此分類包含以下 80 個頁面,共 280 個。
- The Jewel Ornament of Liberation
- The Lion's Roar: A Commentary on Sugatagarbha
- The Mirror of Poetics
- The Natural Freedom of the Nature of Mind《大圓滿心性自解脫論》
- The Oral Transmission that Gladdens the Hearts of the Dharma Kings
- The Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras 大乘經莊嚴論
- The Rain of Virtue and Goodness: A Brief Ritual for Consecrating Representations of Enlightened, Body, Speech and Mind
- The Spontaneous Vajra Song of Fulfilment and Confession
- The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
- The Treasure Mine of Composition
- The Wheel Blade of Mind Transformation
- The Words of My Perfect Teacher 普賢上師言教
- The Words of the Vidyadhara which Bestow the Majesty of Great Bliss
- Thirteen great texts 十三部大論
- Thirty Pieces of Advice from the Heart
- Thirty Stanzas 《唯識三十論頌》/《唯識三十頌》
- Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhisattvas 《佛子行三十七頌》
- Three pitakas 三藏
- Three Principal Aspects of the Path
- Tibetan Book of the Dead 《中陰大聞解脫》英譯本名稱
- Torch to Dispel Darkness
- Translator’s homage
- Treasury of Abhidharma 阿毘達摩俱舍論
- Treasury of Dharmadhatu《法界寶藏論》
- Treasury of Knowledge
- Treasury of Philosophical Tenets《宗義寶藏論》
- Treasury of Pith Instructions《竅訣寶藏論》
- Treasury of Precious Instructions
- Treasury of the Natural State《實相寶藏論》
- Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle《妙乘寶藏論》
- Treasury of Valid Reasoning
- Treasury of Word and Meaning《詞義寶藏論》
- Treatise on Karma
- Treatise on the Three Natures 《三自性論》
- Tree of Wisdom
- Trikaya Sutra 三身經
- Trilogy of Dispelling Darkness 遣除黑暗三論(龍欽巴為《秘密藏續》所寫的三本釋論:《遣除十方諸暗》、《遣除心暗》、《遣除無明暗》)
- Trilogy of Finding Comfort and Ease 三休息論(龍欽巴《大圓滿心性休息論》、《大圓滿靜慮休息論》和《大圓滿幻變休息論》)
- Trilogy of Natural Freedom 三自解脫論(龍欽巴《大圓滿心性自解脫論》、《大圓滿法性自解脫論》、《大圓滿平等性自解脫論》)
- Tsik Sum Né Dek
- Tung Shak
- Turning Suffering and Happiness into Enlightenment
- Twelve branches of the excellent teaching 十二分教
- Twenty Stanzas《唯識二十論》
- Twenty Verses on the Bodhisattva Vow
- Twenty-one Indian Commentaries 二十一部印度論典
- Two commentarial traditions 兩種釋經傳統(中觀、瑜伽)
- Two reasons for applying a title to a text 為佛典制訂標題的兩種理由
- Two stainless cycles
- Two-Volume Lexicon