Khondung Ratna Vajra Rinpoche 大寶金剛仁波切

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Ratna Vajra Sakya Rinpoche

Khondung Ratna Vajra Sakya (Tib. རཏྣ་བཛྲ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།) was born on 19th November 1974, the fifth of the tenth lunar month in Dehra Dun, India. He is the eldest son of His Holiness Sakya Trizin and a member of Tibet’s noble Khön family who founded the Sakya school in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Since early childhood he has undertaken the intensive traditional training for lineage holders. He is well known for the brilliance and clarity of his teachings and his fluency and excellent command of English.

薩迦法王子大寶金剛仁波切 (Dungsé Ratna Vajra Rinpoche) 於1974年11月19日藏曆十月初五,在印度德拉敦誕生。他是薩迦崔津法王的長子,屬於在西元第十一、十二世紀創立薩迦派之西藏貴族昆氏家族的一員。從他極為年幼之時,就已開始接受對於傳承持有者的傳統式密集訓練。他以傑出、清晰的教學,以及流利、優秀的英語表達能力而聞名。

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Khondung Ratna Vajra Rinpoche

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