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以下顯示從第 2,011 筆至第 2,060 筆中的 50 筆結果:

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Quotations: Just as Gold is Burnt
  2. Quotations: Jñanagarbha, Distinguishing the Two Truths, Authentic relative phenomena function as they appear
  3. Quotations: Jñanagarbha, Distinguishing the Two Truths, Benefits of distinguishing the two truths
  4. Quotations: Jñanagarbha, Distinguishing the Two Truths, Neither single nor multiple can produce either single or multiple
  5. Quotations: Jñanagarbha, Distinguishing the Two Truths, Refutations of origination and non-origination
  6. Quotations: Katyayana
  7. Quotations: King of Samadhi Sutra, If, in Her Dream,...
  8. Quotations: King of Samadhi Sutra, Just as a Magician Makes Illusions,...
  9. Quotations: King of Samadhi Sutra, Meditation of the Bodhisattvas
  10. Quotations: King of Samadhi Sutra, Sugata Essence Pervades all Beings
  11. Quotations: King of Samadhi Sutra, The Wise Does not Dwell in Extremes
  12. Quotations: Lalitavistara Sutra, Dharma has Two Aspects
  13. Quotations: Lalitavistara Sutra, Existence, as Transient as Autumn Clouds
  14. Quotations: Lalitavistara Sutra, Foolishly Go Round, Like the Potter's Wheel
  15. Quotations: Lalitavistara Sutra, If Things Were not Given Names
  16. Quotations: Liberation Depends upon Yourself
  17. Quotations: Maitreya, Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes, Ten activities bringing merit
  18. Quotations: Maitreya, Ornament of Clear Realization, Definition of bodhichitta
  19. Quotations: Maitreya, Ornament of Clear Realization, Nothing to be removed nor added
  20. Quotations: Maitreya, Ornament of Mahayana Sutras, Generosity
  21. Quotations: Maitreya, Ornament of Mahayana Sutras, Which spiritual teacher to follow
  22. Quotations: Maitreya, Sublime Continuum, Afflictive and cognitive obscuration
  23. Quotations: Maitreya, Sublime Continuum, Buddha is the ultimate refuge
  24. Quotations: Maitreya, Sublime Continuum, Cesspit analogy for the situation of the five classes of beings
  25. Quotations: Maitreya, Sublime Continuum, Degrees of purity
  26. Quotations: Maitreya, Sublime Continuum, Dharma and sangha are not ultimate refuge
  27. Quotations: Maitreya, Sublime Continuum, Disposition is empty of stains and inseparable of qualities
  28. Quotations: Maitreya, Sublime Continuum, Suffering must be understood, it's cause eliminated, cessation realized and the path relied upon
  29. Quotations: Maitreya, Sublime Continuum, Why all beings have buddha nature
  30. Quotations: Manjushrikirti, A Short Teaching Concerning our Assertions on the View
  31. Quotations: Opening the Sūtra《開經偈》
  32. Quotations: Prajnaparamita in Eight Thousand Verses
  33. Quotations: Sutra Requested by Devaputra
  34. Quotations: Sutra Requested by Sagaramati
  35. Quotations: Sutra Requested by Sagaramati, Consciouness is Impermanent
  36. Quotations: Sutra Requested by Upali
  37. Quotations: Sutra Requested by Viryadatta
  38. Quotations: Sutra of Individual Liberation《別解脫經》
  39. Quotations: Sutra of Instructions to the King
  40. Quotations: Sutra of the Meeting of Father and Son
  41. Quotations: Sutra of the Ten Bhumis
  42. Quotations: Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish, Do not Disregard Small Misdeeds
  43. Quotations: Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish, Do not Disregard Small Positive Acts
  44. Quotations: Sutras
  45. Quotations: Tantra
  46. Quotations: Tantra of the Union of the Sun and Moon
  47. Quotations: Teaching on the Qualities of Manjushri’s Pure Land
  48. Quotations: The Torch of the Three Methods
  49. Quotations: Vajra Pinnacle Tantra
  50. Ra Lotsawa

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