「Three noble principles 三善法(初、中、後)」修訂間的差異

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於 2024年6月20日 (四) 20:44 的最新修訂

Three noble principles (Tib. དམ་པ་གསུམ་, dampa sum; Wyl. dam pa gsum) — there are three things that make all the difference between your practice being merely a way of bringing temporary relaxation, peace, and bliss, or of becoming a powerful cause for your enlightenment and the enlightenment of others. They are: 個人的修持是否能成為自己與他人證得菩提的大力起因,還是僅僅成為暫時帶來放鬆、平和、大樂的方式,端賴以下三者:

  • good in the beginning: arousing bodhichitta as a skilful means to ensure that your practice becomes a source of merit for the future 初善:以發菩提心為善巧方便,確保修持可成為未來福德之源
  • good in the middle: maintaining the view of the nature of mind, the attitude of non-grasping free from conceptualization, that secures the practice so that the merit cannot be destroyed by circumstances, 中善:維持關於心性的見地,離於分別的無執態度,以確保修持所得的福德不受情境所毀壞
  • good in the end: sealing the practice properly by dedicating the merit, which will ensure that it continually grows ever greater. 後善:以迴向福德來如理封印修持,以確保福德能繼續增長

The three are referred to in a popular quotation from Longchenpa: 引述自龍欽巴尊者

"Begin with bodhichitta, do the main practice without concepts, 以發菩提心為始,不帶分別地修持正行
Conclude by dedicating the merit. These, together and complete, 以迴向福德為終,這些完整地總合起來
Are the three vital supports for progressing on the path to liberation." 乃為在解脫道上進展的三大助力

Alternative Translations

  • three excellences
  • three goods
  • three supreme methods
  • three supreme points

Oral Teachings Given to the Rigpa Sangha

Sogyal Rinpoche

  • Lerab Ling, 17 October 2009
  • Barcelona, 10 June 2007, pm
  • Bhutan, 31 March 2007
  • Lerab Ling, 12 August 2006, pm
  • Lerab Ling, 22 July 2006
  • Dzogchen Beara, 28 June 2006, am
  • London, 14 January 2006
  • Paris, 17 September 2005, pm
  • Paris, 30 April 1998
  • Lerab Ling, 21 April 1998
  • Paris, 10-11 January 1998
  • Paris, 11 October 1997

Edited Audio-Video Teachings

  • Rigpalink November 2007, The Essence of the Simple Formula, Part 5: The crucial point of mind—The Three Noble Principles: View & Dedication (CD/DVE705)
  • A Treasury of Dharma (Rigpa, 2005), CD1, track 14

Other Teachers

Further Reading

External links