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རྩིས། (Wyl. rtsis ) Pron.: tsi

  • Skt. गणना, gaṇanā, Pron.: ganana. From Sanskrit: the being enumerated among | in | considering, supposing | regarding, taking notice of | consideration | of [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. गणितम्, gaṇita, Pron.: ganita. From Sanskrit: counted, numbered, reckoned, calculated | reckoning, calculating, science of computation | comprising arithmetic, algebra, and geometry | or | & | the astronomical or astrological part of a Jyotiḥśāstra (with the exception of the portion treating of nativities) | the sum of a progression | sum (in general). [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW