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  • 1 KB (163 個字) - 2021年1月19日 (二) 15:24
  • …disciples and minor branch monasteries were located in the Ngari region of Tibet, Ladakh and Piti in India, Humla, Karmarong, Dolpo and Mustang etc. in the …ng Dzong Monastery was completely destroyed during the political change in Tibet in 1959.
    2 KB (284 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:16
  • …role he played in establishing the Madhyamika [[Prasangika]] teachings in Tibet. He translated the most important texts of this tradition, including [[Naga …makavatara of Acarya Candrakirti'', Sarnath: [[Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies]], 2005, p. 48
    2 KB (293 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:18
  • …[Wyl.]] ''zhe chen'') - one of the [[Six "Mother" Nyingma Monasteries]] of Tibet, was founded in 1695 by [[Shechen Rabjam Tenpé Gyaltsen]] who was sent to …main temple and one hundred and fifty statues were made for it by the best Tibetan craftsmen and sculptors of the time.
    2 KB (348 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:24
  • …Pundarika, the second [[Kalkin king]] of [[Shambhala]], and introduced in Tibet in the 11th century, it is the basis for all Kalachakra commentaries.
    371位元組 (50 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:37
  • [[Image:TC map.jpg|thumb|Map of the Solo Khumbu district and Tibetan Gompas]] …u district of northeastern Nepal. Over 900 monks and nuns (80% of whom are Tibetan refugees) live there, under Trulshik Rinpoche's care.
    2 KB (280 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:34
  • …Chime Namgyal was born and raised in the Dhoshul region of Kham in eastern Tibet near the sacred mountain Jowo Zegyal. His family was steeped in [[Vajrayana After having fled Tibet to India with his two sons, Lama Chime Namgyal followed them in he USA and
    1 KB (195 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 21:20
  • …Mahavajra''' — one of the most learned Indian Buddhist masters. He went to Tibet in the ninth century, where he taught extensively, and composed and transla Vimalamitra spent thirteen years in Tibet, and then, promising to return to Tibet every hundred years as an emanation to further the Clear Light teaching of
    2 KB (250 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:37
  • …00-1774) — the Eighth [[Tai Situ]]. One of the most influential masters in Tibetan history. …ith the [[Karmapa]] and Shamarpa. He returned to Tibet in 1724 via Western Tibet.
    3 KB (403 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:25
  • …dgon pa'') - the monastery of the [[Nechung Oracle]], the state oracle of Tibet.
    341位元組 (47 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:16
  • …ves the year as 1848 </ref>, which produced many of the finest scholars in Tibet. Among the great masters who studied and/or taught at the shedra were [[Khe …orges B. J. Dreyfus. ''The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk''. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003
    1 KB (186 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:25
  • …practice lineages]]) to the lineage of teachings and practices brought to Tibet and translated by [[Marpa Lotsawa]] (1012-1097), which later branched into
    368位元組 (53 個字) - 2021年1月19日 (二) 15:15
  • …at the outer category of mind—when the Semdé teachings were translated in Tibet, the Land of Snows, eighteen ‘mother’ and ‘child’ texts of the mind …en]], Yudra Nyingpo, and others, as a result of which it spread throughout Tibet."
    1 KB (199 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:15
  • …las rab rgyas'') (1855-1899) was the ninth Demo Rinpoche and the regent of Tibet before the rule of the [[Thirteenth Dalai Lama]]. He was convicted of plott
    375位元組 (58 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:16
  • …bots of the monastery, the [[Reting Rinpoche]]s often served as regents of Tibet under the [[Dalai Lama]]s.
    448位元組 (64 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:22
  • …cuments for the history of the eighteenth-century Tibetan world.<ref>Among Tibetan Texts, page 169</ref> …). Peculiarities in the Text and their Interpretation in Translation' in ''Tibet Journal'', Vol. VI, No.1, 1981
    1 KB (174 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:26
  • …hen]], further supporting the establishment and flourishing of Buddhism in Tibet. Nyang Tingdzin Zangpo was one of the five Tibetan disciples who received the cycle of the Innermost Secret [[Nyingtik]] of
    3 KB (388 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:17
  • …okden]]s and lay people who followed him into exile from [[Kham]], Eastern Tibet. All together they worked to clear the land and to rebuild on foreign soil …dred monks living together in the Tashi Jong community a “little island of Tibetan culture" surrounded by its Indian neighbors. Today there are the modern…
    3 KB (416 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:27
  • …t disciple of [[Dudjom Lingpa]]. He visited [[Degyal Rinpoche]] in Western Tibet, in the area of [[Mount Kailash]], and stayed with him for one year. Then,
    438位元組 (63 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:35
  • …first one is the detailed teachings for/of the '''scholars''', brought to Tibet by [[Vimalamitra]] and known as [[Vima Nyingtik]]. It is mainly based on th …the profound teachings for/of '''mendicants''' [or [[yogi]]s], brought to Tibet by Guru [[Padmasambhava]] and known as [[Khandro Nyingtik]]. It is mainly…
    3 KB (440 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:17

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