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  • …, especially the time of King [[Trisong Detsen]], during whose reign great Indian Buddhist masters like [[Shantarakshita]], [[Guru Padmasambhava]] and [[Vim …bodhisattva]]s, and the basic practices of the [[Fundamental Vehicle]]. In India, based on differences in philosophical standpoint, four major Buddhist scho
    3 KB (385 個字) - 2021年1月19日 (二) 16:10
  • …nunneries in Eastern Tibet as well as its present seat in [[Tashi Jong]], India, where the tradition of [[tokden]]s, or realized [[yogi]]s, is continued to
    4 KB (373 個字) - 2021年1月16日 (六) 08:31
  • …moon around the night sky, and are alluded to in the [[Vedas]]. In ancient Indian culture each nakshatra was considered to be the sacred abode of a particul …constellations or nakshatras as, after the introduction of the zodiac into India, probably in the second century AD, the nakshatras became redefined. Asvini
    2 KB (381 個字) - 2021年3月24日 (三) 21:58
  • …t. From 1959 onward, Dudjom Rinpoche propagated the Dudjom Tersar first in India and all the regions and kingdoms of the Himalayas (Bhutan, Sikhim, …), th ===Dudjom Rinpoche’s activity in exile in India, Buthan, Europe, and the USA===
    14 KB (2,209 個字) - 2021年1月19日 (二) 16:00
  • …f [[Naropa]] and other great [[siddha]]s. He brought many [[tantra]]s from India to Tibet and translated them. These teachings were passed down through [[Mi
    2 KB (285 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:15
  • …ptedly until [[Kalu Rinpoche]]—the retreat master there since 1941—fled to India before the Chinese invasion in the mid 1950s. The centre was completely des
    2 KB (352 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:35
  • …e eighth incarnation of the Tenzin Tulkus. In 1959 after leaving Tibet for India, [[His Holiness the Dalai Lama]] placed him in charge of a monastery housin
    2 KB (147 個字) - 2024年5月21日 (二) 19:19
  • …of the [[Kagyü]] lineage which passed from [[Maitripa]] and [[Naropa]] in India to [[Marpa Lotsawa]] in Tibet.
    2 KB (310 個字) - 2021年4月12日 (一) 21:15
  • *[[Sogyal Rinpoche]], [[Dzogchen Monastery]], India, 9-10 March 1996
    2 KB (240 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:27
  • …drought, with famine and disease, and Padmasambhava asked his teachers in India for a teaching to counter them. Two men returned, laden with the [[tantra]]
    3 KB (378 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:37
  • …(in law) | better, more excellent | northern (because the northern part of India is high) | left (opposed to) | or right, because in praying the face being
    3 KB (361 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 13:05
  • …rn on 19th November 1974, the fifth of the tenth lunar month in Dehra Dun, India. He is the eldest son of His Holiness [[Sakya Trizin]] and a member of Tibe
    2 KB (151 個字) - 2021年3月29日 (一) 12:36
  • …e]]. He revealed a number of [[terma]]s in Tibet, Bhutan, China, Nepal and India. He played an extremely important role in the revival of [[Buddhism]] in Ti …at the invitation of [[Penor Rinpoche|Kyabjé Penor Rinpoche]], he visited India, where he taught at various monasteries, including the [[Namdroling Monaste
    7 KB (935 個字) - 2020年4月8日 (三) 11:34
  • …Siddhas''' as there are four of five caves where the great [[siddha]]s of India are said to have stayed. Even though some say that the [[Eighty-four mahasi
    3 KB (505 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:23
  • …droling]] in Tibet, and later at the school for young tulkus in Dalhousie, India. He has received many teachings from great masters including [[Dilgo Khyent He has taught in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Taiwan and the United States, and is the founder of
    4 KB (388 個字) - 2022年11月15日 (二) 19:14
  • …China, was praised by the pandita Danashila as unrivalled in the whole of India for his learning and accomplishment.</ref> [[Nyang Ral Nyima Özer|Nyangtö
    3 KB (458 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:21
  • …and propagated the Buddhist teachings throughout Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim and India in both conventional and charismatic styles. …ructed numerous [[stupa]]s, prayer wheels, and other holy supports in both India and Nepal.
    5 KB (433 個字) - 2021年6月17日 (四) 07:17
  • His writings, which were published in six volumes in Rewalsar, India, include a popular biography of the crazy yogi [[Drukpa Kunley]], compiled
    2 KB (204 個字) - 2016年8月10日 (三) 22:46
  • …l Lingpa left Tibet with the diaspora and spent time first in [[Pemakö]], India. Later, he settled and lived mainly in Bhutan, where most of his students…
    3 KB (487 個字) - 2024年4月5日 (五) 21:08
  • [[Image:Prajnaparamita.jpg|frame|'''[[Prajñaparamita]]''']]'''Twenty-one Indian Commentaries''' ([[Wyl.]] ''rgya 'grel nyer gcig'') — …tisha’s ''Lamp of Essential Meaning'' are to be classified as the works of Indian Panditas or Tibetan Scholars.
    4 KB (532 個字) - 2021年3月24日 (三) 21:51

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