Four powers 四力(懺悔四力)

於 2024年9月16日 (一) 18:13 由 SSTC Serena對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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Four powers or four strengths (Wyl. bshags pa'i stobs bzhi) — the essential elements in the practice of confession.

  1. 依止力 power of support (Wyl. rten gyi stobs)
  2. 悔恨力 power of regret (Wyl. rnam par sun 'byin pa'i stobs)
  3. 拔除力/防護力 power of resolve (Wyl. nyes pa las slar ldog pa'i stobs)
  4. 對治力 power of action as an antidote (Wyl. gnyen po kun tu spyod ldog pa'i tobs)

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