「Khetsün Zangpo Rinpoche 克准桑波仁波切」修訂間的差異

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Khetsün Zangpo Rinpoche
Khetsün Zangpo Rinpoche with Sogyal Rinpoche, Prapoutel, 1990

Khetsün Zangpo Rinpoche (Wyl. mkhas btsun bzang po rin po che) (1920-2009) was born in Central Tibet in 1920 from a patrilineal descent of ngakpas. He studied the sutras and tantras from 1937 to 1949. After which and until 1955 he mainly practised in closed retreat. In 1959 he fled Tibet for India where he first spent two years on retreat. Then he went to Japan to teach for 10 years at the request of Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche. Back in India he became in charge of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala. He is the author of many volumes of teachings including the outstanding Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism in 12 vol. Rinpoche lived at his monastery in Sundarijal in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, which he established at the request of Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoché. He passed into parinirvana on 6th December, 2009.

克准桑波仁波切(Khetsün Zangpo Rinpoche;1920-2009),1920年誕生於西藏中部,其父系有多位密咒師的血脈。1937至1949年間,他研讀經續教典,之後直到1955年間,都以嚴密閉關為主。1959年逃離西藏,抵達印度後,首先閉關兩年,然後應敦炯(敦珠)仁波切(Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche)之請,前往日本任教十年。返回印度後,成為達蘭莎拉西藏圖書檔案文獻館(the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives)的負責人。撰有多部典籍,包括著名的《西藏與藏傳佛教傳記辭典》(the outstanding Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism)十二卷。仁波切住在尼泊爾加德滿都谷地孫達里佳(Sundarijal)自己的寺院中。這間寺院是他應敦炯(敦珠)仁波切之請而建立的。仁波切圓寂於2009年12月6日。

He attended the historic gathering at Prapoutel in 1990.


Literary Works

In Tibetan

  • The Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism in 12 vol.
  • An extra 13th vol. based on Dunhuang caves discovery called An early history of Tibet edited from the findings unearthed at the Dunhuang caves
  • An autobiography
  • Proverbs and Poems

In English

  • Tantric Practice in Nyingma translated by J. Hopkins, Snow Lion, 1982,1996 (on the Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro)
  • Fundamental Mind by Mipam Rinpoche with practical commentary by Khetsun Sangpo Rinpochay, Translated by J. Hopkins, Snow Lion, 2006.

External Links

Rigpa Wiki

Khetsün Zangpo Rinpoche

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