Sera Khandro 色拉康卓

於 2024年6月25日 (二) 15:07 由 SSTC Serena對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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Sera Khandro, courtesy of

Sera Khandro Dewé Dorje (Tib. སེ་ར་མཁའ་འགྲོ་བདེ་བའི་རྡོ་རྗེ་, Wyl. se ra mkha' 'gro bde ba'i rdo rje) aka Kunzang Dekyong Wangmo (ཀུན་བཟང་བདེ་སྐྱོང་དབང་མོ་, Wyl. kun bzang bde skyong dbang mo) (1892-1940) — a great female tertön whose treasure texts are revered by many great Nyingma masters. She was the consort of Tulku Trimé Özer, one of the sons of the illustrious Tertön Dudjom Lingpa. She was also one of the root gurus of Chatral Rinpoche and was reborn as his daughter, Saraswati (recognised by Karmapa Rangjung Rigpé Dorje).

Another incarnation, recognised by Dudjom Rinpoche, was Tare Lhamo.




  1. Translated by Ngawang Zangpo in Guru Rinpoche: His Life and Times, Ithaca: Snow Lion, 2002

Further Reading

  • Sarah H. Jacoby, “Consorts and Revelations in Eastern Tibet: The Auto/biographical Writings of the Treasure Revealer Sera Khandro (1892-1940)” (unpublished PhD thesis)
  • Sarah H. Jacoby, “Love and Liberation, Autobiographical Writings of the Tibetan Buddhist Visionary Sera Khandro”, Columbia University Press, New York, USA, 2014.

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