Omniscience 遍智

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Omniscience (Tib. namkhyen; Wyl. rnam mkhyen)

In the Abhisamayalankara《現觀莊嚴論》

The knowledge of all things in their nature and in all their multiplicity. The first of the eight topics of the Abhisamayalankara. See knowledge of all aspects.

編註:洛桑卻佩格西講授《菩提道次第略論 毗缽舍那 三十》時開示:「遍智分為盡所有智和如所有智。盡所有智,可稱為世俗諦智;如所有智,稱為空性智。遍智本身可以了知盡所有的法,因此稱為盡所有智,它又可以了知一切的真如(空性),因此又稱為如所有智。這兩個智的體性是相同的。」又,「八現觀」所說的內涵是:菩薩道的能修「四加行」(圓滿加行、頂加行、漸次加行、剎那加行);菩薩道的所修「三智」(基智、道智、相智或遍智);修道究竟的果位「智法身」。

Further Reading

  • Sara McClintock, Omniscience and the Rhetoric of Reason: Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on Rationality, Argumentation, and Religious Authority , Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2010