Sixteen offering goddesses 十六供養天女

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Sixteen offering goddesses (Wyl. mchod pa'i lha mo bcu drug) or sixteen vajra goddesses

  1. the lute goddess (Tib. Piwangma)
  2. the flute goddess (Tib. Lingbuma)
  3. the clay drum goddess (Tib. Dzangama)
  4. the round drum goddess (Tib. Ngadumma)
  5. the goddess of charm (Tib. Gekmoma)
  6. the goddess of laughter (Tib. Shyéma) / goddess of garlands (Tib. Trengwama)
  7. the goddess of song (Tib. Luma)
  8. the goddess of dance (Tib. Garma)
  9. the goddess of flowers (Tib. Métokma)
  10. the goddess of incense (Tib. Dukpöma)
  11. the goddess of light (Tib. Marméma) / lamp goddess (Tib. Nangselma)
  12. the goddess of perfume (Tib. Drichapma)
  13. the goddess of form (Tib. Zukma) / mirror goddess (Tib. Mélongma)
  14. the goddess of taste (Tib. Roma)
  15. the goddess of touch (Tib. Rekchama)
  16. the goddess of dharmadhatu (Tib. Chökyiyingma)

Prayers Related to the Sixteen Offering Goddesses

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