Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche 安尼竹穹仁波切

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Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche courtesy of Rigdzin Trust

Born in 1970, Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche is the reincarnation of the Fourth Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche of Ju Mohor Monastery in Tibet. He was trained in the Rigdzin lineage, and undertook a three-year retreat at Yachen Orgyen Samten Chöling (Yachen Gar) in Tibet, under the guidance of Lama Akhyuk Rinpoche, one of his root teachers.

安尼竹穹仁波切(*Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche),1970年生,為西藏朱摩侯寺(* Ju Mohor Monastery)第四世安尼竹穹仁波切的轉世。他曾修學於持明傳承(Rigdzin lineage),並在他根本上師之一喇嘛阿秋(Akhyuk)仁波切的指導下,於西藏的亞青寺(Yachen Gar)進行了為期三年的閉關。

At the age of eighteen, he was formally enthroned as the Fifth Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche and abbot of Ju Mohor Monastery. His education continued at the university centre of Larung Gar at Sertar, where he studied under Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok Rinpoche. After graduating as a khenpo, he returned to Ju Mohor to teach.

他於18歲時正式坐床,成為第五世安尼竹穹仁波切與朱摩侯寺的住持。他在堪布晉美彭措仁波切的座下學習,於色達的喇榮五明佛學院(Larung Gar at Sertar)繼續接受教育。獲得堪布學位而畢業後,他回到朱摩侯寺傳法。

During this time, Rinpoche also received many empowerments, oral transmissions and pith instructions from the Nyingma kama and terma traditions from Penor Rinpoche, Khenpo Pema Tsewang, Gyangkhang Tulku, Khenpo Chökhyap, Trulshik Rinpoche and Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche. He also received several teachings on Secret Mantrayana from Ngor Luding Khenchen.

在此期間,仁波切也從貝諾法王(Penor Rinpoche)、堪布白瑪策旺(Khenpo Pema Tsewang)、蔣康祖古(Gyangkhang Tulku)、堪布確洽(Khenpo Chökhyap)、初璽仁波切(Trulshik Rinpoche)和達隆慈初仁波切(Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche)處領受了寧瑪教傳和伏藏的諸多灌頂、口傳與竅訣敎言。他並且從哦寺祿頂堪仟(Ngor Luding Khenchen)那兒,領受不少密咒乘(Secret Mantrayana)的教導。

In 2001, Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche had an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in India. His Holiness advised him to travel to the West. Rinpoche was later invited to visit New Zealand, where he gathered a group of students to form the Rigdzin Bumtsog Trust. Rinpoche has since travelled and taught in the UK, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Singapore, Nepal and Australia.

2001年,安尼竹穹仁波切在印度覲見了達賴喇嘛法王。法王建議他前往西方。仁波切後來受邀至紐西蘭,並在那裡聚集了一批學生而成立了持明本聰信託基金(*the Rigdzin Bumtsog Trust)。自那時起,仁波切便於英國、荷蘭、比利時、西班牙、盧森堡、香港、新加坡、尼泊爾和澳洲等地走訪並傳法。 (*中譯註:仁波切的中文法號和寺名等尚未能查證,應是在石渠地方的一位上師,若有法友知道還請提供,謝謝!)

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Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche

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