Eight Guardians of the World 八大世間護法

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The Eight Guardians of the World are mentioned in Mipham Rinpoche's famous Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones. 米滂(麥彭)仁波切《八聖吉祥祈請文》中所提到的八大世間護法:

They are composed of four Hindu gods 印度四神

  1. Brahma, 梵天
  2. Shambhu (Shiva), 自在天(濕婆)
  3. Narayana (Vishnu), 遍入天(那羅延天、毗濕奴)
  4. Indra the Thousand-Eyed, 千目帝釋天(因陀羅天)

and the Four Great Kings: 與四大天王(四天王天)

  1. Dhritarashtra, 東方持國天王
  2. Virudhaka, 南方增長天王
  3. Virupaksha, 西方廣目天王
  4. Vaishravana.北方多聞天王(毘沙門天王)

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