
跳至導覽 跳至搜尋

以下顯示從第 1,001 筆至第 1,050 筆中的 50 筆結果:

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Four kinds of teacher →‎ Four kinds of teacher 四上師
  2. Four kinds of treatise →‎ Four kinds of treatise 四論/四種造論方式
  3. Four lamps →‎ Four lamps 四燈
  4. Four levels of a vidyadhara →‎ Four vidyadhara levels
  5. Four links →‎ Four links 四相屬
  6. Four major Buddhist holidays →‎ Four major Buddhist holidays 佛教四大節日
  7. Four male gate keepers →‎ Four male gatekeepers
  8. Four male gatekeepers →‎ Four male gatekeepers 護門四王
  9. Four maras →‎ Four maras 四魔
  10. Four means of attraction →‎ Four ways of attracting disciples
  11. Four means of magnetizing →‎ Four ways of attracting disciples
  12. Four mental engagements →‎ Four mental engagements 四作意
  13. Four misapprehensions →‎ Four misapprehensions 四顛倒
  14. Four modes →‎ Four modes 四法(通達佛典義藴的四個層次)
  15. Four modes of birth →‎ Four modes of birth 四生
  16. Four modes of rebirth →‎ Four modes of birth
  17. Four mudras →‎ Four mudras 四印
  18. Four nails →‎ Four nails 繫命四釘(舊譯「肯綮四釘」或「命結四釘」,三摩地本尊釘、真言心咒釘、意不變異釘、集散事業釘,屬於大圓滿生起次第緣觀竅訣)
  19. Four noble truths →‎ Four Noble Truths
  20. Four objects →‎ Four types of object
  21. Four obscurations →‎ Four obscurations 四障
  22. Four perfect knowledges →‎ Four perfect knowledges 全知四德(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善)
  23. Four perfect knowledges 全知四德(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善) →‎ Four perfect knowledges 四無礙解(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善)
  24. Four perfect understandings →‎ Four perfect knowledges
  25. Four points illustrating the dharmakaya →‎ Four points illustrating the dharmakaya 法身四義(自性身、智法身、報身、化身)
  26. Four points illustrating the dharmakaya 法身四義(自性身、智法身、報身、化身) →‎ Four points illustrating the dharmakaya 能詮「果法身」的四義
  27. Four points illustrating the instantaneous application →‎ Four points illustrating the instantaneous application 剎那現觀加行四義(非異熟剎那加行、異熟剎那加行、無相剎那加行、無二剎那加行)
  28. Four points illustrating the instantaneous application 剎那現觀加行四義(非異熟剎那加行、異熟剎那加行、無相剎那加行、無二剎那加行) →‎ Four points illustrating the instantaneous application 能詮「剎那加行」的四義
  29. Four powers →‎ Four powers 四力(懺悔四力)
  30. Four prerequisites →‎ Four prerequisites 四發心(表示尊重、承諾精進、遠離憍慢、充滿法喜 -「學法四先決條件」)
  31. Four primary elements →‎ Four primary elements 四大種
  32. Four principles of reasoning →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、明、性、證)
  33. Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、明、性、證) →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、緣、性、證)
  34. Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、緣、性、證) →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理(因、緣、性、證)
  35. Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理(因、緣、性、證) →‎ Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理
  36. Four reliances →‎ Four reliances 四法依
  37. Four reliances 四法依 →‎ Four reliances 四依法
  38. Four results of the Hinayana path →‎ Four results of the Hinayana path 小乘四果/聲聞乘四果
  39. Four schools →‎ Four schools 四學派(印度佛教四部:說一切有部、經量部、瑜伽部、中觀部)(西藏佛教四教派:寧瑪、薩迦、噶舉、格魯)
  40. Four seals →‎ Four seals 四法印
  41. Four sections of Magical Illusion →‎ Four Sections of Magical Illusion
  42. Four serious faults →‎ Four serious faults 四種嚴重過失
  43. Four sessions →‎ Four sessions of retreat
  44. Four sessions of retreat →‎ Four sessions of retreat 正修四時
  45. Four specific perfect understandings →‎ Four perfect knowledges
  46. Four stages of approach and accomplishment →‎ Four stages of approach and accomplishment 近修四支(修、近修、成就、大成就)
  47. Four stages of approach and accomplishment 近修四支(修、近修、成就、大成就) →‎ Four stages of approach and accomplishment 誦修四支
  48. Four tenet systems →‎ Four tenet systems 四部宗義
  49. Four thoughts →‎ Four thoughts 四厭離心/出離四想
  50. Four times of breaking samadhi →‎ Four times of breaking samadhi 座間四時

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500