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  • :Hūṃ! In the north-west of the land of [[Oddiyana|Oḍḍiyāṇa]], :'''khor du khandro mangpö kor'''
    5 KB (718 個字) - 2021年3月26日 (五) 15:18
  • '''Zabsang Khandro Nyingtik''', ‘The Profound Doctrine of the heart Essence of the [[Dakin …ly a small flock of vultures descended; delightful aromas wafted in mists, and a naturally arisen symphony resounded.
    4 KB (575 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:38
  • …i]]s of the [[twenty-four great sacred places]] and [[thirty-two hallowed lands]]. …[samaya]]s. When samayas are purified, we can attain the [[Siddhi|ordinary and supreme accomplishments]] immediately. 對於淨化三昧耶來說,此法
    3 KB (332 個字) - 2024年4月5日 (五) 21:14
  • …n Branches are part of the translation at Lotsawahouse (Tibetan, phonetics and English): :{{LH|topics/aspiration-prayers/samantabhadra-aspiration-good-actions#SevenBranches|''The Seven Branches''
    5 KB (879 個字) - 2021年3月26日 (五) 15:20
  • *[[:分類:Buddhas_and_Deities | Buddhas and Deities 佛陀與本尊]] *[[:分類:Prayers_and_Practices | Prayers and Practices 願文與修持]]
    2 KB (139 個字) - 2024年9月6日 (五) 14:17
  • …a]] practice of offering and purification practised especially on the 10th and 25th days of the Tibetan month. …accumulation and purification go hand in hand; as we accumulate more merit and wisdom, our obscurations automatically diminish.
    8 KB (1,302 個字) - 2024年9月26日 (四) 14:38
  • …incess of [[Derge]], and [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]]. Of all the guru yoga practices that he composed, this is considered the most special. Jamyang Khyentse als :Inwardly, you are [[Manjushri]] and [[Vimalamitra]],
    4 KB (403 個字) - 2021年3月26日 (五) 14:57
  • …Gyatso]] or [[Ju Mipham Rinpoche]] (1846-1912)—a great [[Nyingma]] master and writer of the last century—based on a [[sutra]] with a similar title, ''T …auspiciousness invoke the power of goodness exemplified by the [[buddha]]s and [[bodhisattvas]], so that any harm or obstacles may be overcome. As it says
    3 KB (423 個字) - 2020年12月13日 (日) 20:54
  • *[[Longchenpa]], ''A Precious Garland for the Four Themes (of Gampopa)'' (Skt. ''dharma chatur ratna mala'', Wyl. *Sogyal Rinpoche, Berlin and Dusseldorf, April 1989
    2 KB (235 個字) - 2022年3月10日 (四) 21:13
  • and [[Namchö]] cycles. Although it is included among the so-called '[[five practices of enlightenment without meditation]], it does require a thorough training …g transference to the [[sambhogakaya]] through the union of the generation and completion phases
    5 KB (589 個字) - 2021年5月23日 (日) 15:59
  • …s the wish that beings may be free from the attitude of attachment to some and aversion to others. …ས་པ་]], ''jampa'') which is the wish that living beings may have happiness and its causes.
    4 KB (694 個字) - 2024年7月19日 (五) 09:19
  • …finding the [[eight freedoms|freedoms]] and [[ten advantages|advantages]], and and the reflections on
    4 KB (543 個字) - 2022年4月30日 (六) 16:48
  • *Bhakha Tulku and [[Steven Goodman]]: 'The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo' in ''Quintessential Dzogche *Lama Yeshe Gyamtso and The [[Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche]] in ''Penetrating Wisdom: The Aspiration of
    4 KB (460 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:21
  • ==The Mandala of Rigdzin Düpa== …Rinpoche]] in union with [[Mandarava]]. Above his head is [[Garab Dorje]] and [[Samantabhadra]]. He is surrounded by the [[eight vidyadharas]] who are in
    5 KB (680 個字) - 2021年3月28日 (日) 22:25
  • …ace, and bliss, or of becoming a powerful cause for your [[enlightenment]] and the enlightenment of others. They are: 個人的修持是否能成為自己 :Conclude by dedicating the merit. These, together and complete, 以迴向福德為終,這些完整地總合起來
    3 KB (355 個字) - 2024年6月20日 (四) 20:44
  • '''A Prayer to Kindle the Three Kinds of Faith: The 17 Nalanda Panditas''' ([[Wyl.]] ''dpal nA len+d+r'i paN chen bcu bdun gyi gsol 'debs dad… …nda Masters|Seventeen Great Panditas]] of [[Nalanda University|Glorious Nalanda]]''
    11 KB (1,629 個字) - 2022年2月8日 (二) 16:09
  • …eas requesting to turn the wheel of Dharma is said to be the antidote to abandoning the Dharma.</ref> [[Category:Prayers and Practices]]
    3 KB (331 個字) - 2023年8月15日 (二) 20:01
  • [[Category: Prayers and Practices]]
    2 KB (204 個字) - 2021年3月7日 (日) 17:25
  • …undred peaceful and wrathful deities]], [[Tsokchen Düpa]], [[Lama Gongdü]] and [[Kagyé]]. The terma of Tendrel Nyesel contains three practices:
    15 KB (1,827 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:27
  • …n on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month.</ref> is Tibet's spiritual leader and the seniormost figure in the [[Tibetan Buddhism|Tibetan Buddhist tradition] [[Sogyal Rinpoche]] writes in ''[[The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying]]''<ref>page 105.</ref>:
    7 KB (962 個字) - 2020年3月18日 (三) 10:48

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