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  • '''Lama Chimed Namgyal''' was a [[nyingma]] master, a direct student of [[Dudjom Rinpoche]], and the father of [[Khenpo Palden Sherab]] and [[Khenpo Tsewang [[Category:Nyingma Teachers]]
    1 KB (195 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:20
  • He was born in 1962 and in 1964 [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] went to Spiti to formally recognize him. …impong and lived with Dudjom Rinpoche, who trained him in all the [[Dudjom Tersar]] lineage. Later he lived and studied with [[Minling Trichen Rinpoche]]. He
    2 KB (330 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:26
  • …lineage from [[Soktse Rinpoche]], and the [[Dudjom Tersar]] lineage from [[Dudjom Rinpoche]]. Soon thereafter, Dudjom Rinpoche also officially recognized the young Chhoje Rinpoche, as a reincar
    3 KB (413 個字) - 2021年3月26日 (五) 14:11
  • …k''' (Tulku Orgyen P'huntsok) is a younger generation lama of the [[Dudjom Tersar]] lineage who, since 1999, has assisted his uncle and teacher [[Bhakha Tulk …che, and who had been influential in spreading the dharma and the [[Dudjom Tersar]] lineage both in Tibet and in upper and lower Pemakö.
    3 KB (490 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 20:49
  • …t of [[Dudjom Rinpoche]], an a main support for the spread of the [[Dudjom Tersar]] lineage in modern Buthan. *[[Dudjom Rinpoche]]
    2 KB (359 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:24
  • …porary [[nyingma]] [[lama]], based in Nepal, who studied many years with [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] and [[Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche]].<br> …m Rinpoche all the empowerments, transmissions and teachings of the Dudjom Tersar lineage. After graduation, Yeshe Sangpo Rinpoche served as Khenpo of the in
    3 KB (365 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 20:45
  • …as mo pad+ma g.yu sgron''), ‘Lotus of Turquoise Light’, is a daughter of [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] and [[Sangyum Kusho Tseten Yudron]]. *[[Dudjom Rinpoche's Family Lineage]]
    1 KB (112 個字) - 2021年7月7日 (三) 17:00
  • …as the daughter of [[Patrul Namkha Jikmé]] (1888-1960), himself a son of [[Dudjom Lingpa]] and the fourth incarnation of [[Patrul Rinpoche]]. She was a remar …jom Lingpa]]. With him, she received all the transmissions of the [[Dudjom Tersar]] and [[Longchen Nyingthig]] lineages.
    3 KB (479 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:19
  • *[[Dudjom Rinpoche]] [[Category:Nyingma Teachers]]
    2 KB (246 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:15
  • *[[Dudjom Rinpoche]] [[Category:Nyingma Teachers]]
    2 KB (281 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:39
  • …exile. While serving as his personal secretary, Lobpön Nikula worked with Dudjom Rinpoch to organize his 'Collected Works' and his revision of the whole [[N …ry aspect of rituals in the [[Dudjom Tersar]] tradition, he also served as Dudjom Rinpoche’s [[umdzé]] and [[chöpön]].
    2 KB (184 個字) - 2021年4月30日 (五) 15:31
  • …stayed in the [[Namkha Khyung Dzong]] Monastery and became a main [[Dudjom Tersar]] lineage order of this area of Western Tibet. …Gueko Drime Oser, and Tenzin Gyaltsap Karma Dongak Rinpoche, and also by [[Dudjom Rinpoche]].
    4 KB (572 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:24
  • …disciples of [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] and a major [[Drukpa Kagyü]] and [[Dudjom Tersar]] lineage holder. Based in Ladakh, in the northern part of India, he has li …studying with Karak Yongzin Rinpoche at Karak, Soktse Rinpoche also met [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] in Lhasa, and later met Punda Khen Rinpoche at Yarlung Sheldrak,
    4 KB (628 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 20:57
  • …to recognise [[Dudjom Sangye Pema Zhepa Rinpoche]] as an incarnation of [[Dudjom Rinpoche]]. *[[Dudjom Lingpa Family Lineage]]
    2 KB (246 個字) - 2024年6月25日 (二) 15:03
  • …kyabza Kalzang Drönma <ref>Akyabza Kalzang Drönma was the third consort of Dudjom Lingpa, and also the mother of [[Tulku Lhatop]] and of [[Tulku Dorje Dradü …kha Jikmé was recognised by Dza Tsamtrul Rinpoche Kunzang Dechen Dorje and Dudjom Lingpa as an incarnation of [[Patrul Rinpoche]], and enthroned at [[Dzagyal
    2 KB (336 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:18
  • …is a [[Nyingma]] [[Vajrayana]] master, a scholar and a senior student of [[Dudjom Rinpoche]]. …mother side.</Ref> married [[Semo Dechen Yudron]], the eldest daughter of Dudjom Rinpoche.
    5 KB (674 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:14
  • …dia.</Ref>, founded by [[Togden Kunzang Longrol]]. It follows the [[Dudjom Tersar]] lineage and is a main retreat place of [[Deden Tashi Chöling]]. …blessings of all the holy sites of lower Pemakod and the location where [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] bestowed the [[Rinchen Terdzö]] empowerments for the first time
    3 KB (503 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:27
  • …and his student [[Degyal Rinpoche]]. He was recognized and enthroned by [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] as an incarnation of [[Golok Serta Rinpoche]]. …Rinpoche, Lama Tongnye, Thubten Phuntsok, Pema Tashi and other — requested Dudjom Rinpoche to identify the reincarnation.
    5 KB (769 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:25
  • …, India, where he has spent many years in retreat under the direction of [[Dudjom Rinpoche]]. *Dudjom Rinpoche
    3 KB (326 個字) - 2021年3月29日 (一) 12:39
  • …the spiritual consort of [[Tare Lhamo]], and a main holder of the [[Dudjom Tersar]] lineage. *[[Dudjom Rinpoche]]
    3 KB (470 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:16

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