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此頁列出重新導向至另一個重新導向頁面的頁面。每一列都包含第一次和第二次重新導向頁面的連結,以及第二次重新導向之後的目標,第二次重新導向之後的目標通常是「實際」的目標頁面,也是第一個重新導向頁面應該指向的頁面。 刪節線 代表該項目的問題已經解決。

以下顯示從第 351 筆至第 450 筆中的 100 筆結果:

檢視(前 100 筆 | 後 100 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Four perfect understandings →‎ Four perfect knowledges →‎ Four perfect knowledges 全知四德(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善)
  2. Four specific perfect understandings →‎ Four perfect knowledges →‎ Four perfect knowledges 全知四德(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善)
  3. Four perfect knowledges →‎ Four perfect knowledges 全知四德(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善) →‎ Four perfect knowledges 四無礙解(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善)
  4. Four points illustrating the dharmakaya →‎ Four points illustrating the dharmakaya 法身四義(自性身、智法身、報身、化身) →‎ Four points illustrating the dharmakaya 能詮「果法身」的四義
  5. Four points illustrating the instantaneous application →‎ Four points illustrating the instantaneous application 剎那現觀加行四義(非異熟剎那加行、異熟剎那加行、無相剎那加行、無二剎那加行) →‎ Four points illustrating the instantaneous application 能詮「剎那加行」的四義
  6. Four Primary Elements →‎ Four primary elements →‎ Four primary elements 四大種
  7. Four principles of reasoning →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、明、性、證) →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、緣、性、證)
  8. Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、明、性、證) →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、緣、性、證) →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理(因、緣、性、證)
  9. Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、緣、性、證) →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理(因、緣、性、證) →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理
  10. Four reliances →‎ Four reliances 四法依 →‎ Four reliances 四依法
  11. Four Schools →‎ Four schools →‎ Four schools 四學派(印度佛教四部:說一切有部、經量部、瑜伽部、中觀部)(西藏佛教四教派:寧瑪、薩迦、噶舉、格魯)
  12. Four Seals →‎ Four seals →‎ Four seals 四法印
  13. Four sessions →‎ Four sessions of retreat →‎ Four sessions of retreat 正修四時
  14. Four Sessions of Retreat →‎ Four sessions of retreat →‎ Four sessions of retreat 正修四時
  15. Four stages of approach and accomplishment →‎ Four stages of approach and accomplishment 近修四支(修、近修、成就、大成就) →‎ Four stages of approach and accomplishment 誦修四支
  16. The four philosophical schools of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism →‎ Four tenet systems →‎ Four tenet systems 四部宗義
  17. Four conditions →‎ Four types of condition →‎ Four types of condition 四緣
  18. Four guests →‎ Four types of guest →‎ Four types of guest 四賓客(上供下施等修持的對象)
  19. Four objects →‎ Four types of object →‎ Four types of object 四對境
  20. Four types of object →‎ Four types of object 四對境 →‎ Four types of object 四境 / 四種對境
  21. Four levels of a vidyadhara →‎ Four vidyadhara levels →‎ Four vidyadhara levels 四持明果位
  22. Four virtuous disciplines →‎ Four virtuous disciplines 四賢德(不要求過份、不挾怨報復、不以牙還牙、不揭人隱私) →‎ Four virtuous disciplines 四賢德(不過份要求、不挾怨報復、不以牙還牙、不揭人隱私)
  23. Four ways of gathering disciples →‎ Four ways of attracting disciples →‎ Four ways of attracting disciples 四攝事/四攝法(布施、愛語、利行、同事)
  24. Four means of attraction →‎ Four ways of attracting disciples →‎ Four ways of attracting disciples 四攝事/四攝法(布施、愛語、利行、同事)
  25. Four means of magnetizing →‎ Four ways of attracting disciples →‎ Four ways of attracting disciples 四攝事/四攝法(布施、愛語、利行、同事)
  26. Front generation →‎ Front visualization →‎ Front visualization 對生本尊
  27. Fulfilment →‎ Fulfilment 圓滿 →‎ Fulfilment 遍滿 / 盈滿
  28. Tsokdak →‎ Ganapati →‎ Ganapati 象鼻天
  29. Ganden Tripa →‎ Ganden Tripa 甘丹赤巴 / 甘丹寺法教持有者 →‎ Ganden Tripa 甘丹赤巴 / 甘丹寺法座持有者
  30. Geluk →‎ Gelug →‎ Gelug 格魯派
  31. Jé Khenpo Gendün Rinchen →‎ Gendün Rinchen →‎ Gendün Rinchen 給敦仁千
  32. Gendun Rinchen →‎ Gendün Rinchen →‎ Gendün Rinchen 給敦仁千
  33. Geshé →‎ Geshe →‎ Geshe 格西
  34. Geshe Wangyal →‎ Geshe Ngawang Wangyal →‎ Geshe Ngawang Wangyal 昂汪旺嘉格西
  35. Thupten Jinpa →‎ Geshe Thupten Jinpa →‎ Geshe Thupten Jinpa 圖丹津巴格西
  36. GTJ →‎ Geshe Thupten Jinpa →‎ Geshe Thupten Jinpa 圖丹津巴格西
  37. Jinpa, Thupten →‎ Geshe Thupten Jinpa →‎ Geshe Thupten Jinpa 圖丹津巴格西
  38. Gona Tulku →‎ Gongna Rinpoche →‎ Gongna Rinpoche 貢納仁波切 (貢拿活佛)
  39. Dorje Trollö →‎ Guru Dorje Drolö →‎ Guru Dorje Drolö 金剛怖畏上師
  40. Dorje Drollö →‎ Guru Dorje Drolö →‎ Guru Dorje Drolö 金剛怖畏上師
  41. Dorje Drolö →‎ Guru Dorje Drolö →‎ Guru Dorje Drolö 金剛怖畏上師
  42. Loden Choksé →‎ Guru Loden Choksé →‎ Guru Loden Choksé 愛慧上師
  43. Nyima Özer →‎ Guru Nyima Özer →‎ Guru Nyima Özer 日光上師
  44. Orgyen Dorje Chang →‎ Guru Orgyen Dorje Chang →‎ Guru Orgyen Dorje Chang 鄔金金剛持上師
  45. Pema Gyalpo →‎ Guru Pema Gyalpo →‎ Guru Pema Gyalpo 蓮花王上師
  46. Senge Dradrok →‎ Guru Sengé Dradrok →‎ Guru Sengé Dradrok 獅子吼聲上師
  47. Sengé Dradrok →‎ Guru Sengé Dradrok →‎ Guru Sengé Dradrok 獅子吼聲上師
  48. Shakya Sengé →‎ Guru Shakya Sengé →‎ Guru Shakya Sengé 釋迦獅子上師
  49. Shakya Senge →‎ Guru Shakya Sengé →‎ Guru Shakya Sengé 釋迦獅子上師
  50. Tsokyé Dorje →‎ Guru Tsokyé Dorje →‎ Guru Tsokyé Dorje 海生金剛上師
  51. Tsokyé Dorjé →‎ Guru Tsokyé Dorje →‎ Guru Tsokyé Dorje 海生金剛上師
  52. Guru yoga →‎ Guru Yoga →‎ Guru Yoga 上師瑜伽
  53. Gyalwang Drukpa →‎ Gyalwang Drukchen Rinpoche →‎ Gyalwang Drukchen Rinpoche 嘉旺.竹巴仁波切
  54. Drukchen Rinpoche →‎ Gyalwang Drukchen Rinpoche →‎ Gyalwang Drukchen Rinpoche 嘉旺.竹巴仁波切
  55. Jigme Rinpoche →‎ Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche →‎ Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche 傑楚.吉美仁波切
  56. Gyutrul Shyitro →‎ Gyutrül Shyitro →‎ Gyutrül Shyitro《幻化網》寂忿百尊壇城
  57. Gyütrül Shyitro →‎ Gyutrül Shyitro →‎ Gyutrül Shyitro《幻化網》寂忿百尊壇城
  58. Gonpo Tseten Rinpoche →‎ Gönpo Tseten Rinpoche →‎ Gönpo Tseten Rinpoche 貢坡赤登仁波切
  59. H.H. the Dalai Lama →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 第十四世達賴喇嘛.丹增嘉措
  60. Dalai Lama →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 第十四世達賴喇嘛.丹增嘉措
  61. His Holiness the Dalai Lama →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 第十四世達賴喇嘛.丹增嘉措
  62. His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 第十四世達賴喇嘛.丹增嘉措
  63. Fourteenth Dalai Lama →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 第十四世達賴喇嘛.丹增嘉措
  64. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 第十四世達賴喇嘛.丹增嘉措
  65. The Dalai Lama →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 第十四世達賴喇嘛.丹增嘉措
  66. Tenzin Gyatso →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso →‎ H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso 第十四世達賴喇嘛.丹增嘉措
  67. Hell-beings →‎ Hell beings →‎ Hell beings 地獄道眾生
  68. Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities →‎ Hundred peaceful and wrathful deities →‎ Hundred peaceful and wrathful deities 文武百尊/靜忿百尊/寂忿百尊
  69. Shyitro →‎ Hundred peaceful and wrathful deities →‎ Hundred peaceful and wrathful deities 文武百尊/靜忿百尊/寂忿百尊
  70. Shitro →‎ Hundred peaceful and wrathful deities →‎ Hundred peaceful and wrathful deities 文武百尊/靜忿百尊/寂忿百尊
  71. Madhyamakavatara →‎ Introduction to the Middle Way →‎ Introduction to the Middle Way 入中論
  72. Dzambuling →‎ Jambudvipa →‎ Jambudvipa 南瞻部洲
  73. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche →‎ Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche →‎ Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche 蔣貢康楚仁波切
  74. Jamyang Khyentsé Chökyi Lodrö →‎ Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö →‎ Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö /蔣揚.欽哲.確吉.羅卓/
  75. Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö →‎ Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö →‎ Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö /蔣揚.欽哲.確吉.羅卓/
  76. Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö →‎ Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö /蔣揚.欽哲.確吉.羅卓/ →‎ Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö 蔣揚.欽哲.確吉.羅卓
  77. Khyentse Incarnation Line →‎ Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo Incarnation Line →‎ Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo Incarnation Line 蔣揚.欽哲.旺波的轉世源流
  78. Jatakas →‎ Jataka →‎ Jataka 本生
  79. Jatson Nyingpo →‎ Jatsön Nyingpo →‎ Jatsön Nyingpo 賈村寧波
  80. Jetsun Kushok Chimey Luding →‎ Jetsün Kushok Chimey Luding →‎ Jetsün Kushok Chimey Luding 傑尊姑秀企美祿頂
  81. Jikten Chötö →‎ Jikten Chötö 世間供讚(八大法行之一) →‎ Jikten Chötö 世間供讚( 《修部八教》之一)
  82. Fire ceremony →‎ Jinsek →‎ Jinsek 火供
  83. Jomo Menmo →‎ Jomo Menmo 覺姆緬嫫 →‎ Jomo Menmo 覺姆曼嫫
  84. Jñānasattva →‎ Jñanasattva →‎ Jñanasattva 智慧尊
  85. Kadam →‎ Kadampa →‎ Kadampa 噶當派
  86. Kagye →‎ Kagyé →‎ Kagyé 八大法行
  87. Eight Great Methods of Attainment →‎ Kagyé →‎ Kagyé 八大法行
  88. Kagyé →‎ Kagyé 八大法行 →‎ Kagyé 《修部八教》
  89. Kagyu →‎ Kagyü →‎ Kagyü 噶舉派
  90. Kalachakra →‎ Kalachakra Tantra →‎ Kalachakra Tantra 時輪金剛續
  91. Kanjur →‎ Kangyur →‎ Kangyur 甘珠爾(藏文大藏經之「佛語部」)
  92. Karma Kamtsang →‎ Karma Kagyü →‎ Karma Kagyü 噶瑪噶舉 / 岡倉噶舉
  93. Sixteenth Karmapa →‎ Karmapa Rangjung Rigpé Dorje →‎ Karmapa Rangjung Rigpé Dorje 噶瑪巴讓炯.日佩.多傑
  94. Rangjung Rigpé Dorje →‎ Karmapa Rangjung Rigpé Dorje →‎ Karmapa Rangjung Rigpé Dorje 噶瑪巴讓炯.日佩.多傑
  95. 16th Karmapa →‎ Karmapa Rangjung Rigpé Dorje →‎ Karmapa Rangjung Rigpé Dorje 噶瑪巴讓炯.日佩.多傑
  96. Lekyi Wangmo →‎ Karmendrani →‎ Karmendrani 列吉旺摩(將八大法行託付八大持明的空行母)
  97. Karmendrani →‎ Karmendrani 列吉旺摩(將八大法行託付八大持明的空行母) →‎ Karmendrani 列吉旺摩(將 《修部八教》託付八大持明的空行母)
  98. Khakhyab Rangdrol →‎ Khakhyap Rangdrol →‎ Khakhyap Rangdrol 遍空自解脫
  99. Khamtrul Rinpoche Donyü Nyima →‎ Khamtrul Rinpoche Dongyü Nyima →‎ Khamtrul Rinpoche Dongyü Nyima 第八世康祖仁波切董玉尼瑪
  100. 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche →‎ Khamtrul Rinpoche Dongyü Nyima →‎ Khamtrul Rinpoche Dongyü Nyima 第八世康祖仁波切董玉尼瑪

檢視(前 100 筆 | 後 100 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500