Desire realm 欲界

於 2015年8月19日 (三) 12:23 由 SSTC Bubble對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (已匯入 1 筆修訂)
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檔案:Mount Meru Continents.jpg
Mount Meru surrounded by the continents and subcontinents, with the gods of the Desire and Form Realms above

Desire realm (Skt. kāmadhātu; Tib. འདོད་ཁམས་, dö kham; Wyl. 'dod khams) — the first of the three realms. The desire realm is so called because the beings inhabiting it are prey to intense emotion and crave happiness based on the pleasures of the senses. The desire realm consists of thirty-six abodes where the six classes of beings live.
