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  • *[[Dudjom Rinpoche]], ''The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, Its Fundamentals and History'', trans. and ed. [[Category:Nyingma Masters]]
    2 KB (198 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:22
  • [[Alak Zenkar Rinpoche]] writes:<ref>{{LH|tibetan-masters/alak-zenkar/nine-yanas|''A Brief Presentation of the Nine Yanas'' by Alak… The [[Nyingma]] tradition also classifies the teachings into '''[[nine yanas]]'''.
    1 KB (202 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:37
  • …]] master. He was brought up in a [[Drukpa Kagyü]] monastery, and his main masters from that tradition were [[Khamtrul Tenpé Nyima]] and [[Drubwang Tsoknyi]] *[[Nyoshul Khenpo]], ''A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems: Biographies of Masters of Awareness in the Dzogchen Lineage'', Padma Publications, 2005, pages 442
    3 KB (357 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:35
  • [[Category:Nyingma Masters]] [[Category:Dudjom Tersar Masters]]
    2 KB (336 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:18
  • …f [[Thangtong Gyalpo]]. His immediate previous life was as one of the head masters of the Katok lineage. …to mundane affairs, so he wanted to go into retreat and follow the genuine masters so as to learn the uncommon path of spirituality. But he was requested by…
    4 KB (626 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 20:44
  • *[[Nyoshul Khenpo]], ''[[A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems]]: Biographies of Masters of Awareness in the Dzogchen Lineage'' (Junction City: Padma Publications, *[[Tulku Thondup]], ''Masters of Meditation and Miracles'', edited by Harold Talbott, Boston: Shambhala,
    3 KB (455 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:14
  • …anced studies in southern India at [[Namdroling Monastery]], the largest [[Nyingma]] monastery in India, established by [[Penor Rinpoche]]. …, he also received empowerments and transmissions from many masters of the Nyingma lineage such as:
    3 KB (490 個字) - 2021年3月25日 (四) 20:49
  • [[Category: Nyingma Masters]]
    1 KB (182 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:26
  • …][[Category:Sanskrit]][[Category:Twenty-five Disciples]][[Category:Nyingma Masters]]
    1 KB (119 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:56
  • …amyang Khyentse Wangpo]] was the body incarnation<ref>See Tulku Thondup, ''Masters of Meditation and Miracles'' (Shambala, 2002), page 215</ref> of [[Jikmé L …hyentse Rinpoche]] <br/>頂果欽哲仁波切<br/>(1910—1991)<br/>[[Shechen Monastery]] (Nyingma) <br/>寧瑪派<br/> 雪謙寺
    4 KB (521 個字) - 2024年6月13日 (四) 20:45
  • …ing Monastery|throneholder]] of [[Mindroling Monastery]] and head of the [[Nyingma]] school. …hter, [[Khandro Rinpoche]]. He succeeded [[Penor Rinpoche]] as head of the Nyingma school in 2001. He passed away on the third day of the Tibetan new year, Sa
    4 KB (447 個字) - 2021年4月30日 (五) 15:26
  • *Translation on Lotsawa House: <br>{{LH|tibetan-masters/nyingma-masters/mipham/sword-of-wisdom|''The Sword of Wisdom''}}
    2 KB (198 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:26
  • …yingma Kama]], are the two modes of transmission of the teachings of the [[Nyingma]] School. …asters through their enlightened power.”<ref>[[Tulku Thondup Rinpoche]], ''Masters of Meditation and Miracles'', edited by Harold Talbott (Boston: Shambhala,
    6 KB (906 個字) - 2021年3月26日 (五) 14:48
  • …incarnation of Chhoje Rinpoche VII, who was a lineage holder of both the [[Nyingma]] and [[Kagyu]] tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. [[Category:Drukpa Kagyü Masters]]
    3 KB (413 個字) - 2021年3月26日 (五) 14:11
  • …is lead to the creation of the [[Nyingma Gyübum]] that brings together the Nyingma tantras.
    4 KB (453 個字) - 2017年2月20日 (一) 23:45
  • [[Category: Nyingma Masters]] [[Category: Dudjom Tersar Masters]]
    3 KB (388 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:18
  • [[Category: Nyingma Masters]] [[Category: Dudjom Tersar Masters]]
    3 KB (445 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:26
  • Dudjom Tenzin Yeshe Dorje has received teachings and empowerments from many masters, including: …monasteries in Bhutan and India, and has presided annually at the Ngagyur Nyingma Chenmo world peace prayers at Bodhgaya, India.
    3 KB (374 個字) - 2022年2月23日 (三) 09:02
  • …akilaya.JPG|frame|[[Vajrakilaya]], a wrathful yidam deity popular in the [[Nyingma]] school]] :When we consider all the great masters of the Indian and Tibetan traditions, we find that in every case, their acc
    5 KB (858 個字) - 2016年8月21日 (日) 20:45
  • …recognised as the incarnation of [[Longchenpa]] and of the following other masters: [[Category: Nyingma Masters]]
    3 KB (492 個字) - 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:36

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