「Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche 薩迦達欽仁波切」修訂間的差異

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於 2016年8月9日 (二) 22:40 的修訂

Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche, courtesy of Stefan Eckel

His Holiness Jigdal Dagchen Sakya Rinpoche (Wyl. 'jigs bral bdag chen sa skya) was born into the Phuntsok branch of the Khön lineage of the Sakya school in 1929 in southwestern Tibet. Under the guidance of his father, H.H. Trichen Ngawang Thutop Wangchuk (the 40th throneholder of the Sakya school), and other distinguished teachers, he received instructions in all the teachings of the sutras and tantras. Upon completion of his training, he received the unbroken Khön lineage transmission of the Sakya Vajrakilaya and Hevajra empowerments and the complete Lamdré Tsokshé, which are the main teachings of the Sakya tradition. Following this he went into a long series of study and meditation retreats. He then conferred the Lamdre Tsokshé on the monks, nuns, and lay people of Sakya.

法王吉札.達欽.薩迦仁波切於1929年出生於西南藏區薩迦派的昆氏家族(Khön )圓滿宮。在他父親薩迦崔津法王拿旺.土多.旺秋(H.H. Trichen Ngawang Thutop Wangchuk;第四十任薩迦傳承法座持有者)以及其他優秀教師的指導下,他接受了經續二部的所有教法。修學圓滿之後,他接受了昆氏傳承無間斷的薩迦派普巴金剛和喜金剛灌頂,和「道果會眾釋」-的完整傳法,這些是薩迦傳承的主要教法。此後,他進行了一連串長期的研習和禪修閉關。隨後,他傳授了「道果會眾釋」給薩迦的僧俗二眾。

After the passing of his father, Dagchen Rinpoche took a leave of absence as ruler of Sakya in order to travel to East Tibet, where he studied with Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. After completing his major studies, Dagchen Rinpoche bestowed empowerments and teachings throughout East Tibet and established 17 Sakya colleges and 10 retreat centers in that region. In 1955, he conferred the Lamdre Tsokshé, for a second time, to over 1200 practitioners in Minyak, East Tibet.

在父親圓寂後,達欽仁波切暫時放下身為薩迦治理者的職務,前往東藏(康區),跟隨蔣揚.欽哲.確吉.羅卓(Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö )、頂果.欽哲仁波切(Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche)學習。在完成主要學業之後,達欽仁波切在藏東各地賜予灌頂和教學,並在該地區建立了17所薩迦派的佛學院和10處閉關中心。1955年,在東藏的菛雅地區,他第二次傳授了「道果會眾釋」,傳給菛雅地區超過1200名修行人。

In 1959 Dagchen Rinpoche, his wife H.E. Dagmo Kusho Sakya, and their family were forced to flee to India, where Dagchen Rinpoche became the Sakya representative to the Tibetan Religious Office in Exile, which was instrumental in arranging for the resettlement of Tibetan refugees. The following year he was invited to participate in a research project on Tibetan civilization at the University of Washington sponsored by a Rockefeller Foundation grant.

1959年,達欽仁波切及其佛母尊貴的達嫫.姑秀.薩迦(Dagmo Kusho Sakya)和家人被迫流亡至印度。在印度,達欽仁波切成為西藏流亡政府宗教辦公室的薩迦派代表,這個辦公室對於安置西藏難民的重新定居有著重大作用。次年,他受邀參加由洛克菲勒基金會資助的一個華盛頓大學的西藏文化研究計畫。

Dagchen Rinpoche has resided in Seattle since 1960 along with his wife, five sons and other family members. Appreciating the benefits of American freedom and prosperity, he works actively to help preserve and share the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. To this end he has given extensive empowerments and teachings throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. In 1974 Dagchen Rinpoche co-founded with Dezhung Rinpoche the original Dharma Center called Sakya Tegchen Choling. In 1984, the group reorganized and the name Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism was adopted. H.H. Jigdal Dagchen Sakya established Sakya Monastery as a seat of cultural and religious learning in the West.

自1960年起,達欽仁波切與其佛母、五個兒子以及其他家庭成員都定居在西雅圖。他體會到美國自由繁榮的好處,於是積極幫助保存和分享藏傳佛教傳統。為此,他在美國、加拿大、歐洲、亞洲各地傳授了廣泛的灌頂和教學。 1974年,達欽仁波切與德松仁波切(Dezhung Rinpoche) 共同成立了早先的佛法中心,名為薩迦.特欽.却林(Sakya Tegchen Choling;薩迦大乘法洲)。1984年,組織改組,更名為藏傳佛教薩迦寺(Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism)。 吉札.達欽法王將此薩迦寺豎立為在西方學習文化和宗教的道場。


  • A Rainbow Creation, an autobiography compiled by Dagchen Rinpoche in 1987.
  • 《幻化彩虹》,達欽仁波切於1987年所彙編的自傳。

Further Reading

  • Jackson, David. Saint in Seattle: The Life of the Tibetan Mystic Dezhung Rinpoche (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2003)
  • 大衛.傑克遜,《西雅圖之聖者:西藏秘士德松仁波切的生平》,波士頓:智慧出版社,2003年
  • Jamyang Sakya and Julie Emery, Princess in the Land of Snows: The Life of Jamyang Sakya in Tibet. Shambhala, 1990
  • 蔣揚.薩迦和朱莉.埃默里,《雪域公主:蔣揚.薩迦在西藏的生活》,香巴拉出版社,1990年

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Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche

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