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三分 / 三種現象:現前分、不現前分(隱蔽分)、最極隱蔽分
[[Image:Chagdud Tulku.JPG|frame|Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche]]
manifest phenomena, hidden phenomena, and extremely hidden phenomena
'''Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche''' (Tib. ལྕགས་མདུད་སྤྲུལ་སྐུ་, [[Wyl.]] ''lcags mdud sprul sku'') (1930-2002), '''Padma Gargyi Wangchuk''', was a renowned teacher of the [[Nyingma]] school. He was known and respected in the West for his teachings, and also for his melodic chanting voice, his artistry as a sculptor and painter, his limitless compassion, and his sense of humour. He was the source of treasured Nyingma lineage transmissions for the thousands of people whom he taught in North and South America, Asia, Australia, and Europe.
三量 /《攝類學》:現量、比量、聖教量(正教量)
valid perception, valid inference, and the authority of the Buddha’s teaching <br>
84,000 teachings / 八萬四千法門(藏cho kyi phung po gyad khri bzhi stong):
Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche was the fourteenth recognized Chagdud incarnation; and his root incarnation was [[Gyalwa Chokyang]]. Chagdud means 'iron knot', and is said to derive from one Sherab Gyaltsen, the first Chagdud incarnation, who folded an iron sword into a knot with his bare hands. This feat deeply impressed the emperor of Mongolia and inspired him to shower honours on Chagdud. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche demonstrated the same extraordinary power several times in his youth when he compressed stout swords into folds.
*[https://www.facebook.com/GlimpseFromDharmaOcean/posts/4250460898357580 聆聽]
*[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7tR6B4xW23OS25yS1YtOUNtTTA?fbclid=IwAR21u6k0dFA32F7BNBdHUFFg0C9Nc7ch9bJkd7h5H-bxVBRsnRPneXAOKqU 下載]
*[https://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/441726606 中文解說]
以下依照《普賢上師言教》英譯版 Words of My Perfect Teacher 詞彙解釋 Glossary 依序錄音,人名和地名等名稱原則上不錄音,因而此處也不收錄。感謝藏文譯者 Laren 提供錄音,普賢法譯小組 Freda, Natalie & Rebecca 編輯文字和檔名、Serena 參考中譯版修潤說明,若有錯誤敬請指正,祈願更多佛法修行者投入翻譯利生事業,廣度自他一切有情!
==Early Life==
He was born in the Tromtar region of Kham eastern Tibet in 1930. His father was Sera Kharpo, who was actually a lama in the [[Gelugpa]] school. His mother was Dawa Drolma, who was widely considered to be an emanation of [[Tara]], and had a profound influence on her son's spiritual life.
Abbot;藏 mkhan po:堪布/住持/授戒師<br>
Abhidharma(梵);藏 mngon pa:論藏(音譯「阿毘達磨」)<br>
Absolute space;藏 chos dbyings;梵 dharmadhātu:法界<br>
Absolute truth;藏 don dam bden pa;梵 paramārtha satya:勝義諦<br>
accomplishment;藏 bsnyen sgrub:指的是「近修四支」(approach and accomplishment)的修<br>
Ācārya(梵);藏 slob dpon:阿闍黎<br>
Ācārya Padma(梵);藏 slob dpon padma:蓮花阿闍黎<br>
Accomplishment;藏 dngos grub;梵 siddhi:成就(音譯:悉地)<br>
Adhicitta(梵);藏 sems lhag can:增上心(音譯:阿底崎達,極喜金剛的前世)<br>
Akaniṣṭha(梵);藏'og min:奧明淨土/色究竟天(於不同脈絡有不同用法)<br>
Akṣobhya(梵);藏 mi bskyod pa:不動佛/阿閦佛<br>
All victorious banner;藏 phyogs las rnam par rgyal ba'i rgyalmtshan:尊勝幡<br>
All Victorious Palace;藏 rnam rgyal pho brang:尊勝宮<br>
Ambrosia;藏 bdud rtsi;梵 amṛita:甘露<br>
Amitābha(梵);藏'od dpag med:阿彌陀佛/無量光佛<br>
Amitāyus(梵);藏 tshe dpag med:無量壽佛<br>
Amoghasiddhi(梵);藏 don yod grub pa:不空成就佛<br>
Ānanda(梵);藏 kun dga' bo:阿難尊者<br>
Ānandagarbha(梵);藏 bde mchog snying po:妙喜藏(極喜金剛的前世)<br>
Ancient Tradition;藏 rnying ma pa:舊傳<br>
Ancient Translations;藏 snga'gyur:舊譯派<br>
Aṅgulimāla(梵);藏 sor mo threng ba:央掘摩羅/指鬘外道<br>
Aperture of Brahmā;藏 tshang pa'i bu ga;梵 brahmarandra:梵穴<br>
Appearances;藏 snang ba:顯相<br>
Approach and accomplishment;藏 bsnyen sgrub:近修/依修/念修四支,分別為:修念、近修、修、大修<br>
Arhat(梵);藏 dgra bcom pa:阿羅漢<br>
Āryadeva(梵);藏'phags pa lha:聖提婆/聖天尊者<br>
Asaṅga(梵);藏 thogs med:無著尊者<br>
Avalokiteśvara(梵);藏 spyan ras gzigs〔Chenrezi〕: 觀世音菩薩<br>
Awareness;藏 rig pa;梵 vidyā:本覺/覺性<br>
Becoming;藏 srid pa:投生
By the time he was three years old he was recognized as the incarnation of the previous Chagdud Tulku, [[Chagdud Tenpé Gyaltsen]], a Nyingmapa siddha from Chagdud Gonpa in Nyarong, and soon thereafter traveled to Temp'hel Gompa, a monastery about two or three days by horseback from Tromtar. As he recounts in his autobiography, ''The Lord Of The Dance'':
:“For the next seven years, until I went into [[three-year retreat]] at the age of  eleven, my life would alternate between periods of strict discipline in which my every move would be under the surveillance of my tutors and interludes in which my suppressed energies would explode. Throughout, I had many visions, many clairvoyant experiences, many extraordinary dreams, and within these, I sometimes had glimpses of absolute open awareness.”
Bell;藏 dril bu;梵 ghaṇṭā:鈴
After this retreat he received numerous teachings, [[empowerment]]s, and [[oral transmission]]s, from various spiritual masters, including [[Shechen Kongtrul]], the [[Gyurme Kunzang Tenpé Nyima|Sixth Shechen Rabjam]], [[Khenchen Thubten Chöpel|Bathur Khenpo Thubga]], [[Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö]], [[Arik Rinpoche]] and [[Tromge Trungpa Rinpoche]], who told him that [[Tara]] meditation would be a primary source of accomplishment in his life.
Bhagavān(梵);藏 bcom ldan 'das:薄伽梵
In 1945 shortly after completing his first three year retreat he went to see [[Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö]]. From Chökyi Lodrö Rinpoche he received the Rinchen Tangyud empowerments, and caught his first glimpse of [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]], who was attending the empowerments. By 1946 he entered his second three year retreat, this time under the guidance of the Tromge Trungpa Rinpoche. Near the conclusion of this retreat, the death of Tromge Trungpa forced him to leave before its completion. He then returned to [[Chagdud Gonpa]] in Nyarong, and after staying there for awhile, proceeded on a  pilgrimage to Lhasa with an entourage of monks. He then did an extended retreat at [[Samye]], the monastery built by [[Guru Padmasambhava]], and afterwards attended empowerments given by [[Dudjom Rinpoche]], who would become a main teacher as well as a source of spiritual inspiration for him.
Bhṛikuṭī(梵);藏 jo mo khro gnyer can:忿蹙度母
After this in 1957 he stayed for a year in Lhasa, Tibet, in the same household as [[Polu Khenpo Dorje]], whom he regarded as his root lama.
Bile;藏 mkhris pa:膽(音譯「赤巴」)
During 1958, his last year in Tibet, Chagdud Tulku was advised to marry in order that he would have a companion and helper in the unsettled times to come. He later wed Karma Drolma, the daughter of a wealthy landowner in Kongpo. Later on in exile in India, they would have a son and a daughter, [[Jigme Tromge Rinpoche]] and Dawa Lhamo Tromge.
Bindu(梵);藏 thigle:明點
==Life in Exile from Tibet==
Following Tibet's invasion by China in 1959, Chagdud Tulku escaped along with Polu Khenpo Dorje to India, after enduring hunger, and many close calls, where it looked like they would not make it out. His route took him through [[Pemakö]] region of Tibet, and his party came out from there into the Nagaland area of India.
Bliss〔experience〕;藏 bde nyams:樂(一種禪修覺受)
In India Rinpoche lived in a number of Tibetan refugee resettlement camps─Kalimpong, Orissa, Dalhousie, Bir, and Delhi. He practiced Tibetan medicine, and was much in demand as his fellow refugees had trouble coping with the heat, and subtropical diseases found in India.
Bliss and emptiness;藏 bde stong:樂空
A year or two after his arrival in India, Rinpoche entered a retreat in [[Tso Pema]], a lake sacred to [[Guru Rinpoche]], located  near the city of Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. At this location he met [[Changchub Dorje]], a primary disciple of [[Apang Tertön]] and a lineage holder of this great treasure revealer's [[Red Tara]] cycle. Changchub Dorje gave him empowerments for the Red Tara cycle, and then he re-entered into retreat and signs of accomplishment in the practices came very swiftly. Later, when he began teaching in the West, Red Tara [[sadhana]] would become the meditation most extensively practiced by his Western students.
Blissful (pure land) ;藏 bde ba can;梵 Sukhāvatī:極樂淨土
While he was living in Bir, circumstances there gradually led to an estrangement with Karma Drolma, and eventually they separated.
Bodhicitta(梵);藏 byang chub kyi sems:菩提心
After giving a teaching in Kulu Manali, the [[Dalai Lama]] extended an invitation for Rinpoche to go to the United States and teach, contingent upon him getting a visa. It was at this time that he moved to Delhi, and lived in  Majnukatilla, a Tibetan Camp on the banks of the Jamuna river. The process of trying to get a visa went on for three years, and was ultimately unsuccessful. During this time period he met his first Western students, but he also caught malaria and nearly died, and was saved by an Indian doctor who finally made the correct diagnosis of what was ailing him.
Bodhisattva(梵);藏 byang chub sems dpa’:菩薩/菩提薩埵
In the fall of 1977 empowerment cycles were given in Kathmandu, Nepal by H.H. [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] in order to propagate the sacred lineages to a new generation. Chagdud Tulku decided to travel there in order to receive all the empowerments of the [[Dudjom Tersar|Dudjom treasures]] from Dudjom Rinpoche. Hundreds of tulkus, scholars, yogis and lay practitioners gathered at [[Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche]]'s monastery for these empowerments. About his experience he says this in his autobiography:
Bodhisattva Abbot:菩薩堪布(藏人所稱的寂護大師)
:“ During my stay in Nepal I received empowerments and oral transmissions for all the treasures he had discovered in this life and in his previous life as [[Dudjom Lingpa]]. It was a wealth of practices whose splendor is unsurpassed, and deep within me I formed the aspiration to offer this transmission to others through empowerment and teaching.”
Bodhisattva levels;藏'phags pa'i sa:菩薩果位/地
While attending them Chagdud Tulku met an older lama from Western Tibet, Lama Ladakh Nono, who was known for doing mirror divinations. He subsequently did a mirror divination for Chagdud and told him he should go to the West and benefit many people there by teaching the [[Dharma]]. He also predicted that a Western woman would come into his life and that this would be good.
Bodhnath (stupa);藏 bya rung kha shor:博達那佛塔/大白塔
He continued to stay in Nepal on into 1978 in order to attend a new series of empowerments in the [[Chokling Tersar]] cycle given by His Holiness [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]]. It was while attending one of these empowerments, that a Western woman, Jane Dedman (later to become [[Chagdud Khadro]]), approached Chagdud Rinpoche with the offering of a white scarf and a jar of honey. Afterwards he invited her to lunch, and shortly after this he gave her some teachings. A month or so later he accepted her offer to serve as his attendant in retreat after the empowerments. This retreat lasted for several months, after which [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] among other things suggested Chagdud go to America to teach.
Body, speech, mind, qualities and activity;藏 sku, gsung, thugs, yon tan, phrin las:身、語、意、功德、
==Life in the West==
After many months of waiting he was finally granted a visa and landed in San Francisco on Oct. 24, 1979. Shortly after this, he married Jane in South Lake Tahoe, California. The early years of his teaching in the Americas was spent in Eugene, and Cottage Grove, Oregon. In 1983, at the request of his students, he established [[Chagdud Gonpa]] Foundation. He soon ordained his first lama, a Western woman named Inge Sandvoss, as [[Lama Yeshe Zangmo]].
Additionally in the time period of 1980 through 1987 he traveled widely and gave many teachings, accompanied by his translator, [[Tsering Everest]]. He invited many other renowned Lamas such as [[Dudjom Rinpoche]], [[Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche]], [[Kalu Rinpoche]], and Kyabje [[Penor Rinpoche]] to Oregon where they bestowed many empowerments and teachings. He also helped set up Padma Publishing which eventually published his two books: ''The Lord of the Dance'', and ''Gates to Buddhist Practice''. With the assistance of Richard Barron, Padma Publishing also began the monumental task of translating from Tibetan into English, [[Longchenpa|Longchenpa's]] [[Seven Treasuries]], of which four volumes have been published to date.
Bӧnpo(藏);梵 bon po:苯教徒
In 1987 he returned to Tibet for the first time since 1959. He traveled to Kham, visiting the three monasteries of his youth, and actually bestowed empowerments to the monastic staff there. His son, Jigme Tromge Rinpoche, traveled with him to Tibet and the next year immigrated to the United States, entering a three year retreat a few months after his arrival. Then in 1988 after land was acquired in the Trinity Alps of Northern California, the main seat of Chagdud Gonpa Foundation was created there as Rigdzin Ling.
[[Image:Lamas_in_Maratika.jpg|frame|Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, [[Sogyal Rinpoche]], [[Trulshik Rinpoche]] and [[Nyoshul Khenpo]] in [[Maratika cave]], 1991.]]
It was here that Chagdud Tulku offered the empowerments and oral transmissions of the Dudjom Treasures in 1991, and several years later, of the supreme [[Dzogchen]] cycle, [[Nyingtik Yabshyi]].
Border country;藏 mtha' 'khob:邊地(相對於有佛法的「中土」)
In 1992 he received an invitation to teach in Brazil and he would become a pioneer insofar as spreading the Dharma in South America. Throughout the 1990s he maintained  an extensive teaching schedule, put many of his senior students into three year retreats, and helped to establish many Chagdud Gonpa centers throughout the Western Hemisphere. These include, more than 38 Dharma centers under Chagdud Tulku's supervision and inspiration, in America, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Switzerland and Australia. The best known are Rigdzin Ling in Junction City, California and Khadro Ling, his main center in Três Coroas, Brazil.
Brahmā(梵);藏 tshangs pa:梵天
In all his  teachings he was known for stressing pure motivation in doing spiritual practice. He once wrote, "In the course of my Buddhist training, I have received teachings on many philosophical topics and meditative methods. Of all teachings, I find none more important than pure motivation. If I had to leave only one legacy to my students, it would be the wisdom of pure motivation. If I were to be known by one title, it would be the 'motivation lama.'" (Chagdud, 1992)
Brahmā world;藏 tshang pa'i 'jig rten;梵 brahmaloka:梵天界
In this context ‘pure motivation’ means the cultivation of [[bodhichitta]], which is the enlightened intent of doing practice for the benefit of oneself, and all other sentient beings.
Brahmin(梵);藏 bram ze:婆羅門
In 1995 he moved to Khadro Ling, in Río Grande do Sul, Brazil, and it became the main seat of his Dharmic activities, for the rest of his life. In 1996 the first Brazilian [[Dzogchen]] retreat took place at Khadro Ling and a large [[Guru Rinpoche]] statue was created there. In the next few years, he traveled in South America, giving teachings in Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile, in addition to different parts of Brazil. He also continued to travel to his centers in the United States, and made frequent visits to Nepal, a return to Chagdud Gompa in eastern Tibet and a visit to mainland China. During this same time period, in addition to leading [[drupchen]]s and month long Dzogchen retreats, he also trained his students in the sacred arts of sculpture and painting, as well as ritual dance, chanting, and music.
Buddha;藏 sangs rgyas:佛/佛陀
In 1998, construction began on the ''lha khang'' (temple) of Khadro Ling. In July 1998, the empowerments of the Taksham Treasures were bestowed by Tertön [[Namkha Drimé Rinpoche|Namkha Drimé]] in the still incomplete temple. This temple was followed by an enormous prayer wheel project, perhaps the largest in the Western Hemisphere, then eight magnificent [[stupa]]s, and a monumental statue of [[Akshobhya]] Buddha. In the same period, in [[Pharping]], Nepal, Rinpoche built a new retreat center where eight people began training according to the Katok tradition under Kyabjé Getse Tulku (the fourth incarnation of [[Gyurme Tsewang Chokdrup]]).
Buddha Nature;藏 de gshegs snying po;梵 tathāgatagarbha:佛性/如來藏
While Chagdud Rinpoche kept up a tremendous amount of Dharmic actvity, in the last few years of his life he was somewhat slowed down by diabetes, and in 1997, he entered a clinic and was diagnosed with a serious heart condition. In the last year of his life Rinpoche's body began to sabotage his outer activities. He tired more easily, and travel became difficult. In 2002, he cancelled a trip to the United States, which had been scheduled for October, and instead entered strict retreat.
Burnt offering;藏 gsur:煙供
In the last week of his life, he concluded this retreat on Tuesday, November 12th, worked with a student artist to complete a statue of [[Amitabha]], talked with many of his students, and led a training in [[phowa]] (transference of consciousness at the moment of death) for more than two hundred people. He continued teaching with great vigor until about 9 pm on Saturday night November 16th. Then on Sunday morning of the 17th, at about 4:15 am, Brazilian daylight time, he suffered massive heart failure while sitting up in bed.
Calling the teacher from afar;藏 bla ma rgyang 'bod:遙呼上師(祈請文之一)
After this, Rinpoche remained in a state of meditation for almost six full days.
The ability to remain in meditation after the breath stops is known as ''[[tukdam]]'' ([[Wyl.]] ''thugs dam''). His son [[Jigme Tromge Rinpoche]] described this in a release to the Brazilian press:
Cāmaradvīpa(梵);藏 rnga yab gling:遮末羅洲
:“After his last breath, my father remained in a state of meditation for almost six full days that prevented the usual deterioration of his body. The ability to remain in a state of meditation after the breath stops is well known among great Tibetan masters, but circumstances have rarely allowed it to occur in the West. Chagdud Rinpoche remained sitting in a natural, lifelike [[meditation]] posture, with little visible change of color or expression. During that time, no one touched his body.
Central channel;藏 rtsa dbu ma;梵 avadhūti:中脈
:Until the sixth day, Friday, November 22rd, Rinpoche showed no physical signs that his meditation had ended. In the interim we were in constant consultation with a lawyer and other officials about local customs and regulations. Friday midday, his meditation ended and his mind separated from his body. Within hours, his appearance changed. He took on the signs typical of those occurring within the first 24 hours of death.”
Channel;藏 rtsa;梵 nāḍi:脈
Afterwards his ''[[kudung]]'' (the physical body) was flown to Kathmandu, Nepal, and then to the retreat center in Pharping. During the forty-nine days that followed, Getse Tulku Rinpoche and Jigme Tromge Rinpoche led ceremonies in Pharping, to purify inauspicious circumstances to Rinpoche's rebirth and to generate great [[merit]] through offerings and practice.
Channels and energies〔exercise of〕;藏 rtsa rlung gi 'phrul 'khor:脈、氣修持(脈、氣的音譯:雜
A year later on the full moon of December 8, 2003, Rinpoche's cremation was held on Jigme Rinpoche's land in Pharping, with [[Katok Moktsa Rinpoche]], one of the highest lamas of [[Kathok Monastery|Katok Gompa]], serving as [[vajra master]]. Hundreds of Rinpoche's students gathered, to mourn the loss of his direct physical presence, and made prayers and offerings for his eventual rebirth.
His principal successors, Lama Drimed Norbu, his wife [[Chagdud Khadro]] and his son [[Jigme Tromge Rinpoche]] continue to teach and carry on Chagdud Rinpoche's many projects and practices.
Chenrezi:藏 spyan ras gzigs :四臂觀音菩薩(藏文拼音)
In 2010, Jigme Tromge Rinpoche announced that the tulku of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche had been recognized by Khenpo Ngagchung of Nyoshul Gonpa in Tibet.
Chӧ(梵);藏 gcod : 斷境(俗稱:施身法)
==Chagdud Pure Vision Treasures==
*Wrathful Guru
*Seven-Eyed Red Tara
*Padma Dakini
*Green Tara
*White Umbrella Dakini
Circumambulation(梵);藏 skor ba : 繞行
*Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, ''Lord of the Dance: Autobiography of a Tibetan Lama'', Padma Publishing. (October 1, 1992) ISBN 1-881847-00-4
*Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, ''Gates to Buddhist Practice: Essential Teachings of a Tibetan Master'', Padma Publishing (July 1, 1993) ISBN 1-881847-02-0
* Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, ''Life In Relation To Death'', Padma Publishing, 2nd edition. (January 1, 2000) ISBN 1-881847-11-X
Clarity (experience):藏 gsal nyams : 明(一種禪修覺受)
==Other Publications==
*Chagdud Tulku, ''Change of Heart: The Bodhisattva Peace Training of Chagdud Tulku'', Padma Publishing 2003 ISBN 1881847349
*Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche and Jane Tromge, ''Ngondro Commentary: Instructions for the Concise Preliminary Practices of the New Treasure of Dudjom'' ISBN 1881847063
Clarity, increase and attainment:藏 snang mched thob : 顯、增、得
==External links==
*[http://chagdudgonpa.org/about-2/chagdud-gonpa-lamas/ Official website biography]
*{{TBRC|P3JM56|TBRC profile}}
Clear light : 藏 ’od gsal;梵 prabhāsvara : 明光
==Rigpa Wiki==
[http://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Chagdud_Tulku_Rinpoche Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche]
Clear light of the moment of the ground : 藏 gzhi dus kyi ’od gsal : 基光明
Clear Light (gods of) : 藏 ’od gsal gyi lha;梵 Ābhāsvara:光音天/極光淨天
[[Category:Nyingma Teachers 寧瑪教派上師]]
[[Category:Contemporary Teachers 當代108位藏密上師]]
Clinging : 藏 ’dzin pa : 攀執
[[Category:Contemporary Teachers]]
[[Category:Dudjom Tersar Teachers 敦珠新巖傳上師]]
Common accomplishments : 藏 thun mong gi dngos grub : 共的成就
[[Category:Tertöns 伏藏師]]
Concentration: 藏 bsam gtan;梵 dhyāna:禪定/靜慮
Concept or Conceptual reference: 藏 dmigs pa:概念/所緣
Conceptual obscurations : 藏 shes bya’i srib pa;梵 jӣeyāvaraņa:所知障
Conditioned : 藏 ’dus byas;梵 saḿskŗita:有為法
Conditioning effect : 藏 dbang gi ‘bras bu:增上果
Conqueror : 藏 rgyal ba;梵 jina:勝者(佛的稱號之一)
Consort : 藏 yum:女性本尊/佛母;藏 gsang yum:偉大喇嘛的妻室/明妃
Cosmos of billion universes : 藏 stong gsum;梵 trisahasra:三千大千世界
Creativity of awareness : 藏 rig pa’i rtsal:本覺妙力
Crown protuberance : 藏 gtsug tor;梵 uşníşa:頂髻
Ḍāka : 藏 mkha ’gro:空行;藏 dpa ’ bo:勇父
Ḍākinī : 藏 mkha ’gro ma;梵 ḍākinīs:空行母
Degenerate age : 藏 snyigs dus;梵 kāliyuga:末法時期/五濁惡世
Deity : 藏 lha;梵 deva:本尊/天尊
Demigod : 藏 lha ma yin;梵 asura:阿修羅
Demon : 藏 bdud;梵 māra:魔羅
Destroyer-of-Saṁsāra : 藏’khor ba ‘jig:滅累佛
Determination to be free : 藏 nges ’byung;梵 niḥṣaraṇa:出離心
Dhāraṇi : 藏 gzungs:陀羅尼
Dharma : 藏 chos:法;Dharma of transmission : 藏 lung gi chos:教法;Dharma of realization : 藏:
Dharma protector: 藏 chos skyong;梵 dharmapāla:護法
Dharmakāya(梵);藏 chos sku:法身
Dharmatā(梵);藏 chos nyid:法性
Dharmodgata(梵);藏 chos ’phags:法聖菩薩
Dissolution (process of ) : 藏 thim rim:收攝/消融/融入
Distinguishing, clear decision and self-liberation : 藏 shan ’byed, la bzla, rang grol:分辨、決定、自解脫
Dohā : 藏:道歌/金剛歌
Downfall : 藏 ltung ba:墮罪
Dualistic : 藏 gnyis ’dzin:二元、分別
Ecumenical (movement) : 藏 ris med:不分教派/利美(運動)
Effects of actions : 藏 las rgyu ’bras;梵 phala:業果
Egolessness : 藏 bdag med;梵 anātman,nairātmya:無我
Eight auspicious signs : 藏 bkra shis rtags brgyad:八吉祥(徽)
Eight Great Charnel-grounds : 藏 dur khrod chen po brgyad:八大寒林/尸陀林
Eight Great Close Sons : 藏 nye ba’i sras chen brgyad:八大心子/八大菩薩
Eight offering goddesses : 藏 mchod pa’i lha mo brgyad:八供天女
Eight ordinary concerns : 藏 ’jig rten chos brgyad;梵 aṣṭalokadharmāḥ:世間八法
Eight perverse acts : 藏 log pa rgyad:八邪行
Eighty Siddhas:八十成就者
Emotions:參見 negative emotions:煩惱
Empowerment:藏 dbang bskur;梵 abhiṣeka:灌頂
Emptiness:藏 stong pa nyid;梵 śūnyatā:空性
Energy:藏 rlung;梵 prāṇa, vāyu:氣/風/息
Enjoying the Emanation of Others:藏 gzhan ’phrul dbang byed;梵 Paranirmitavaśavartin:他化自在天
Enlightenment:藏 byang chub;梵 bodhi:證悟/菩提
Enlightenment Tree:藏 byang chub kyi shing:菩提樹
Equality:藏 mnyam pa nyid;梵 samatā:平等性
Essence:藏 thig le;梵 bindu:明點/精華
Essential nature,natural expression and compassion:藏 ngo bo, rang bzhin, thugs rje:體性、自性、大
Eternalism:藏 rtag par lta ba;梵 ātmadŗṣṭi,satkāyadŗṣṭi:常見/恆常主義
Excellent Words:藏 gsung rab;梵 pravacana:妙語
Exhaustion of phenomena in the real nature:藏 chos nyid zad pa:法遍不可思議相
Expedient meaning:藏 drang don;梵 neyārtha:不了義(方便權宜的意義)
Experiences (meditative):藏 nyams:(禪修的)覺受/體驗
Extracting the essences:藏 bcud len:辟穀術
Feast offering:藏 tshogs kyi ’khor lo:薈供
Field of merit:藏 tshogs zhing:資糧田/福田
Five crimes which are almost as grave (as the five crimes with immediate retribution) : 藏 nye ba’i mtshams
med lnga:近五無間罪
Five crimes with immediate retribution:藏 mtshams med lnga;梵:五無間罪
Five degenerations:藏 snyigs ma lnga:五濁/五衰敗
Five energies:見 energy:五風/氣/息
Five Families:藏 rigs lnga;梵:pañcakula:五佛部
Five hundred thousand preliminaries:藏 ’bum lnga:五十萬前行(毎一前行 11,111 次)
Five kāyas:藏 sku lnga;梵:pañcakāya:五(佛)身
Five paths:藏 lam lnga;梵:pañcamārga:五道
Five perfections:藏 phun sum tshogs pa lnga:五圓滿
Five poisons:藏 dug lnga:五毒
Five samayas of relishing:藏 dang du slang ba’i dam tshig lnga:五味三昧耶
Five sciences:藏 rig gnas lnga;梵:pañcavidyā:五明
Five wisdomss:藏 ye shes lnga:五智
Four activities:藏 phrin las bzhi:四種事業(息、增、懷、誅)
Four boundless qualities:藏 tshad med bzhi;梵:caturaprameya:四無量心(慈、悲、喜、捨)
Four concentrations:藏 bsam gtan bzhi;梵:caturdhyāna:四禪定
Four demons:藏 bdud bzhi:四魔
Four elements:藏 ’byung ba bzhi;梵:catur / pañca bhūta:四大
Four empowerments:藏 dbang bzhi:四灌頂
Four formless states:藏 gzugs med bzhi:四無色界
Four Great Kings:藏 rgyal chen rigs bzhi;梵:caturmahārājakāyika:四大天王
Four great streams of suffering:藏 sdug sngal gyi chu bo chen po bzhi:四大苦流
Four joys:藏 dga’ ba bzhi;梵:caturānanda:四喜
Four kāyas:四(佛)身
Four metaphors:藏’du shes bzhi:四喻
Four obscurations:藏 sgrib bzhi:四障(四種遮障:所知、煩惱、習氣、業)
Four or six tantra sections:藏 rgyud sde bzhi or drug:四部或六部密續
Four Visions:藏 snang ba bzhi:大圓滿四相(法性現前、證悟增長、明智如量、法遍不可思議相)
Four ways of attracting beings:藏 bsdu ba’i ngos po bzhi;梵:catuḥsaṁgrahavastu:四攝法(布施、愛
Fruit empowerment:藏’bras bu’i dbang:果灌頂
Full effect:藏 rnam smin gyi ’bras bu;梵:vipākaphala:異熟果
Gandharva(梵);藏 dri za : 乾達婆
Garuḍa(梵);藏 khyung : 大鵬金翅鳥
Generation phase:藏 bskyed rim;梵:utpattikrama : 生起次第
Generosity:藏 sbyin pa;梵:dāna : 布施
Geshe:藏 dge bshes:格西(佛學博士)
Ghost:藏 ’dre : 鬼
Glorious Copper-coloured Mountain:藏 zangs mdog dpal ri:吉祥銅色山(蓮師淨土)
Gods:藏 lha:天人
Gods and demons:藏 lha ’dre:神、鬼(神鬼八部)
Gods without perception:藏’du shes med pa’i lha:無想天人
Gods of Clear Light:光音天
Good Kalpa:藏 bskal pa bzang po;梵:bhadrakalpa:賢劫
Great Compassionate One:藏 thugs rje chen po:大悲聖者
Great Exuberant Lakes:藏 rol pa’i mtsho chen:大嬉湖
Great Outer Oceans:藏 phyi’i rgya mtsho chen po:大外海
Great Perfection:藏 dzogs pa chen po:大圓滿
Great Vehicle:藏 theg pa chen po;梵:mahāyāna:大乘
Ground-of-all:藏 kun gzhi;梵:ālaya:總基/普基(音「阿賴耶」)
Guru Rinpoche:藏 gu ru rin po che:蓮師
Guru yoga:藏 bla ma’i rnal ’byor:上師瑜珈/上師相應法
Gyelgong:藏 rgyal ’gong:魔王
Habitual tendencies:藏 bag chags;梵:vāsanā:習性
Hearing lineage of ordinary beings:藏 gang zag snyan brgyud:眾生之口耳相傳/補特伽羅之口耳相傳
Hell:藏 dmyal ba;梵:naraka:地獄道
He Who Proclaims the Dharma with Inexhaustible Melodious Voice:藏 sgra dbyangs mi zad pa sgrogs
Hundred Families:藏 rigs brgya:百佛部
Hundred Syllables:藏 yig brgya:百字明咒
Illustrative wisdom:藏 dpe’i ye shes:譬喻智(相對於真實智)
Impervious practitioner:藏 chos dred:法棍子/法油子
Indra:藏 brgya byin:帝釋天
Infinite Aspiration:藏 mos pa mtha yas:樓至佛(又名:無量勝解佛)
Innate (wisdom, joy, etc.) :藏 lhan skyes;梵:sahaja:俱生(智、喜等)
Inseparable Universe:藏 mi ’byed ’jig rten:無別世間
Intermediate state:藏 bar do;梵:antarābhava:中有/中陰
Intermediate state of absolute reality:藏 chos nyid bar do:法性中陰
Intermediate state of becoming:藏 srid pa’i bar do:投生中陰
Jambudvipa:藏’dzam bu gling:瞻部洲
Jowo:藏 jo bo:覺沃。字義為「尊者」
Jowo and Śākya:藏 jo shag rnam gnyis:覺沃與釋迦(大昭寺和小昭寺所奉之釋迦牟尼佛等身相)
Joyful Magic:藏’phrul dga’;梵:Nirmāņarata:化樂天
Joyous Realm:藏 dga’ ldan:具樂天
Jungpo:藏’byung po:峻波(一種厲鬼)
Kadampa:藏 bka’ gdams pa:噶當派
Kagyupa:藏 bka’ brgyud pa:噶舉派
Kalpa(梵);藏 bskal pa:劫
Kapāla(梵);藏 thod phor:顱器/嘎巴拉
Karma(梵);藏 las:業
Karmic energy:藏 las kyi rlung:業風
Karmic obscuration:藏 las kyi sgrib pa;梵:karmāvaraņa:業障
Kāśyapa(梵);藏’od srung:迦葉佛
Kāya(梵);藏 sku:身
Kīla(梵):藏 phur ba:普巴/橛
King,Subject and Friend:藏 rje’bangs grogs gsum:王、臣、友(蓮師三類大弟子)
Kriyā (yoga) :藏 bya ba:事部瑜珈
Kşatriya(梵):藏 rgyal rigs:剎帝利(印度種姓階級之國王與戰士階級)
Kuśa(梵):藏 Ku sha:孤沙草/吉祥草
Lakhe(梵):藏 gla khe:香附子
Lama:藏 bla ma;梵:guru:喇嘛
Lay disciple:藏 dge bsnyen;梵:upāsaka:優婆塞/在家男眾
Level of union:藏 zung ’jug gi go ’phang:雙運果位
Liberation:藏 thar pa;梵:mokşa:解脫
Lord of Death:藏’chi bdag;梵:Yama:死神/閻摩
Lord of Secrets:藏 gsang ba’i bdag po:秘密主(金剛手菩薩的稱號)
Lotus Born:藏 padma ’byung nas;梵:Padmasambhava:蓮花生大士
Lover of the Stars:藏 skar ma la dga ’ba:喜星菩薩
Lower realms:藏 ngan song:惡趣/下三道(地獄道、餓鬼道、畜生道)
Mādhyamika(梵):藏 dbu ma’i lam:中觀/中道
Mahāyāna(梵):藏 theg pa chen po:大乘
Mahā(yoga) :瑪哈瑜珈(寧瑪九乘分教中,三內瑜珈的第一部分)
Mahākāśyapa(梵):藏’od srung chen po:大迦葉
Mahāmudrā(梵):藏 phyag rgya chen po:大印/大手印
Mahāsiddha(梵):藏 grub chen:大成就者
Maitreya(梵):藏 byams pa:彌勒佛(彌勒菩薩 Bodhisattva Maitreya)
Maitrīyogī(梵):藏 byams pa’i rnal ’byor pa:慈瑜伽士
Mamo:藏 ma mo;梵:mātrikā:媽嫫(一種世間空行母)
Maņḍala(梵):藏 dkyil ’khor:曼達拉/壇城/中圍
Mandhata(梵):藏 nga las nu:頂生王
Māndhātŗi(梵):藏 nga las nu:曼陀多(佛陀前世之一)
Maņi:瑪尼,簡稱觀世音的咒語「Oṁ maņi padme hūṁ」
Manifest Joy:藏 mngon par dga’ ba;梵:Abhirati:現喜(劫的名稱、不動佛淨土的名稱)
Mantra(梵):藏 sngags:咒語、真言
Mañjuśrī(梵):藏’jam dpal dbyangs:文殊師利菩薩
Māra(梵):藏 bdud:魔羅
Maudgalyāyana(梵):藏 mo’u’galgyibu:目犍連尊者
Means:藏 thabs:方便
Meditate,meditation:藏 sgom pa:禪修、禪定、觀修
Merit:藏 bsod nams:梵 puņya:福德
Middle Way:藏 dbu ma’i lam:梵 mādhyamika:中觀
Mind lineage of the Conquerors:藏 rgyal ba dgongs brgyud:勝者密意傳承
Muni:藏 thub pa:牟尼、能仁,佛陀的名號之一
Nāga(梵):藏 Klu:龍族
Nāgārjuna(梵):藏 klu sgrub:龍樹尊者
Nanda(梵):藏 dga’ bo:難陀尊者
Natural state:藏 gnas lugs:梵 prakŗiti:本然狀態
Negative action:藏 sdig pa or mi dge ba:梵 aśubha:惡行
Negative emotions:藏 nyon mongs pa:梵 kleśa:煩惱
New Tradition:藏 gsar ma pa:新傳
New Translations:新譯派
Nihilism:藏 chad par lta ba:梵 vibhava dŗşţi:斷見、唯物主義
Nine Expanses:藏 klong dgu:九界(大圓滿界部的九支法門)
Nirmāņakāya(梵):藏 sprul sku:化身佛
Nirvāņa(梵):藏 mya ngan las ’das pa:涅槃
Non-dwelling nirvāņa:藏 mi gnas pa’i myang ’das:無所住涅槃境
Non-thought (experience):藏 mi rtog pa’i nyams:梵 avikalpa,nirvikalpa:無念
Novice:藏 dge tshul:梵 śrāmaņera:沙彌
Obscuratins:藏 sgrib pa:梵 āvaraņa:蓋蔽、遮障
Obscuration of habitual tendencies:藏 bag chags kyi sgrib pa:梵 vāsanāvaraņa:
Obscurations of negative emotions:藏 nyon mongs kyi sgrib pa:梵 kleśāvaraņa:
Omniscient Dharma-King:遍知法王,龍欽巴的尊稱
Once-Come-King:藏 sngon byung gi rgyal po:宿生王佛。第一劫的一佛名
Owner of the ground:藏 sa bdag:梵 bhūmipati:土地主、地基主
Padma Thötreng:藏 padma thod phreng rtsal:蓮華顱鬘力,蓮花生大士的名號之
Padmasambhava of Oḍḍiyāna:藏 o rgyan padma ’byung gnas:烏底雅那的蓮花生
Palace of Lotus Light:藏 padma ’od kyi pho brang:蓮花光宮殿
Palyul (monastery):藏 dpal yul:白玉寺,寧瑪派六大寺院之一
Path of accumulating:藏 tshogs lam:梵 sambhāramārga:資糧道
Path of joining:藏 sbyor lam:梵 prayogamārga:加行道
Path of seeing:藏 mthong lam:梵 darśanamārga:見道
Perceptions:藏 snang ba:顯相、知覺、感知、表象等
Perfection phase:藏 rdzogs rim:梵 sampannakrama:圓滿次第
Phlegm:藏 bad kan:涎
Piţaka, (fourth):藏 sde snod bzhi pa:第四藏
Pith-instructions:藏 man ngag:梵 upadeśa:口訣教授
Positive action:藏 dge ba:梵 kuśala:善業
Prātimokşa(梵):藏 so sor thar pa:別解脫
Pratyekabuddha(梵):藏 rang sangs rgyas:辟支佛、緣覺、獨覺
Precious canopy:藏 rin po che’i gdugs:華蓋、寶傘
Precious Master of Oḍḍiyāna:藏 o rgyan rin po che:烏底雅那仁波切。蓮師的名
Precious word empowerment:藏 tshig dbang rin po che:字詞灌、句義灌
Preliminaries:藏 sngon ’gro:前行、加行
Preparation, main part and conclusion:藏 sbyor dngos rjes gsum:前行、正行與結
Preta(梵):藏 yi dvags:餓鬼道
Primal wisdom:藏 ye shes:梵 jñāna:本智
Primordial purity:藏 ka dag:本淨、本初清淨
Principle of cause and effect:藏 las rgyu ’bras:因果律則
Profound insight:藏 lhag mthong:梵 vipaśyanā:勝觀、內觀
Prostration:藏 phyag ’tshal ba:大禮拜、頂禮
Protectors of the Three Families:藏 rigs gsum mgon po:三族怙主
Pure land:藏 dag pa’i zhing:淨土
Pure Land of Bliss:藏 bde ba can:梵 Sukhāvatī:極樂淨土
Pure levels (three):藏 dag pa sa gsum:三淨地
Pure perception:藏 dag snang:淨觀、淨相
Rākṣasa(梵):藏 srin po:羅剎
Ratnasambhava(梵):藏 rin chen ’byung gnas:寶生佛
Real meaning:藏 nges don:梵 nītārtha:真實的意義、了義
Refuge:1) 藏 skyabs yul:皈依境:2) 藏 skyabs ’gro:皈依之法
Relative truth:藏 kun rdzob bden pa:梵 saṁvŗiti satya:世俗諦
Ṛiṣi(梵):藏 drang srong:仙人
Root teacher:藏 rtsa ba’i bla ma:根本上師
Royal posture:藏 rgyal po’i rol stabs:國王姿
Rūpakāya(梵):藏 gzugs sku:色身佛
Sadāprarudita(梵):藏 rtag tu ngu:常啼菩薩
Śākyamuni(梵):藏 sha kya thub pa:釋迦牟尼佛
Sakyapa:藏 sa skya pa:薩迦巴
Samantabhadra(梵):藏 kun tu bzang po:普賢王如來、普賢菩薩
Samaya(梵):藏 dam tshig:三昧耶、誓戒
Samaya object or substance:藏 dam tshig gi rdzas:三昧耶物
Sambhogakāya(梵):藏 longs spyod rdzogs pa’i sku:報身佛
Saṁsāra(梵):藏’khor ba:輪迴
Saṁvarasara(梵):藏 bde mchog snying po:勝樂藏,文殊師利菩薩的名號之
Samye:藏 bsam yas:桑耶寺
Samye Chimpu:藏 bsam yas mchims phu:桑耶.清普
Saṅgha(梵):藏 dge ’dun:僧伽,泛指所有佛法修行者
Śāntideva(梵):藏 zhi ba lha:寂天菩薩,《入菩薩行》的作者
Śāriputra(梵):藏 sha ri’i bu:舍利弗多、舍利子,意譯鶖鷺子
Sarvanivāraņavişkambhin(梵):藏 sgrib pa rnam sel:除蓋障菩薩
Śāstra(梵):藏 bstan bcos:釋論
Sattvavajra(梵):藏 sems dpa’rdo rje:薩埵金剛、勇識金剛
Second Buddha:藏 sangs rgyas gnyis pa:第二佛
Secret empowerment:藏 gsang dbang:秘密灌頂
Secret Mantrayāna:藏 gsang ngags kyi theg pa:密咒乘
Seven attributes of royalty:藏 rgyal srid sna bdun:梵 saptaratna:輪王七寶
Seven branches:藏 yan lag bdun:梵 saptāṅga:七支供養
Seven noble riches:藏’phags pa’i nor bdun:梵 saptadhanam:七聖財
Seven point maņḍala:藏 mandal so bdun ma:七供曼達(藏文為37供曼達)
Seven point posture of Vairocana:藏 rnam snang chos bdun:梵
Shapkyu:藏 zhabs kyu:下鉤符號、下鉤母音
Shariputra;藏 shari'i bu;梵 Śāriputra:舍利弗或舍利子
Shastra;藏 mngonpa;梵 Abhidharma:論
Shravaka;藏 nyanthos;梵 Śrāvaka:聲聞
Shravakayana;藏 nyanthos kyi theg pa;梵 Śrāvakayāna:聲聞乘
Shri Singha;藏 dpal gyi seng ge;梵 Śrī Siṁha:吉祥獅子(音譯:師利星哈)
Shrona;藏 gro byin skyes;梵 Śroṇa〔Śroṇajāt〕:億耳(琴師之名)
Shubu Palgyi Senge:秀布·巴給·桑給 (蓮花生大師的 25 弟子之一)
Siddha(梵);藏 grubthob:成就者
Siddhi(梵)or Accomplishment;藏 dngos grub:成就
Six classes of beings;藏'gro drug:六道眾生
Six consciousnesses;藏 rnamshes tshogs drug;梵 ṣaḍvij&ntilde;ānakāya:六識
Six Ornaments;藏 rgyandrug:六莊嚴(第一龍樹,第二聖天,第三無著,第四世親,第五陳那,
Six realms of existence;藏'gro drug;梵 ṣaḍgati:六道存有
Six transcendent perfections;藏 pharol tu phyin pa drug;梵 ṣaḍpāramitā:六度 (六波羅蜜,
Skillful means;藏 thabs;梵 upāya:善巧,方便
Skull cup;thod phor;Kapāla:顱器,噶巴拉
Small skull drum;藏 thod pa'i ḍa ma ru:手鼓
Smritijnana;梵 Smṛtijnāna,十至十一世紀:憶生
So, Zur and Nub;藏 so zur gnubs:蘇、素、努
Songtsen Gampo,617-698: 松贊·岡波
Source of good;藏 dge ba'i rtsa ba;梵 kuśalamūla:善根
Spiritual companions:法友,道友
Spiritual friends;藏 dge ba'i gshes gnyen;梵 Kalyāṇamitra:善知識,導師
Spiritual treasure;藏 gter ma:伏藏
Study;藏 thos pa:聞 (聞思修的第一個)
Stūpa(梵);藏 mchodrten:佛塔
Sublime being;藏 skyesbu dam pa:聖者,善士
Sublime Compassionate One;藏 spyanras gzigs〔Chenrezi〕;梵 Avalokiteśvara:大悲觀音菩薩
Sublime levels 或稱 Bodhisattva levels;藏'phagspa'i sa:菩薩地
Sugata(梵);藏 bdebar gshegs pa:善逝
Sunakshatra;藏 legspa'i skar ma;梵 Sunakṣatra:善星比丘
Supreme accomplishment;藏 mchoggidngosgrub:殊勝成就,不共的成就
Sustained calm;藏 zhignas;梵 śamatha:奢摩他,寂止
Sūtra(梵);藏 mdo:佛經
Suvarṇadvīpa(梵);藏 gser gling pa:金洲大師
Symbol lineage of the vidyadharas;藏 rig 'dzin brda yi brgyud:持明表徵傳承
Tainted〔action〕;藏 zag bcas;梵 sāsrava:有漏
Tangka;藏 thang ka:唐卡
Tangtong Gyalpo,1385-1509:唐東·嘉波
Tantra;藏 rgyud: (密)續
Tārā;藏 sgrol ma:度母
Tathāgata(梵);藏 bdebzhin gshegs pa:如來
Ten directions;藏 phyogsbcu:十方
Tendencies:串習 or Habitual tendencies;藏 bagchags;梵 vāsanā:習性
Tenma;藏 rten ma bcu gnyis:地母
Theurang;藏 the'u rang:獨腳鬼
Thirty-five Buddhas;藏 sangs rgyas so lnga 或 bde gshegs so lnga:三十五佛
Thirty-three or Heaven of Thirty-three;藏 gsum cu rtsa gsum;梵 Trāyastrirṁśa:三十三天
Thought;藏 rnam rtog;梵 vikalpanā:尋思,分別念
Threatening mudrā;藏 sdigs mdzubs;梵 tarjanī mudrā:威嚇印,期剋印
Three Brothers;藏 skumched gsum:種·敦巴的三大弟子(博多瓦、切喀瓦、普穹瓦),稱為三兄弟
Three concepts;藏’khor gsum:三輪 (指作者、受者、所作這三種概念)
Three Jewels;藏 dkonmchog gsum;梵 triratna:三寶 (佛、法、僧)
Three kayas;藏 skugsum;‘梵 trikāya:三身 (法身、報身、化身)
Three maṇḍalas;藏 dkyil 'khor gsum:三壇城
Three poisons;藏 duggsum:三毒
Three roots;藏 rtsagsum:三根本 (上師、本尊、空行)
Three supreme methods;藏 dam pa gsum:三善法,三殊勝法
Three sweet foods;藏 mngargsum:三甜
Three times;藏 dusgsum;梵 trikāla:三時,三世
Three vows;藏 sdompa gsum;梵 trisaṁvara:三戒、三律儀
Three white foods;藏 dkargsum:三白
Three worlds:三界
Threefold training;藏 bslabpa gsum;梵 triśikṣā:三學處
Thusness;藏 de bzhin nyid;梵 tathatā:如是
Tingdzin Zangpo〔Nyang〕,九世紀:定津·桑波
Tīrthika;藏 mu stegs pa:外道
Torma;藏 gtor ma:食子,朵瑪
Total enlightenment;藏 rdzogs pa'i byang chub;梵 sambodhi:正等正覺
Trakpa Gyaltsen,1147-1216:劄巴·堅贊
Transcendent perfection;藏 pha rol tu phyin pa;梵 pāramitā:波羅蜜多
Transference;藏'pho ba:遷識,頗瓦法
Treasure discoverer;藏 gterston:伏藏師
Tripiṭaka;藏 sde snod gsum:三藏
Trisong Deutsen,790-844:赤松·德贊
Tsampa;藏 tsam pa:糌粑
Tulku;藏 sprul sku:祖古,成就者的轉世
Tushita heaven;藏 dga' ldan:兜率天
Twelve categories of teaching in the Piṭakas;藏 sde snod bcu gnyis:十二分教
Twelve qualities of full training;藏 sbyangs pa'i yon tan bcu gnyis;梵 dvādśadhūtaguṇa:
Twelve vajra laughs;藏 rdo rje gad mo bcu gnyis:十二金剛笑
Twenty-five disciples;藏 rje 'bang nyer lnga:二十五弟子
Twenty-one Genyen;藏 dge bsnyen nyer gcig:二十一優婆塞
Two accumulations;藏 tshogs gnyis;梵 sambhāradvaya:二資糧
Two obscurations;藏 sgribgnyis:二障
Two supreme ones;藏 mchog gnyis: 二聖
Two truths;藏 bden pa gnyis:二諦
Twofold purity;藏 dagpa gnyis:二淨
Uddiyada;藏 o rgyan:烏底雅那,鄔金國
Unaltered;藏 ma bcos pa;梵 naisargika:不造作,無修整
Unexcelled;藏'og min;梵 Akaniṣṭha:無上天,奧明淨土,色究竟天
Universal Monarch;藏'khor lo sgyur ba'i rgyal po;梵 cakravartin:輪轉聖王
Untainted [action];藏 zag med;梵 anāsrava:無漏
Using the Magic of Others 或是 Enjoying the Emanations of Others;藏 gzhan 'phrul dbang byed;
梵 Paranirmitavaśavartin:他化自在天
Vairochana(梵);藏 rnam par snang mdzad:大日如來,毘盧遮那佛
Vairotsana(梵);藏 bai ro tsa na:毘盧贊那
Vaishakha;藏 saga zla ba;梵 Vaiśākha:氐宿月
Vaishravana;藏 rnam thos sras;梵 Vaiśravaṇa:多聞天王
Vajra brothers and sisters;藏 rdo rje spun:金剛兄弟、姊妹
Vajra master;藏 rdo rje slob spon;梵 vajrācārya:金剛上師
Vajra posture;藏 rdo rje skyilkrung;梵 vajrāsana:金剛跏跌坐
Vajra recitation;藏 rdorje bzlas pa:金剛誦
Vajra seat;藏 rdorje gdan;梵 vajrāsana:金剛座
Vajra song;藏 rdorje mgur:金剛歌
Vajra yoginī(梵):藏 rdo rje rnal 'byor ma:金剛瑜伽母
Vajra(梵);藏 rdorje:金剛
Vajradhara(梵);藏 rdo rje 'chang:金剛總持
Vajradhatvishvari;藏 rdo rje dbyings kyi dbang phyug ma;梵 Vajradhātvīśvarī:金剛界自在
Vajrapāṇi(梵);藏 phyagna rdo rje:金剛手菩薩
Vajrasattva(梵);藏 rdo rje sems dpa':金剛薩埵
Vajrayāna(梵);藏 rdorje theg pa:金剛乘
Vase empowerment;藏 bum dbang:寶瓶灌頂
Vase of great treasure;藏 gterchen po'i bum pa:寶藏瓶
Vehicle;藏 theg pa;梵 yāna:乘
Vidyādhara;藏 rig 'dzin:持明
View;藏 lta ba;梵 dṛiṣṭi:見地
Vikramashila;梵 Vikramaśīla:超戒寺
Vimalamitra(梵);藏 drimed bshes gnyen:無垢友
Vipashyin;藏 rnam par gzoigs;梵 Vipaśyin:毗婆尸佛
Walking posture;藏 mnyampa'i 'dor stabs:行姿
Warmth〔sign of〕;藏 drod rtags:煖
Water torma;藏 chu gtor:水食子
Wealth diety;藏 norlha:財神
Wheel of Dharma;藏 choskyi 'khor lo;梵 dharmacakra:法輪
Wheel;藏'khor lo;梵 cakra:輪
Wisdom empowerment;藏 shes rab kyi dbang:智慧灌頂
Wisdom;藏 shes rab;梵 praja:智慧
Wish-fulfilling jewel;藏 yidbzhin nor bu;梵 cintāmaṇi:如意寶,滿願寶
Wish-fulfilling tree;藏 dpagbsam gyi shing:如意樹
Without Fighting or Heaven With out Fighting;藏'thabbral;梵 Yāma:夜摩天
Worldly concentrations:世間定
Wrathful Black True Mother;藏 ma cig khros ma nag mo;梵 Krodhakālī:黑忿怒真實母
Wrong view;藏 loglta;梵 mithyādṛiṣṭi:邪見
Yaksha;藏 gnodsbyin;梵 Yakṣa:夜叉
Yama(梵);藏 gshinrje:閻魔,死主
Yama(梵)or Lord of Death;藏'chi bdag;梵 Yama:死神
Yamantaka;藏 gshin rje bshed;梵 Yamāntaka:文殊閻魔敵
Yellow scroll;藏 shogser:黃紙卷
Yeshe Tsogyal:耶喜·措嘉佛母
Yidam or Deity;藏 lha;梵 deva:本尊
Yoga;藏 rnal 'byor:瑜伽,相應,合一
Yogī 或 yoginī;藏 rnal 'byor pa 或 rnal 'byor ma:瑜伽士或瑜伽女

於 2021年1月16日 (六) 08:27 的修訂

Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche (Tib. ལྕགས་མདུད་སྤྲུལ་སྐུ་, Wyl. lcags mdud sprul sku) (1930-2002), Padma Gargyi Wangchuk, was a renowned teacher of the Nyingma school. He was known and respected in the West for his teachings, and also for his melodic chanting voice, his artistry as a sculptor and painter, his limitless compassion, and his sense of humour. He was the source of treasured Nyingma lineage transmissions for the thousands of people whom he taught in North and South America, Asia, Australia, and Europe.


Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche was the fourteenth recognized Chagdud incarnation; and his root incarnation was Gyalwa Chokyang. Chagdud means 'iron knot', and is said to derive from one Sherab Gyaltsen, the first Chagdud incarnation, who folded an iron sword into a knot with his bare hands. This feat deeply impressed the emperor of Mongolia and inspired him to shower honours on Chagdud. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche demonstrated the same extraordinary power several times in his youth when he compressed stout swords into folds.

Early Life

He was born in the Tromtar region of Kham eastern Tibet in 1930. His father was Sera Kharpo, who was actually a lama in the Gelugpa school. His mother was Dawa Drolma, who was widely considered to be an emanation of Tara, and had a profound influence on her son's spiritual life.

By the time he was three years old he was recognized as the incarnation of the previous Chagdud Tulku, Chagdud Tenpé Gyaltsen, a Nyingmapa siddha from Chagdud Gonpa in Nyarong, and soon thereafter traveled to Temp'hel Gompa, a monastery about two or three days by horseback from Tromtar. As he recounts in his autobiography, The Lord Of The Dance:

“For the next seven years, until I went into three-year retreat at the age of eleven, my life would alternate between periods of strict discipline in which my every move would be under the surveillance of my tutors and interludes in which my suppressed energies would explode. Throughout, I had many visions, many clairvoyant experiences, many extraordinary dreams, and within these, I sometimes had glimpses of absolute open awareness.”

After this retreat he received numerous teachings, empowerments, and oral transmissions, from various spiritual masters, including Shechen Kongtrul, the Sixth Shechen Rabjam, Bathur Khenpo Thubga, Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, Arik Rinpoche and Tromge Trungpa Rinpoche, who told him that Tara meditation would be a primary source of accomplishment in his life.

In 1945 shortly after completing his first three year retreat he went to see Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö. From Chökyi Lodrö Rinpoche he received the Rinchen Tangyud empowerments, and caught his first glimpse of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, who was attending the empowerments. By 1946 he entered his second three year retreat, this time under the guidance of the Tromge Trungpa Rinpoche. Near the conclusion of this retreat, the death of Tromge Trungpa forced him to leave before its completion. He then returned to Chagdud Gonpa in Nyarong, and after staying there for awhile, proceeded on a pilgrimage to Lhasa with an entourage of monks. He then did an extended retreat at Samye, the monastery built by Guru Padmasambhava, and afterwards attended empowerments given by Dudjom Rinpoche, who would become a main teacher as well as a source of spiritual inspiration for him.

After this in 1957 he stayed for a year in Lhasa, Tibet, in the same household as Polu Khenpo Dorje, whom he regarded as his root lama.

During 1958, his last year in Tibet, Chagdud Tulku was advised to marry in order that he would have a companion and helper in the unsettled times to come. He later wed Karma Drolma, the daughter of a wealthy landowner in Kongpo. Later on in exile in India, they would have a son and a daughter, Jigme Tromge Rinpoche and Dawa Lhamo Tromge.

Life in Exile from Tibet

Following Tibet's invasion by China in 1959, Chagdud Tulku escaped along with Polu Khenpo Dorje to India, after enduring hunger, and many close calls, where it looked like they would not make it out. His route took him through Pemakö region of Tibet, and his party came out from there into the Nagaland area of India.

In India Rinpoche lived in a number of Tibetan refugee resettlement camps─Kalimpong, Orissa, Dalhousie, Bir, and Delhi. He practiced Tibetan medicine, and was much in demand as his fellow refugees had trouble coping with the heat, and subtropical diseases found in India.

A year or two after his arrival in India, Rinpoche entered a retreat in Tso Pema, a lake sacred to Guru Rinpoche, located near the city of Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. At this location he met Changchub Dorje, a primary disciple of Apang Tertön and a lineage holder of this great treasure revealer's Red Tara cycle. Changchub Dorje gave him empowerments for the Red Tara cycle, and then he re-entered into retreat and signs of accomplishment in the practices came very swiftly. Later, when he began teaching in the West, Red Tara sadhana would become the meditation most extensively practiced by his Western students.

While he was living in Bir, circumstances there gradually led to an estrangement with Karma Drolma, and eventually they separated.

After giving a teaching in Kulu Manali, the Dalai Lama extended an invitation for Rinpoche to go to the United States and teach, contingent upon him getting a visa. It was at this time that he moved to Delhi, and lived in Majnukatilla, a Tibetan Camp on the banks of the Jamuna river. The process of trying to get a visa went on for three years, and was ultimately unsuccessful. During this time period he met his first Western students, but he also caught malaria and nearly died, and was saved by an Indian doctor who finally made the correct diagnosis of what was ailing him.

In the fall of 1977 empowerment cycles were given in Kathmandu, Nepal by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche in order to propagate the sacred lineages to a new generation. Chagdud Tulku decided to travel there in order to receive all the empowerments of the Dudjom treasures from Dudjom Rinpoche. Hundreds of tulkus, scholars, yogis and lay practitioners gathered at Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche's monastery for these empowerments. About his experience he says this in his autobiography:

“ During my stay in Nepal I received empowerments and oral transmissions for all the treasures he had discovered in this life and in his previous life as Dudjom Lingpa. It was a wealth of practices whose splendor is unsurpassed, and deep within me I formed the aspiration to offer this transmission to others through empowerment and teaching.”

While attending them Chagdud Tulku met an older lama from Western Tibet, Lama Ladakh Nono, who was known for doing mirror divinations. He subsequently did a mirror divination for Chagdud and told him he should go to the West and benefit many people there by teaching the Dharma. He also predicted that a Western woman would come into his life and that this would be good.

He continued to stay in Nepal on into 1978 in order to attend a new series of empowerments in the Chokling Tersar cycle given by His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. It was while attending one of these empowerments, that a Western woman, Jane Dedman (later to become Chagdud Khadro), approached Chagdud Rinpoche with the offering of a white scarf and a jar of honey. Afterwards he invited her to lunch, and shortly after this he gave her some teachings. A month or so later he accepted her offer to serve as his attendant in retreat after the empowerments. This retreat lasted for several months, after which Dudjom Rinpoche among other things suggested Chagdud go to America to teach.

Life in the West

After many months of waiting he was finally granted a visa and landed in San Francisco on Oct. 24, 1979. Shortly after this, he married Jane in South Lake Tahoe, California. The early years of his teaching in the Americas was spent in Eugene, and Cottage Grove, Oregon. In 1983, at the request of his students, he established Chagdud Gonpa Foundation. He soon ordained his first lama, a Western woman named Inge Sandvoss, as Lama Yeshe Zangmo.

Additionally in the time period of 1980 through 1987 he traveled widely and gave many teachings, accompanied by his translator, Tsering Everest. He invited many other renowned Lamas such as Dudjom Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, and Kyabje Penor Rinpoche to Oregon where they bestowed many empowerments and teachings. He also helped set up Padma Publishing which eventually published his two books: The Lord of the Dance, and Gates to Buddhist Practice. With the assistance of Richard Barron, Padma Publishing also began the monumental task of translating from Tibetan into English, Longchenpa's Seven Treasuries, of which four volumes have been published to date.

In 1987 he returned to Tibet for the first time since 1959. He traveled to Kham, visiting the three monasteries of his youth, and actually bestowed empowerments to the monastic staff there. His son, Jigme Tromge Rinpoche, traveled with him to Tibet and the next year immigrated to the United States, entering a three year retreat a few months after his arrival. Then in 1988 after land was acquired in the Trinity Alps of Northern California, the main seat of Chagdud Gonpa Foundation was created there as Rigdzin Ling.

Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, Sogyal Rinpoche, Trulshik Rinpoche and Nyoshul Khenpo in Maratika cave, 1991.

It was here that Chagdud Tulku offered the empowerments and oral transmissions of the Dudjom Treasures in 1991, and several years later, of the supreme Dzogchen cycle, Nyingtik Yabshyi.

In 1992 he received an invitation to teach in Brazil and he would become a pioneer insofar as spreading the Dharma in South America. Throughout the 1990s he maintained an extensive teaching schedule, put many of his senior students into three year retreats, and helped to establish many Chagdud Gonpa centers throughout the Western Hemisphere. These include, more than 38 Dharma centers under Chagdud Tulku's supervision and inspiration, in America, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Switzerland and Australia. The best known are Rigdzin Ling in Junction City, California and Khadro Ling, his main center in Três Coroas, Brazil.

In all his teachings he was known for stressing pure motivation in doing spiritual practice. He once wrote, "In the course of my Buddhist training, I have received teachings on many philosophical topics and meditative methods. Of all teachings, I find none more important than pure motivation. If I had to leave only one legacy to my students, it would be the wisdom of pure motivation. If I were to be known by one title, it would be the 'motivation lama.'" (Chagdud, 1992)

In this context ‘pure motivation’ means the cultivation of bodhichitta, which is the enlightened intent of doing practice for the benefit of oneself, and all other sentient beings.

In 1995 he moved to Khadro Ling, in Río Grande do Sul, Brazil, and it became the main seat of his Dharmic activities, for the rest of his life. In 1996 the first Brazilian Dzogchen retreat took place at Khadro Ling and a large Guru Rinpoche statue was created there. In the next few years, he traveled in South America, giving teachings in Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile, in addition to different parts of Brazil. He also continued to travel to his centers in the United States, and made frequent visits to Nepal, a return to Chagdud Gompa in eastern Tibet and a visit to mainland China. During this same time period, in addition to leading drupchens and month long Dzogchen retreats, he also trained his students in the sacred arts of sculpture and painting, as well as ritual dance, chanting, and music.

In 1998, construction began on the lha khang (temple) of Khadro Ling. In July 1998, the empowerments of the Taksham Treasures were bestowed by Tertön Namkha Drimé in the still incomplete temple. This temple was followed by an enormous prayer wheel project, perhaps the largest in the Western Hemisphere, then eight magnificent stupas, and a monumental statue of Akshobhya Buddha. In the same period, in Pharping, Nepal, Rinpoche built a new retreat center where eight people began training according to the Katok tradition under Kyabjé Getse Tulku (the fourth incarnation of Gyurme Tsewang Chokdrup).

While Chagdud Rinpoche kept up a tremendous amount of Dharmic actvity, in the last few years of his life he was somewhat slowed down by diabetes, and in 1997, he entered a clinic and was diagnosed with a serious heart condition. In the last year of his life Rinpoche's body began to sabotage his outer activities. He tired more easily, and travel became difficult. In 2002, he cancelled a trip to the United States, which had been scheduled for October, and instead entered strict retreat.

In the last week of his life, he concluded this retreat on Tuesday, November 12th, worked with a student artist to complete a statue of Amitabha, talked with many of his students, and led a training in phowa (transference of consciousness at the moment of death) for more than two hundred people. He continued teaching with great vigor until about 9 pm on Saturday night November 16th. Then on Sunday morning of the 17th, at about 4:15 am, Brazilian daylight time, he suffered massive heart failure while sitting up in bed.

After this, Rinpoche remained in a state of meditation for almost six full days. The ability to remain in meditation after the breath stops is known as tukdam (Wyl. thugs dam). His son Jigme Tromge Rinpoche described this in a release to the Brazilian press:

“After his last breath, my father remained in a state of meditation for almost six full days that prevented the usual deterioration of his body. The ability to remain in a state of meditation after the breath stops is well known among great Tibetan masters, but circumstances have rarely allowed it to occur in the West. Chagdud Rinpoche remained sitting in a natural, lifelike meditation posture, with little visible change of color or expression. During that time, no one touched his body.
Until the sixth day, Friday, November 22rd, Rinpoche showed no physical signs that his meditation had ended. In the interim we were in constant consultation with a lawyer and other officials about local customs and regulations. Friday midday, his meditation ended and his mind separated from his body. Within hours, his appearance changed. He took on the signs typical of those occurring within the first 24 hours of death.”

Afterwards his kudung (the physical body) was flown to Kathmandu, Nepal, and then to the retreat center in Pharping. During the forty-nine days that followed, Getse Tulku Rinpoche and Jigme Tromge Rinpoche led ceremonies in Pharping, to purify inauspicious circumstances to Rinpoche's rebirth and to generate great merit through offerings and practice.

A year later on the full moon of December 8, 2003, Rinpoche's cremation was held on Jigme Rinpoche's land in Pharping, with Katok Moktsa Rinpoche, one of the highest lamas of Katok Gompa, serving as vajra master. Hundreds of Rinpoche's students gathered, to mourn the loss of his direct physical presence, and made prayers and offerings for his eventual rebirth.

His principal successors, Lama Drimed Norbu, his wife Chagdud Khadro and his son Jigme Tromge Rinpoche continue to teach and carry on Chagdud Rinpoche's many projects and practices.

In 2010, Jigme Tromge Rinpoche announced that the tulku of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche had been recognized by Khenpo Ngagchung of Nyoshul Gonpa in Tibet.

Chagdud Pure Vision Treasures

  • Wrathful Guru
  • Seven-Eyed Red Tara
  • Padma Dakini
  • Green Tara
  • White Umbrella Dakini


  • Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, Lord of the Dance: Autobiography of a Tibetan Lama, Padma Publishing. (October 1, 1992) ISBN 1-881847-00-4
  • Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, Gates to Buddhist Practice: Essential Teachings of a Tibetan Master, Padma Publishing (July 1, 1993) ISBN 1-881847-02-0
  • Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, Life In Relation To Death, Padma Publishing, 2nd edition. (January 1, 2000) ISBN 1-881847-11-X

Other Publications

  • Chagdud Tulku, Change of Heart: The Bodhisattva Peace Training of Chagdud Tulku, Padma Publishing 2003 ISBN 1881847349
  • Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche and Jane Tromge, Ngondro Commentary: Instructions for the Concise Preliminary Practices of the New Treasure of Dudjom ISBN 1881847063

External links

Rigpa Wiki

Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

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