Five wrathful herukas and their five consorts 五忿怒尊(嘿汝嘎)佛父母

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The five wrathful herukas and their five consorts—the wrathful aspect of the buddhas of the five families and of the five female buddhas—are: 五大嘿嚕嘎父母尊乃五方佛父母尊的忿怒相:

  1. Buddhaheruka and his consort Buddhakrodhishvari 佛部嘿嚕嘎及佛部忿怒界自在佛母;
  2. Vajraheruka and his consort Vajrarodhishvari 金剛部嘿嚕嘎及金剛部忿怒界自在佛母;
  3. Ratnaheruka and his consort Ratnarodhishvari 寶生部嘿嚕嘎及寶生部忿怒界自在佛;
  4. Padmaheruka and his consort Padmakrodhishvari 蓮華部嘿嚕嘎及蓮華部忿怒界自在佛母 and
  5. Karmaheruka and his consort Karmakrodhishvari 羯磨部(事業部)嘿嚕嘎及羯磨部忿怒界自在佛母.

They are part of the fifty-eight wrathful deities.