Fourteen non-concurrent formations 十四種不相應行

於 2021年1月22日 (五) 15:03 由 SSTC Serena對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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Fourteen non-concurrent formations (Wyl. ldan min 'du byed bcu bzhi) mentioned in Vasubandhu's Treasury of Abhidharma世親論師《阿毘達磨俱舍論》:

  1. acquisition (thob pa)
  2. dispossession (ma thob pa)
  3. same status or similar class (skal mnyam/ris mthun)
  4. perceptionless absorption ('du shes med pa'i snyoms 'jug)
  5. perceptionlessness
  6. absorption of cessation ('gog pa'i snyoms 'jug)
  7. life faculty (srog gi dbang po)
  8. birth (skye ba)
  9. abiding (gnas pa)
  10. aging (rga ba)
  11. impermanence (mi rtag pa)
  12. names (ming gi tshogs)
  13. words/phrases (tshig gi tshogs)
  14. letters (yi ge'i tshogs)

Note that there are an additional ten non-concurrent formations mentioned in Asanga's Compendium of Abhidharma

