Mayum Tsering Wangmo 瑪嫞慈琳汪嫫
Mayum Tsering Wangmo (Tib. མ་ཡུམ་ཚེ་རིང་དབང་མོ་, Wyl. ma yum tshe ring dbang mo), also known as Tselu, is the mother of Sogyal Rinpoche and Dzogchen Rinpoche. She is renowned as a great dakini and an emanation of Ushnishavijaya. She is the sister of Khandro Tsering Chödrön. She was born in 1925 as the daughter of Dechen Tso, the princess of Ling, and Sonam Tobgyal of the Lakar family, an emanation of the protective deity Gönpo Tsokdak.
瑪嫞慈琳汪嫫(Tib. མ་ཡུམ་ཚེ་རིང་དབང་མོ་, Wyl. ma yum tshe ring dbang mo),又稱慈祿(Tselu),是索甲仁波切與卓千仁波切的母親,是著稱的偉大空行母(dakini),亦是佛頂尊勝佛母(Ushnishavijaya)的化現;她是康卓慈琳確諄的姐姐,生於西元1925年,是伶地公主德千措的女兒,父親為拉卡家族的索南多嘉-護法神貢波措達的化現。
臉書連結:瑪嫞慈琳汪嫫(Mayum Tsering Wangmo)
補充說明:根據這篇,佛母誕生於1923年,2022年6月25日圓寂 [1]
Often mistaken for a portrait of Khandro Tsering Chödrön, this has actually been identified as Mayum Tsering Wangmo (by the one portrayed herself)
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A Brief History of the Lakar Family by Mayum Tsering Wangmo
Rigpa Wiki
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