「Partless particle」修訂間的差異

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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:17 的最新修訂

Partless particle (Tib. dultren chamé; Wyl. rdul phran cha med) — the indivisible particle of matter asserted by the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika schools. See also indivisible moment of consciousness.


The partless particle is refuted by the Chittamatra school using the logic expressed in this famous verse from Vasubandhu's Twenty Stanzas:

When six other particles are joined to it,
The subtle particle will have six parts.
If the six all simply converge together,
Then even compounds will be infinitesimal.

Further Reading

  • Andy Karr, Contemplating Reality (Boston: Shambala Publications, 2007)
  • The Light of Wisdom Volume 1. Root text by Padmasambhava and commentary by Jamgön Kongtrül the Great. Published by Shambhala Publications ISBN 0-87773-566-2. See pages 138-139 and also Note 275, page 274, for an explanation of the above quotation.