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以下顯示從第 101 筆至第 200 筆中的 100 筆結果:

檢視(前 100 筆 | 後 100 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Anye Shap →‎ Ngawang Kunga Sönam
  2. Anye Zhap →‎ Ngawang Kunga Sönam
  3. Appearance, increase and attainment →‎ Three appearances
  4. Appearing object →‎ Appearing object 顯現境
  5. Apprehended object →‎ Apprehended object 所執之境
  6. Apprehended object 所執之境 →‎ Apprehended object 所執境 / 所取境
  7. Approach →‎ Nyenpa
  8. Approach and Accomplishment of the Three Vajras →‎ Approach and Accomplishment of the Three Vajras 三金剛念修 / 烏金念竹
  9. Arik Rinpoche →‎ Arik Rinpoche 阿瑞仁波切
  10. Arrogance →‎ Pride
  11. Arya →‎ Arya 聖者
  12. Arya Shura →‎ Arya Shura 聖勇大師
  13. Arya Vimuktasena →‎ Arya Vimuktisena
  14. Aryadeva →‎ Aryadeva 聖天 / 提婆論師
  15. Aryashura →‎ Arya Shura
  16. Asanga →‎ Asanga 無著論師
  17. Ascertainment of Valid Cognition →‎ Ascertainment of Valid Cognition 定量論
  18. Ascertainment of the Three Types of Vows →‎ Ascertainment of the Three Types of Vows 阿里班禪之《三律儀論》
  19. Ascertainment of the Three Vows →‎ Ascertainment of the Three Types of Vows
  20. Ashvaghosha →‎ Ashvaghosha 馬鳴尊者
  21. Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati →‎ Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 求生極樂淨土短文
  22. Associative Particle →‎ Tibetan Grammar - Associative Particle
  23. Asura →‎ Demi-gods
  24. Atisha Dipamkara →‎ Atisha
  25. Ato Rinpoche →‎ Ato Rinpoche 阿圖仁波切
  26. Atsara Salé →‎ Acharya Salé
  27. Attachment →‎ Desire
  28. Attainments →‎ Siddhi
  29. Avadhuti →‎ Central channel
  30. Avalokiteshvara →‎ Avalokiteshvara 觀世音菩薩
  31. Avatamsaka →‎ Avatamsaka Sutra
  32. Avatamsaka Sutra →‎ Avatamsaka Sutra 華嚴經
  33. Avichi Hell →‎ Avichi Hell 阿鼻地獄 / 無間地獄
  34. Avichi hell →‎ Avichi Hell
  35. Awakening →‎ Enlightenment
  36. Ayatanas →‎ Twelve ayatanas
  37. Bairo Rinpoche →‎ Bairo Rinpoche 毘盧仁波切
  38. Bairo Tulku Rinpoche →‎ Bairo Rinpoche
  39. Balaha →‎ Balaha 巴拉哈(觀音所化現的石馬)
  40. Balahaka →‎ Balaha
  41. Balapandita Sutra →‎ Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish
  42. Barche Lamsel →‎ Barché Lamsel
  43. Barche kunsel →‎ Tukdrup Barché Künsel
  44. Barché Lamsel →‎ Barché Lamsel 道障遍除
  45. Bardo Thödrol Chenmo →‎ Tibetan Book of the Dead
  46. Bardo Todrol Chenmo →‎ Tibetan Book of the Dead
  47. Bardo Tödrol Chenmo →‎ Tibetan Book of the Dead
  48. Barom Kagyü →‎ Barom Kagyü 巴榮噶舉
  49. Barompa Darma Wangchug →‎ Barom Darma Wangchuk
  50. Barompa Darma Wangchuk →‎ Barom Darma Wangchuk
  51. Base-knowledge →‎ Base-knowledge 一切相智
  52. Basic yana →‎ Basic vehicle
  53. Baudhanath →‎ Boudhanath
  54. Beacon of Certainty →‎ Beacon of Certainty 定解寶燈論
  55. Beacon of Precious Certainty →‎ Beacon of Certainty
  56. Bell →‎ Bell 金剛鈴
  57. Ben Gungyal →‎ Geshe Ben Gungyal
  58. Ben Kungyal →‎ Geshe Ben Gungyal
  59. Benza Guru Mantra →‎ Vajra Guru mantra
  60. Beru Khyentse Rinpoche →‎ Beru Khyentse Rinpoche 貝魯欽哲仁波切
  61. Bhagavan →‎ Bhagavan 薄伽梵 / 出有壞
  62. Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche →‎ Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche 巴卡祖古仁波切
  63. Bhavanakrama →‎ Stages of Meditation
  64. Bhikshu →‎ Fully ordained monk
  65. Bhumis →‎ Bhumi
  66. Bhurkumkuta →‎ Bhurkumkuta 穢跡金剛
  67. Biha →‎ Baha
  68. Bima Nyingtik →‎ Vima Nyingtik
  69. Bindu →‎ Tiklé
  70. Black Yamari →‎ Black Yamari 黑閻摩使者
  71. Blessings →‎ Blessing
  72. Blessings of Body, Speech, and Mind →‎ Blessings of Body, Speech, and Mind Mantra
  73. Bodh Gaya →‎ Bodhgaya
  74. Bodhicaryavatara →‎ Bodhicharyavatara
  75. Bodhicharyavatara →‎ Bodhicharyavatara 《入菩薩行論》
  76. Bodhicharyavatara Chapter 5 →‎ Bodhicharyavatara Chapter 5 Outline
  77. Bodhicharyavatara 《入菩薩行論》 →‎ Bodhicharyavatara 入菩薩行論
  78. Bodhichitta →‎ Bodhichitta 菩提心
  79. Bodhichitta in action →‎ Bodhichitta in action 行菩提心
  80. Bodhichitta in aspiration →‎ Bodhichitta in aspiration 願菩提心
  81. Bodhicitta →‎ Bodhichitta
  82. Bodhisattva vehicle →‎ Bodhisattva yana
  83. Bodhisattva vow →‎ Bodhisattva vow 菩薩戒
  84. Bodhisattvabhumi →‎ Bodhisattva Bhumis
  85. Bodhisattvas →‎ Bodhisattva
  86. Bodhnath →‎ Boudhanath
  87. Bokar Rinpoche →‎ Bokar Rinpoche 波卡仁波切
  88. Bomta Khenpo →‎ Polu Khenpo Dorje
  89. Bon →‎ Bön
  90. Bopa Tulku →‎ Pöpa Tulku
  91. Brhikuti →‎ Bhrikuti
  92. Brief Amitabha Monlam →‎ Brief Amitabha Mönlam
  93. Brief Amitabha Mönlam →‎ Brief Amitabha Mönlam 阿彌陀佛祈願文 / 求生極樂淨土簡軌
  94. Brief Rabné Practice →‎ Brief Rabné Practice 開光 / 勝住簡軌
  95. Brief Tendrel Nyesel →‎ The Brief Practice of Tendrel Nyesel
  96. Bu ston →‎ Butön Rinchen Drup
  97. Buddha →‎ Buddha 佛/佛陀
  98. Buddha Samantabhadra →‎ Buddha Samantabhadra 普賢王如來
  99. Buddha Shakyamuni →‎ Buddha Shakyamuni 釋迦牟尼佛
  100. Buddha fields of the five families →‎ Buddha fields of the five families 五方佛土

檢視(前 100 筆 | 後 100 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500