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འཆིང་བ། (Wyl. 'ching ba ) Pron.: chingwa

བཅིངས་པ།  འཆིང་བ།  བཅིང་བ།  ཆིངས།  ༼ཐ་དད་པ་༽
past pres. fut. imp. v.t.
  • Skt. बन्धनम्, bandhana, Pron.: bandhana. From Sanskrit: binding, tying, fettering | captivating (with | or | and | holding fast, stopping | dependent on | the act of binding, tying, fastening, fettering | also | a bond, tie | also | rope, cord, tether | = bound to or fettered by | binding on or round, clasping | binding up, bandaging, a bandage | catching, capturing, confining, detention, custody, imprisonment or a prison | building, construction | embanking or an embankment | bridging over | alloying (of metals) | joining, junction, connection, coherence | fixing upon, directing towards | checking, suppressing | hurting, killing | a stalk, stem, peduncle (of a flower) | a sinew, muscle [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. बन्धिः, bandhi, Pron.: bandhi. From Sanskrit: N. of an Asura [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW