you have been struck by the pointlessness of letting yourself be forever influenced and conditioned by your habitual tendencies, you will become sick of it. Once you know that it is sheer delusion to be preoccupied by thoughts of the future, and to lose your mindfulness and vigilance in the present moment, you will weary of it."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/785198991550472/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:佛陀以其無念的智慧心意 ==
「鏡子從不論斷它所映照的影像是美是醜 ;同樣地,佛陀以其無念的智慧心意,了知萬法的自性即是法爾如是的法性、空性。」
"A mirror does not judge whether the image it reflects is beautiful or ugly; likewise, the Buddha, through his wisdom mind free of thoughts, knows that the nature of all phenomena is the dharmata, emptiness, as it is."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/774945285909176/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波:布施的本身便已圓滿 ==
"Generosity is complete in itself; there is no need for any other reward than having made others happy."
== 頂果欽哲仁波切: 敵人對你的仁慈 ==
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
== 頂果欽哲仁波切  為自己隨心所欲行為的藉口,與佛法背道而馳 ==
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/769512519785786/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 恆時思惟要獲證解脫 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:當以解脫一切有情眾生出離輪迴海為發心 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 斷除細微見惑 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切  觀修自己的根本上師 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切  萬法嚴飾著空性 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 習慣於利他慈悲的心思 ==
"Each time we perform even a slight positive deed, such as a single recitation of the six-syllable mantra of Chenrezi, the Buddha of Compassion, we should think that our intention is to liberate all sentient beings from the ocean of samsara. When we do even a slight negative deed, if we do not confess it, how can we liberate sentient beings from samsara?"
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 如果死亡意味著一切的結束 ==
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 以兩堆石子來訓練自己 ==
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/766389183431453/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 上師與佛陀的法教為『世間之炬 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:最重要的是淨除一切如母有情眾生的業障 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 生起真誠修持佛法之心 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 空性與諸法緣起的雙運不二 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 要像被箭穿心而自知僅有幾分鐘可活的戰士一樣,不可浪費一分一秒 ==
"It is not so important to purify just one’s own karma: the most important thing is to purify the karma of all mother sentient beings."
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 修行人應該時刻憶念死亡和無常 ==
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 總是受到習氣的左右和擺佈而過著毫無意義的生活時,你將覺得膩煩 ==
# 原始出處:Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship - Shechen
# [http://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/248776180 中譯出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切  佛陀以其無念的智慧心意 ==
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/738979422839096/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:祈請上師加持,讓我們能够覺知 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波 布施的本身便已圓滿 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 當以解脫一切有情眾生出離輪迴海為發心 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 最重要的是淨除一切如母有情眾生的業障 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 祈請上師加持,讓我們能够覺知 ==
"Pray to the lama to bless us, so that we become aware that this company of humans is like a flock of birds united at the top of a tree: they may take flight and disperse at any moment."
== 頂果欽哲仁波 就像天鵝滑向蓮花池 般的喜悅接受所有痛苦吧 ==
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 以身體來累積福德,做大禮拜是最好的方法 ==
# [https://www.facebook.com/dilgokhyentseshechen/photos/a.305261330570.327447.294782830570/10153953766885571/?type=1 原文出處]
# [http://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/245904426 中譯出處]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/737781756292196/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切  若能隨喜他人 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波:就像天鵝滑向蓮花池 般的喜悅接受所有痛苦吧 ==
「為了修持佛法,你有可能得要忍受疾病、遭受寒熱或饑渴之苦。不過,既然這些短暫的痛苦能幫助你清淨過去所造的惡業,從長遠的觀點來說,則能達至究竟佛果,那麼,就像天鵝滑向蓮花池 般的喜悅接受所有痛苦吧!」
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 實相是萬法無常,且缺乏任何真正實質的存在 ==
"In order to be able to practice Dharma, it may happen that you have to endure illness, or suffer from heat, cold, hunger or thirst. But since these short-term sufferings will help you purify your past negative actions and, in the long term, to reach ultimate buddhahood, accept them with joy, like a swan gliding into a lotus pond!"
~Kyabje DIlgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
# 原始出處:Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship - Shechen
# [http://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/237073356 中譯出處]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/734469233290115/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:以身體來累積福德,做大禮拜是最好的方法 ==
"There is no better physical method by which to accumulate merit than doing prostrations; and since it is difficult to do prostrations, we purify our bodily obscurations"
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,Serena貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
# [http://quotes.justdharma.com/the-void-nature-of-thoughts-dilgo-khyentse-rinpoche/ 原始開示出處]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/729217393815299/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:若能隨喜他人 ==
"If we rejoice without any pride or jealousy in someone being able to build a huge monastery or make a vast offering, we share the same merit as the one who made the offering."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對
# [http://quotes.justdharma.com/the-void-nature-of-thoughts-dilgo-khyentse-rinpoche/ 原始開示出處]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/726527330750972/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:實相是萬法無常,且缺乏任何真正實質的存在 ==
"In our delusion, we see things as being permanent and truly self-existing. But in reality phenomena are impermanent, and devoid of any true substantial existence. We want to believe that our friends, partner, wealth and influence will all endure, but by nature they are bound to change. It is therefore senseless to be so preoccupied with them."
- Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
# [http://quotes.justdharma.com/the-void-nature-of-thoughts-dilgo-khyentse-rinpoche/ 原始開示出處]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/724183327652039/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 『噯瑪吙』的意思 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 『噯瑪吙』的意思 ==
“Emaho means 'It is wonderful and amazing.' Through applying our body, speech, and mind to the practice of the profound Dharma, this life becomes meaningful. Attaining liberation from samsara, we will ultimately attain omniscience—ultimate enlightenment. In the presence of such qualities and possibilities, we are in a state of wonder, amazement, and great joy."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,Serena貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
# [http://quotes.justdharma.com/the-void-nature-of-thoughts-dilgo-khyentse-rinpoche/ 原始開示出處]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/717117921691913/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 當陽光照在水晶上 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 當陽光照在水晶上 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 擁有了見地,你將如天空一般 ==
“ When sunlight falls on a crystal, lights of all colors of the rainbow appear; yet they have no substance that you can grasp. Likewise, all thoughts in their infinite variety -devotion, compassion, harmfulness, desire - are utterly without a substance. This is the mind of the Buddha.”
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
~ 普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Serena 恭譯,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
# [http://quotes.justdharma.com/the-void-nature-of-thoughts-dilgo-khyentse-rinpoche/ 原始開示出處]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/714728411930864/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:擁有了見地,你將如天空一般 ==
"Once you have the View, although the delusory perceptions of samsara may arise in your mind, you will be like the sky; when a rainbow appears in front of it, it’s not particularly flattered, and when the clouds appear it’s not particularly disappointed either.
There is a deep sense of contentment. You chuckle from inside as you see the facade of samsara and nirvana; the View will keep you constantly amused, with a little inner smile bubbling away all the time."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
~ 普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Serena 恭譯,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
# [https://www.facebook.com/dilgokhyentseshechen 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/712309422172763/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:當水晶放在布上,便會顯現出布的顏色 ==
"A crystal, when placed on a piece of cloth, takes on the color of that cloth, whether white, yellow, red or black. In the same way, the friends with whom you keep company the most often, whether suitable or unsuitable, will greatly influence the direction your life and practice take."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,Serena貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
# [https://www.facebook.com/dilgokhyentseshechen 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/711813592222346/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:逆境成為你在菩薩道上的強大助力 ==
「其實,逆境和那些想要傷害你的人,可以成為你在菩薩道上的強大助力。他們藉著讓你面對通常會引發你生氣或瞋恨的情況,而給你以忍辱來轉化這些煩惱的珍貴學習機會。 於修道上,比起任何待人親切的朋友來說,這類人們能給你的好處大多了。」
"Indeed, adversaries and people who try to harm you can be powerful sources of help on the bodhisattva path. By bringing about situations which would normally trigger your anger or hatred, they give you the precious opportunity to train in transforming those negative emotions with patience. On the path, such people will do you far more good than any well-disposed friend."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
~ 普賢法譯小組 Serena 恭譯,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
# [https://www.facebook.com/dilgokhyentseshechen 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/708619495875089/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:現在得遇佛法並不是巧合 ==
"Even to hear the teachings is something very rare, which only happens once in aeons. That you have met the Dharma now is not just coincidence. It results from your past positive actions. Such an opportunity should not be wasted."
Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Serena校對,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
# [https://www.facebook.com/dilgokhyentseshechen 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/707756919294680/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:持之以恒的修持,能讓心更容易轉化 ==
"Even if you practice only for an hour a day with faith and inspiration, good qualities will steadily increase. Regular practice makes it easy to transform your mind. From seeing only relative truth, you will eventually reach a profound certainty in the meaning of absolute truth."
~ Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
# [https://www.facebook.com/dilgokhyentseshechen/photos/a.305261330570.327447.294782830570/10154461663805571/?type=1 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen]
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/705115886225450/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:看著傷害本身的真正自性 ==
"Look at the true nature of harm itself. It is as ungraspable as writing on water. Let resentment vanish of its own accord, and as soon as the fiery waves of thoughts subside, let everything become like an empty sky, where there is nothing to gain and nothing to lose."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,Serena貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/702960943107611/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
# [http://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/241003623 Serena 部落格出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:戒律是一切佛法修持的根基 ==
"Discipline is the foundation of all Dharma practice. It provides the ground upon which all positive qualities can be cultivated. In the same way that all the oceans and mountains are supported by the underlying mass of the earth, all the practices of the Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana are supported by the backbone of discipline."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Serena校對,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/700708589999513/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:自己與其他衆生最大的不同,就在於數量 ==
"All sentient beings are the same in wishing to be happy and not to suffer. The great difference between oneself and others is in numbers—there is only one of me, but countless others. So, my happiness and my suffering are completely insignificant compared to the happiness and suffering of infinite other beings. What truly matters is whether other beings are happy or suffering. This is the basis of bodhichitta. We should wish others to be happy rather than ourselves, and we should especially wish happiness for those whom we perceive as enemies and those who treat us badly. Otherwise, what is the use of compassion?"
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 當水晶放在布上,便會顯現出布的顏色 ==
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/700707696666269/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 逆境成為你在菩薩道上的強大助力 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切:我們應該不惜任何代價以避免爭執而融洽相處。 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 現在得遇佛法並不是巧合 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 持之以恒的修持,能讓心更容易轉化 ==
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 看著傷害本身的真正自性 ==
Many of us lead family lives. At most, the members of a family stay together for the duration of a single lifetime, often much less. While that fleeting moment of being together still lasts, we should try to remain in perfect harmony with each other, while observing the Dharma as much as possible. Night and day, let us turn our minds toward goodness, love, and compassion. Doing a single prostration, saying a simple prayer, contemplating the nature of the mind for an instant are seeds that lead to enlightenment. To be united in this life as man and wife, parent and children, is the result of our past actions, of a shared karma. That is why we should at all costs avoid quarrelling and live in harmony.
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 戒律是一切佛法修持的根基 ==
~H.H. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 自己與其他衆生最大的不同,就在於數量 ==
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Emilia翻譯 / Serena校對,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!
== 頂果欽哲仁波切 我們應該不惜任何代價以避免爭執而融洽相處。 ==
# [https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/photos/a.700089320061440/700706779999694/?type=3&theater 臉書出處]
[[分類: 古今大德開示摘譯 Dharma Quotes from Great Masters]]
[[分類: 古今大德開示摘譯 Dharma Quotes from Great Masters]]

於 2020年4月14日 (二) 23:24 的修訂




Trample on Anger With Realization ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Examine anger itself and you will find that it is nothing but a thought. If that angry thought disappears, it will not lead to an action done in anger, with its negative karmic results. Trample on anger with realization, and it dissolves like a cloud in the sky; and as it dissolves, the notion of “enemy” will vanish with it.

~ from the book On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters

~~愚徒 Serena 恭譯於 2017.02.03 大年初七,願眾生皆能用了證來踐踏瞋怒!

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Simply the Mind Itself ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

When looking into the nature of mind, don’t expect to gain some exceptionally high or profound realization, or to see anything new. Nor should you hesitate or doubt your ability to meditate. Just trust that the nature of mind is simply the mind itself left in an unaltered state, and do all that you can to sustain this, without distraction, at all times, during and between the meditation sessions. Don’t expect to gain realization in just a few months, or even years. Whether you develop any of the qualities that come from the practice or not, remain steadfastly determined and resolve to continue the practice with diligence, day and night, throughout this life, future lives and the bardo state.

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~普賢法譯小組 Sandy 翻譯,Serena完稿於2017.01.14,願眾生皆能見到心的本身!

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  2. 原文出處 
  3. 臉書出處
  4. Serena 部落格出處



Simply the Mind Itself ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

When looking into the nature of mind, don’t expect to gain some exceptionally high or profound realization, or to see anything new. Nor should you hesitate or doubt your ability to meditate. Just trust that the nature of mind is simply the mind itself left in an unaltered state, and do all that you can to sustain this, without distraction, at all times, during and between the meditation sessions. Don’t expect to gain realization in just a few months, or even years. Whether you develop any of the qualities that come from the practice or not, remain steadfastly determined and resolve to continue the practice with diligence, day and night, throughout this life, future lives and the bardo state.

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~普賢法譯小組 Sandy 翻譯,Serena完稿於2017.01.14,願眾生皆能見到心的本身!

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  3. 臉出出處
  4. Serena 部落格出處



If you recognize the emptiness of your thoughts instead of solidifying them, the arising and subsiding of each thought will clarify and strengthen your realization of emptiness.

~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~ 普賢法譯小組 Serena 完稿於2016.12.29,願有情眾生皆能速速了證念念為空,不再受縛!

  1. 臉書出處
  2. Serena 部落格出處







~ ~ 頂果欽哲法王

Our outer world – environment and beings –

subject to time and the auspicious conjunction of planets and stars,

Our inner being – aggregates and sense bases –

subject to the movement of subtle channels, winds and essences,

Are in fact the deities of Glorious Kalachakra –

the Wheel of Time.

~ H. H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~ 普賢法譯小組 Serena 恭譯於2011,若有指正敬請來函:sstc.roc@gmail.com。

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  2. Serena 部落格出處



Thoughts manifest themselves within emptiness and are reabsorbed into it like a face appears and disappears in a mirror; the face has never been in the mirror, and when it ceases to be reflected in it, it has not really ceased to exist. The mirror itself has never changed. So, before departing on the spiritual path, we remain in the so-called "impure" state of samsara, which is, in appearance, governed by ignorance. When we commit ourselves to that path, we cross a state where ignorance and wisdom are mixed. At the end, at the moment of Enlightenment, only pure wisdom exists. But all the way along this spiritual journey, although there is an appearance of transformation, the nature of the mind has never changed: it was not corrupted on entry onto the path, and it was not improved at the time of realization.

~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~普賢法譯小組Victor, Yalin中譯校對 / Serena完稿於2016.09.19觀音菩薩日。願一切善德增長!

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“In the Nyingma tradition of the secret mantra, the meditation of the development stage is practiced by means of the three samadhis. When meditating on the three samadhis, one starts with the samadhi of suchness. The samadhi of suchness is of the nature of emptiness. As I said before, the universe, its contents, and the emotions are all based on emptiness. To explain the nature of form: if there is no dharmakaya of the buddha, there is no sambhogakaya or nirmanakaya. If the dharmakaya of the buddha, the stainless inconceivable dharmadhatu, is there, when the inconceivable buddha qualities are gathered, the sambhogakaya manifests from that dharmadhatu. When the compassion of the sambhogakaya is moved for the sake of sentient beings, the nirmanakaya manifests. In that way, suchness samadhi comes from emptiness, the dharmakaya.”

Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche – ('The Four Abhishekas and the Three Samadhis' – Collected Works, Vol III – pg 506, Shambhala)

  • 中譯註:聲聞、菩薩、密咒所言三三摩地的內涵並不相同


~普賢法譯小組Emilia, Dorothy, Jil中譯 & 校對,Serena完稿於2016/6/10。祈願一切有情皆能如理如法修持三三摩地!

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  2. 臉書出處

頂果欽哲仁波切:與上師的自性合而為一 7/25


Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche: Union with the Teacher’s Nature

“The literal meaning of Guru Yoga is ‘union with the teacher’s nature’. To blend your mind with the teacher’s mind is the most profound of all practices, and the shortest path of realization. It is the life force of the path and the one practice that includes all others. It was through relying on a spiritual teacher that all the Bodhisattvas of the past generated the mind of enlightenment and reached perfection.”

~ H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~ 普賢法譯小組Jil, Yudih, Susane中譯 & 校對,Serena完稿於2016/5/29。祈願一切有情皆能依止上師而生起菩提心並證得圓滿!

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~ 頂果欽哲仁波切開示,引述自《於大師跟前:30位當代藏傳佛法上師的智慧》一書

At all times, again and again, we should make vast prayers for the sake of all beings.
When falling asleep we should think,
'May all beings achieve the absolute state';
when waking up,
'May all beings awake into the enlightened state';
when getting up,
'May all beings obtain the body of the Buddha';
when putting on clothes,
'May all beings have modesty and sense of shame';
when lighting a fire,
'May all beings burn the wood of disturbing emotions';
when eating,
'May all beings eat the food of concentration';
when opening a door,
'May all beings open the door to the city of liberation';
when closing a door,
'May all beings close the door to lower realms';
when going outside,
'May I set out on the path to free all beings';
when walking uphill,
'May I take all beings to the higher realms';
when walking downhill,
'May I go to free beings from lower realms';
when seeing happiness,
'May all beings achieve the happiness of Buddhahood';
when seeing suffering,
'May the suffering of all beings be pacified'.

~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, quoted in the book "In the Presence of Masters: Wisdom from 30 Contemporary Tibetan Buddhist Teachers"

~ 普賢法譯小組Iris, Chengwei中譯 & 校對,Serena完稿於2016/6/10。祈願所有行者恆時為利一切有情廣大發願、普賢行持!

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  2. 臉書出處



Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche: Devotion is the essence of the path

Devotion is the essence of the path, and if we have in mind nothing but the guru and feel nothing but fervent devotion, whatever occurs is perceived as his blessing. If we simply practice with this constantly present devotion, this is prayer itself. When all thoughts are imbued with devotion to the guru, there is a natural confidence that this will take care of whatever may happen. All forms are the guru, all sounds are prayer, and all gross and subtle thoughts arise as devotion. Everything is spontaneously liberated in the absolute nature, like knots untied in the sky.

~ (上述連結需加入Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche社團者才能看見貼文,相關連結:連結 )

~ 普賢法譯小組Richard, Emilia, Dorothy中譯 & 校對,Serena完稿於2016/5/29。祈願一切有情皆能恆時修持虔敬心!

  1. 臉書出處



Begin the training sequence with yourself ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

We should think like this: 'May all the torments destined for me in the future, the heat and cold of the hells and the hunger and thirst of the famished spirits, come to me now. And may all the karma, obscuration and defilement causing beings to fall into an infernal destiny sink into my heart so that I myself might go to hell instead of them. May the suffering of others, the fruit, as the teachings say, of their desire and ignorance, come to me.’ We should train ourselves like this again and again until we have such signs as that of Maitriyogin, who was wounded in the place where the stone had hit the dog.


Bodhichitta, the mind of enlightenment, is the heart of all the practices of the Sutra and Mantrayana, and it is easy to implement. If one has it, everything is complete, and nothing is complete without it. At this present time, you are receiving many teachings on mind—training from different teachers. Keep them in your hearts! When they are translated, I hope that you will understand and remember them. For this is indeed the Dharma.

~ 引用頂果欽哲仁波切《覺醒的勇氣:阿底峽之修心七要 》英譯本

  • PS: 本書已有賴聲川老師的中譯本,於此重譯是為了讓
  1. 小組志工練習筆譯
  2. 大眾再次閱讀這個重點,同時有中英對照的機會

~ 普賢法譯小組Emilia, Sarita, Jil中譯,Serena完稿於2016/5/1。祈願一切有情開啟各自的修心次第!

  1. 臉書出處



The more you are preoccupied by your own physical aging, the more anxious you will become. Do not worry so much about your physical appearance. Concentrate, rather, on not wasting your life. Practice the Dharma. The more you engage in it, the more your satisfaction will grow.

~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

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Some people may have the idea that these teachings on compassion and exchanging self and others are part of the "gradual path" teachings of the sutras, and are not nearly as effective as the more advanced "direct path" teachings of the Great Perfection or the Great Seal. That is a complete misunderstanding.


Only if you have developed the love and compassion of relative bodhicitta can absolute bodhicitta - the very essence of the Great Perfection and the Great Seal - ever take birth in your being.


If the teachings of Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa have become so widespread and have been of benefit to so many people, it is because the minds of these two great teachers were constantly pervaded with compassion and bodhicitta.


Jigme Lingpa's great disciple, Dodrup Jigme Trinle Ozer went to Kham, the eastern provinces of Tibet, and helped thousands of people there by transmitting the teachings of the Longchen Nyingthig, the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse to them. He later wrote to Jigme Lingpa, "This could only happen because I had meditated for so long in mountain solitudes on compassion."


The exchange of yourself and others can be approached step by step.


The first stage is to see yourself and others as equally important - others want to be happy and not to suffer just as you do. So you should wish happiness for others in the same way that you wish it for yourself, and wish that they may avoid suffering, just as you do.


The second stage is the exchange of yourself and others; you wish that others may have your happiness and that you may take their suffering.


There is a third stage, which is to cherish others more than yourself, like the great bodhisattvas who, meeting a blind person, would have no hesitation in giving him their own eyes. At that point, all selfish preoccupation has completely disappeared and you are solely concerned with the welfare of others. Keep right on with this practice until it becomes a reality.


Shantideva says in The Way of the Bodhisattva:


All the joy the world contains
Has come through wishing happiness for others.
All the misery the world contains
Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself.


Is there need for lengthy explanation?
Childish beings look out for themselves,
While buddhas labor for the good of others:
See the difference that divides them!

~出處Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - The Heart of Compassion頂果欽哲仁波切《你可以更慈悲》

  1. 臉書出處

頂果欽哲仁波切: 關於悲心和自他交換的法教


Some people may have the idea that these teachings on compassion and exchanging self and others are part of the "gradual path" teachings of the sutras, and are not nearly as effective as the more advanced "direct path" teachings of the Great Perfection or the Great Seal. That is a complete misunderstanding.


Only if you have developed the love and compassion of relative bodhicitta can absolute bodhicitta - the very essence of the Great Perfection and the Great Seal - ever take birth in your being.

- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - The Heart of Compassion頂果欽哲仁波切《你可以更慈悲》

  1. 原文出處
  2. 臉書出處

頂果欽哲仁波切: 上師相應法



If the disciple has the ring of faith and devotion, then the hook of the guru's wisdom and compassion will pull him swiftly to the land of liberation.

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - Religion

  1. 原文出處 The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel: The Practice of Guru Yoga
  2. 臉書出處





Just As Clouds

Anger might seem extremely strong, but where does it get the power to overwhelm you so easily? Is it some external force, something with arms and legs, weapons and armor? If not, then is it somewhere inside you? If so, where is it? Can you find it in your brain, in your heart, in your bones, or in any other part of You? Impossible though it is to locate, anger does seem to be present in a very concrete way, a strong clinging that freezes your mind into a state of solidity and brings a great deal of suffering both to yourself and to others. Just as clouds, too insubstantial to support your weight or be worn as clothing, can nevertheless darken the whole sky and cover the sun, so in the same way thoughts can obscure the pristine radiance of awareness. By recognizing the void, transparent nature of mind, let it return to its natural state of freedom.

~Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Quoted in the book On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters

  1. 臉書出處





Kindness of Your Enemy

Never get angry, even with someone who has deliberately and maliciously harmed you. You should be grateful to such a person for helping you to purify past negative actions, to increase your determination to be free from samsara and to develop love and compassion.

~Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

From the book "The Heart of Compassion: The Thirty-seven Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva"

  1. 臉書出處




"Your view can, and should be, as high as possible—there is no danger in this since enlightenment is the total realization of the absolute view. But at the same time your behavior should be as grounded as possible in an awareness of cause and effect. If you lose this basic attitude regarding actions, if you forget all common sense and use the loftiness of the view as an excuse for putting into action whatever comes into your mind, you are engaging in mundane activities contrary to the Dharma, just like ordinary worldly people."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




Never Stop Thinking About How to Gain Liberation

It is not enough to wish from time to time that you could be free of samsara. That idea must pervade your stream of thinking, day and night. A prisoner locked in jail thinks all the time about different ways of getting free—how he might climb over the walls, ask powerful people to intervene, or raise money to bribe someone. So, too, seeing the suffering and imperfection of samsara, never stop thinking about how to gain liberation, with a deep feeling of renunciation.

~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

  1. 臉書出處




Cutting Through Subtler Misconceptions

Study and reflection will cut through your more gross misconceptions. But the subtler ones can only be dispelled by meditation, and by integration of the absolute wisdom that arises from it into your very being. To engender it, go to a secluded place and stay as much as possible in meditation, practicing shamatha and vipashyana — sustained calm and profound insight — to realize emptiness, the ultimate nature of all phenomena.

~by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

  • 中譯備註:misconceptions所指可能是無明,或見惑;由於沒有上下文可對照確認,暫時以白話翻譯為錯誤概念
  1. 臉書出處




"We should rely wholeheartedly on our lama with absolute confidence. Guru Rinpoche is the embodiment of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas. If we meditate on our root lama as inseparable from Guru Rinpoche, it is like pouring pure water into a golden vase, whereupon the water takes on the golden hue."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"Phenomena adorn emptiness, but never corrupt it. If you have a thorough understanding of the way phenomena appear through dependent arising, it will not be difficult for you to understand the view of emptiness while remaining in meditation. On arising from such a meditation and entering the path of action, you will recognize clearly the direct relationship between actions and their results. This will enable you to discriminate easily between positive and negative actions."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

  1. 臉書出處




Reflections of Your Attitude

Until you are ready to give your life and body for the sake of others in reality, which is not the case at present, you can at least do it mentally. As your mind grows used to altruistic love and compassion, your words and actions will naturally reflect that attitude.

~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

From the book The Heart of Compassion: The Thirty-seven Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva

  1. 臉書出處




"It would be fine if death meant the end of everything, like a fire that is extinguished or water that is absorbed into dry soil. But it is not so. Even though we leave this body behind at death, consciousness wanders in the bardo, the intermediate state between this life and the next. The consciousness in the bardo is like a feather blown in the wind; it is like a naked man struggling on a dark, stormy night, unable to see even his outstretched hand in front of him, all alone and afraid."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"We must train ourselves, as in the story of an Indian brahmin who began making two piles of pebbles: he placed a white pebble in one pile for every positive thought he had, such as faith and devotion, and a black pebble in the other pile for every negative thought. At first most of his pebbles were black and the white pebbles were few. Great regret overcame him when he realized that he had such a huge amount of negative thoughts and so few positive ones. But as he persevered—by developing antidotes, adopting positive acts, and rejecting negative ones—the amount of white pebbles gradually increased, until the piles of white and black pebbles were equal. Seeing that there were still many black ones and fearing that negative thoughts would cast him back into samsara, he trained his mind again and again, until at last there were only white pebbles"

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"We call the teacher and the Buddha 'The Torch of the Universe,' for their teaching dispels the darkness of ignorance of all beings. Without their profound instructions, beings will remain trapped in the darkness of not knowing what to do and what to avoid. If that brilliant torch of dharma is extinguished, knowledge will inevitably die."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"Even though we may be practitioners, if we are not at all afraid of death, we will waste our time trying to achieve success in worldly matters, cherishing relatives and friends and ridding ourselves of enemies. When we really understand the great suffering of death, when we fully recognize the extent of that suffering, we will develop a genuine mind to practice the dharma."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"Once you have understood the union of emptiness and the dependent arising of phenomena, you will see clearly how deluded and deceiving the ways of the world really are, and, like an old man forced to play children’s games, you will find them very tiresome."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"Do not waste a single moment, like a warrior who, pierced to the heart by an arrow, knows he has only few minutes to live. It is now, while we are in good health and in possession of all our physical and mental faculties, that we should practice Dharma."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

  1. 臉書出處


「如果馬受到鞭打,便會疾馳。同樣的,修行人應該時刻憶念死亡和無常,以利精進修持,速獲覺受與了證。」 ~怙主頂果欽哲仁波切

“When we whip a horse, it gallops. Likewise, dharma practitioners should remember death and impermanence at all times so as to generate diligence for their dharma practice and develop experiences and realization speedily."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"Once you have been struck by the pointlessness of letting yourself be forever influenced and conditioned by your habitual tendencies, you will become sick of it. Once you know that it is sheer delusion to be preoccupied by thoughts of the future, and to lose your mindfulness and vigilance in the present moment, you will weary of it."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

  1. 臉書出處


「鏡子從不論斷它所映照的影像是美是醜 ;同樣地,佛陀以其無念的智慧心意,了知萬法的自性即是法爾如是的法性、空性。」


"A mirror does not judge whether the image it reflects is beautiful or ugly; likewise, the Buddha, through his wisdom mind free of thoughts, knows that the nature of all phenomena is the dharmata, emptiness, as it is."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"Generosity is complete in itself; there is no need for any other reward than having made others happy."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"Each time we perform even a slight positive deed, such as a single recitation of the six-syllable mantra of Chenrezi, the Buddha of Compassion, we should think that our intention is to liberate all sentient beings from the ocean of samsara. When we do even a slight negative deed, if we do not confess it, how can we liberate sentient beings from samsara?"

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 臉書出處




"It is not so important to purify just one’s own karma: the most important thing is to purify the karma of all mother sentient beings."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 原始出處:Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship - Shechen
  2. 中譯出處
  3. 臉書出處




"Pray to the lama to bless us, so that we become aware that this company of humans is like a flock of birds united at the top of a tree: they may take flight and disperse at any moment."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 原文出處
  2. 中譯出處
  3. 臉書出處

頂果欽哲仁波:就像天鵝滑向蓮花池 般的喜悅接受所有痛苦吧

「為了修持佛法,你有可能得要忍受疾病、遭受寒熱或饑渴之苦。不過,既然這些短暫的痛苦能幫助你清淨過去所造的惡業,從長遠的觀點來說,則能達至究竟佛果,那麼,就像天鵝滑向蓮花池 般的喜悅接受所有痛苦吧!」


"In order to be able to practice Dharma, it may happen that you have to endure illness, or suffer from heat, cold, hunger or thirst. But since these short-term sufferings will help you purify your past negative actions and, in the long term, to reach ultimate buddhahood, accept them with joy, like a swan gliding into a lotus pond!"

~Kyabje DIlgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  1. 原始出處:Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship - Shechen
  2. 中譯出處
  3. 臉書出處




"There is no better physical method by which to accumulate merit than doing prostrations; and since it is difficult to do prostrations, we purify our bodily obscurations"

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,Serena貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 原始開示出處
  2. 臉書出處




"If we rejoice without any pride or jealousy in someone being able to build a huge monastery or make a vast offering, we share the same merit as the one who made the offering."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對

  1. 原始開示出處
  2. 臉書出處




"In our delusion, we see things as being permanent and truly self-existing. But in reality phenomena are impermanent, and devoid of any true substantial existence. We want to believe that our friends, partner, wealth and influence will all endure, but by nature they are bound to change. It is therefore senseless to be so preoccupied with them."

- Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

  1. 原始開示出處
  2. 臉書出處

頂果欽哲仁波切 『噯瑪吙』的意思



“Emaho means 'It is wonderful and amazing.' Through applying our body, speech, and mind to the practice of the profound Dharma, this life becomes meaningful. Attaining liberation from samsara, we will ultimately attain omniscience—ultimate enlightenment. In the presence of such qualities and possibilities, we are in a state of wonder, amazement, and great joy."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,Serena貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 原始開示出處
  2. 臉書出處

頂果欽哲仁波切 當陽光照在水晶上



“ When sunlight falls on a crystal, lights of all colors of the rainbow appear; yet they have no substance that you can grasp. Likewise, all thoughts in their infinite variety -devotion, compassion, harmfulness, desire - are utterly without a substance. This is the mind of the Buddha.”

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

~ 普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Serena 恭譯,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 原始開示出處
  2. 臉書出處




"Once you have the View, although the delusory perceptions of samsara may arise in your mind, you will be like the sky; when a rainbow appears in front of it, it’s not particularly flattered, and when the clouds appear it’s not particularly disappointed either. There is a deep sense of contentment. You chuckle from inside as you see the facade of samsara and nirvana; the View will keep you constantly amused, with a little inner smile bubbling away all the time."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

~ 普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Serena 恭譯,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen
  2. 臉書出處




"A crystal, when placed on a piece of cloth, takes on the color of that cloth, whether white, yellow, red or black. In the same way, the friends with whom you keep company the most often, whether suitable or unsuitable, will greatly influence the direction your life and practice take."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,Serena貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen
  2. 臉書出處


「其實,逆境和那些想要傷害你的人,可以成為你在菩薩道上的強大助力。他們藉著讓你面對通常會引發你生氣或瞋恨的情況,而給你以忍辱來轉化這些煩惱的珍貴學習機會。 於修道上,比起任何待人親切的朋友來說,這類人們能給你的好處大多了。」


"Indeed, adversaries and people who try to harm you can be powerful sources of help on the bodhisattva path. By bringing about situations which would normally trigger your anger or hatred, they give you the precious opportunity to train in transforming those negative emotions with patience. On the path, such people will do you far more good than any well-disposed friend."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

~ 普賢法譯小組 Serena 恭譯,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen
  2. 臉書出處




"Even to hear the teachings is something very rare, which only happens once in aeons. That you have met the Dharma now is not just coincidence. It results from your past positive actions. Such an opportunity should not be wasted."

Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Serena校對,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen
  2. 臉書出處




"Even if you practice only for an hour a day with faith and inspiration, good qualities will steadily increase. Regular practice makes it easy to transform your mind. From seeing only relative truth, you will eventually reach a profound certainty in the meaning of absolute truth."

~ Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

  1. 原始開示出處 Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship-Shechen
  2. 臉書出處




"Look at the true nature of harm itself. It is as ungraspable as writing on water. Let resentment vanish of its own accord, and as soon as the fiery waves of thoughts subside, let everything become like an empty sky, where there is nothing to gain and nothing to lose."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,Serena貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 臉書出處
  2. Serena 部落格出處




"Discipline is the foundation of all Dharma practice. It provides the ground upon which all positive qualities can be cultivated. In the same way that all the oceans and mountains are supported by the underlying mass of the earth, all the practices of the Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana are supported by the backbone of discipline."

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Serena校對,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 臉書出處




"All sentient beings are the same in wishing to be happy and not to suffer. The great difference between oneself and others is in numbers—there is only one of me, but countless others. So, my happiness and my suffering are completely insignificant compared to the happiness and suffering of infinite other beings. What truly matters is whether other beings are happy or suffering. This is the basis of bodhichitta. We should wish others to be happy rather than ourselves, and we should especially wish happiness for those whom we perceive as enemies and those who treat us badly. Otherwise, what is the use of compassion?"

~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果

  1. 臉書出處




Many of us lead family lives. At most, the members of a family stay together for the duration of a single lifetime, often much less. While that fleeting moment of being together still lasts, we should try to remain in perfect harmony with each other, while observing the Dharma as much as possible. Night and day, let us turn our minds toward goodness, love, and compassion. Doing a single prostration, saying a simple prayer, contemplating the nature of the mind for an instant are seeds that lead to enlightenment. To be united in this life as man and wife, parent and children, is the result of our past actions, of a shared karma. That is why we should at all costs avoid quarrelling and live in harmony.

~H.H. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Emilia翻譯 / Serena校對,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!

  1. 臉書出處