Seven patriarchs 七代付法藏師

於 2016年8月23日 (二) 23:15 由 SSTC ivory對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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The Seven Patriarchs (Wyl. gtad rabs bdun) — before his parinirvana the Buddha entrusted the care of the Dharma to Mahakashyapa, predicting that seven patriarchs would maintain the purity of the Dharma and serve as reminders of the Buddha's presence.


  1. Mahakashyapa 大迦葉
  2. Ananda 阿難
  3. Shanavasika 商那和修
  4. Upagupta 優婆鞠多
  5. Dhitika 提多迦
  6. Krishna 黑天(或譯作黑色)
  7. Sudarshana 善見


Further Reading

  • Ways of Enlightenment; Buddhist Studies at Nyingma Institute, pages 38-40. Dharma Publishing ISBN: 0-89800-255-9
  • Dudjom Rinpoche, The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, The Patriarchs of the Teachings, pp.432-439. Published by Wisdom Publications ISBN: 0-86171-199-9
